Where’s the femboy option?
Top right?
No that’s furies
Top right is accepting of all fetishists. Hell, we probably invented a few you haven’t even heard of yet.
Lower left because he is most adjacent to a low-level programmer
potentially any of them
What if there is a secret fifth option that is the son of a car dealer?
Thats you in the upper left after your fifth DUI and second divorce.
Hey now, the felons I work with are all cool dudes just trying to rebuild their lives.
The sons of car dealers are all working in the main office trying to fuck up our lives.
Yeah, I have much more respect for someone trying to rebuild from nothing than some chamber of commerce, yacht club douche.
Felons can try to make amends. Troy just makes Jager bombs at the office and passes at the 19yo receptionist.
And before that it’s lower left.
Is this a kid Rock joke?
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Hey! I don’t fit into this mold! I’m the guy from the Midwest who left the Midwest, went to Hollywood, had some decent success but not enough to justify staying in such an expensive part of the country (with a baby), moved back to the Midwest, did a bunch of shit jobs that used the skills I learned when in L.A. and now can’t work.
So… um… yay me?
I believe that is the bottom right
Are you calling me a Juggalo, sir, madam or nonbinary person? Because I have dueled with pistols over less!
It’s not necessarily a bad thing to be a juggalo, though. I’d say they’re pretty similar to furries. Though, that’s a guess since I’m not part of either group.
I would hang out with a random juggalo over a random furry. There is a higher chance that the furry enjoys abusing animals, while juggalos typically only abuse their own brain cells.
Animal abusers aren’t furries. Conflating them is unhealthy for both
I am aware that not all furries are animal abusers. An uncomfortable amount of them are, unfortunately. Some of the most prominent furry ‘celebrities’ have been outed as zoophiles and predators, and they still have had a fanbase and are allowed to attend cons afterwards.
That being said, I am just making a dark joke. One of my good friends is a furry who calls out and protests zoophiles in the furrydom. Most furries are pretty wholesome. I just don’t think we should hide the fact that a part of that community were drawn to it because they are sexually attracted to animals.
I was mostly being facetious. I’m sure most of them are perfectly nice people like in most groups.
I have certainly met my share of friendly furries.
Lol I originally read your comment as “I’m sure one of them are perfectly nice”
If you don’t feel like you fit into any of those four above categories, you’re gonna have to take your own picture of the aimless mayhem you’ve made of your life you described up there and make a fifth category.
What roles did you play?
Without giving too much away, for a couple of examples, I did some VO work for Hanna-Barbera soon before Warner Bros. shut them down and (this will really show my age) a PS2 game.
Well as an avowed fan of every voice actor ever, thanks for your work, and now I will forever be speculating on the pitch and timbre you might have delivered.
Why thank you. I’d tell you more, but I give way too much information about myself around here as it is. Someone could pretty easily figure out who I am. I probably shouldn’t make it easier on them.
maybe bottom middle then somewhere between those two
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered! My life is my own.
You are number 6!
I am not a number, I am a free man!
(awesome bass line and guitar riffs start)
Your response is exactly how I expect a Juggalo to respond, tho
I’m not from the Midwest, but juggalo for life
What even are juggalos? Like i know they’re fans of ICP but is there anything more than that? Do they have any unifying beliefs or are they just ICP fans?
They are a robust subculture, Woop Woop! There is lots of interesting info on this group online, although I’m not able to link atm, sorry!
I thought they were a fictional group created by the series Inside Job. I had never heard of them and thought “lol clowns and rap together is so random, very creative!” Today I learned it’s an actual thing…
They worship magnets.
I don’t know. But I’m down with the clown and I’m down for life, yo
“Homies” explains it too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCJ_e76mz6Q
I dunno though, I just listen to the music.
My cousin is a full fledged juggalo. I don’t personally get it. I’m antisocial anyway, but the lifestyle is just bizarre to me. It isn’t for me I guess, but I’m for people being happy and doing what they love no matter what it. I don’t need to get it.
He loves the lifestyle. That man has travelled all across the country couch surfing with complete strangers. It seems to me that almost any juggalo will invite another juggalo into his home like they are a huge extended family.
He’s had some wild life experiences that I could only dream of.
A lot of Juggalos take the Juggalo Family thing very seriously.
Doesn’t describe all of the fans, but think about it for a sec - think like the biggest stereotype of a Juggalo. Fucked up home life, outcast at school, not well educated, hopeless feeling, more than average chance they’ve been homeless or dangerously close to it, etc. Then offer them some semblance of feeling like they belong to something, as they are, and are part of something like a family.
For a lot of people, that’s powerful fucking stuff, and most of the Juggalos I know are there for it (whether these were their circumstances, or not) and act accordingly.
Fuckin’ love Juggalos. There’s a demo cd or something for The Wraith album that has a track that pretty much sums this stuff up, imo, if I find it I’ll leave the link. Edit: Found it. Strongly recommend anyone who doesn’t quite get this stuff listen: https://youtu.be/N-i8YX0W_88?
My cousin (actually double first cousin, so almost a brother biologically. His mom is my mom’s sister and his dad is my dad’s brother) had a fuuuucked up childhood.
His father was a severe alcoholic and abandoned him. I wasn’t allowed around his dad as a kid. I have two memories of him from when I was a kid. One time he bounced the muscles in his arms and legs and told my brother and I he had live frogs under his skin. In the other memory, he chased my father with a chainsaw and jumped through a window in an attempt to kill him. My father doesn’t associate with most of his family. My father abandoned me too, but I had a mom and a step dad who did their best.
His mother had him until he started school. She dropped him and is 1 year old sister off with my grandparents and disappeared. She popped back in when he was a teenager. I mean, she was around before that, but she tried to be a mom when he was around 15.
He thought his father didn’t even think about him. When I was in the 7th grade and he was in 5th grade, we snuck into the attic of my grandparents’ house to sneak a cigarette. We were snooping and found a box full of unopened letters from his father. Neither of us were even allowed to have pictures of our dads.
His dad had written him a letter at least once a month all of his life despite never getting a reply. That broke something in him. He went from thinking that he had a father who didn’t care at all to the harsh realization that our grandparents hid letters from him. The only people who loved him, in his world, had betrayed him in the worst way.
We sat there bawling our eyes out reading those letters. He found out he had two half siblings, Michael and Rebecca. His father had sent him pictures of every stage of their lives. Turns out that despite his problems, the woman he had his next two kids with had it worse and abandoned him to raise them as a single father.
I’m crying typing this. Lord.
Next day at school, he had a binder with their pictures glued on the front. He wrote underneath the photos. “Michael and Becca, I love them both.” He had never met them, but had read about their first words, their first steps, favorite foods, the ways in which they reminded their father of him. Goddamn.
I didn’t know anyone from my father’s family but him, and we were close all of our lives. We learned to play music together, wrote songs together, we did everything together.
I didn’t understand his interest in the whole juggalo thing when that came up and I thought it was cringe as fuck. I don’t feel that way now. As bad as I had it, he had it worse. When I was a kid I could only focus on my problems. My grandparents had it together. They had a nice house, money, and nice lives. I was dirt poor. I had nothing. I thought he got lucky and I envied him for having a real home to grow up in.
Only as an adult did I see that he had it worse than me. My mom had problems, but she was there. No one lied to me about my father. My father legit didn’t care, and even though he was doing better than my uncle, he didn’t write me any letters. Shit, I contact him today and he might reply three months from now. My cousin was lied to. He was told that his father a worthless drunk who didn’t care and didn’t even try. I’d rather learn that was true than learn they’d hid my father’s love from me.
My grandma died two days ago. I should message my cousin. Goddamn I’m mad at myself that I haven’t yet. Didn’t even cross my mind. Fuck.
But yeah, I can’t relate to the juggalos, but I get it. I get where they’re coming from.
You may not be into the music and culture - and that’s cool - but you definitely get it.
Thank you for sharing this - sounds like it was a hard, but necessary, thing for you to write. Send your cousin that text man, I’m sure he’d appreciate it.
i believe they’re furries but for clowns
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Bottom left, House of the Nerd. We are happy to count him amongst our members.
75% bottom left, 20% top left, 5% bottom right
Where’s the mullet, with Van Halen and Aerosmith and Skynyrd?
The top two
Can’t I be both nerd and juggalo?
You either know how magnets work or you don’t. There is no in-between.
It’s like a di-pole, two opposites separated by distance.
Well, I guess I’m not a Juggalo. Magic isn’t everywhere.
No, pick one
I could be a nugg… nevermind, this is a situation where I don’t win. Nerd.
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I’ll allow it.
And yet all 4 drink Faygo Rock n Rye
Of course we do, it’s the nectar of the gods.
Damn I really want some Rock n Rye now.
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I believe you have my stapler.
I find myself between left top and bottom. Working a manual labor job and still going nowhere in life.
I’m the top left :)
Apparently 6000 of the guys in first pane killed themselves in the US last year
I dunno if the next pane is doing any better
If those are the only options, I am choosing juggalo