Pour one out for the poor souls that are bald and now really good at folding fitted sheets.
Mad respect.
I stuff the fitted sheet in a pillowcase, as the lord intended. Hair color please!
As a grey-hair, the latter.
I don’t really care to change my hair color so I’m going for sheet folding
Wrinkly old thing with shiny luscious hair will look weird, no thanks. What do you even get out of it?
One less housekeeping annoyance? Yes, please!
Hair color. I don’t care if my sheets are folded or just stuffed on a shelf.
Fitted sheets all the way. I can color my hair far better than I can fold a fuckin fitted sheet. Besides, I’m graying early and have this badass streak in the front.
I don’t fold fitted sheets. I keep them on my bed until they wear through too much and then I throw them out.
Don’t underestimate how much hair factors in looking young. I’m taking that one. My sheets can stay a mess for all I care.
You’re not getting extra hair, just the color change
Unless youre talking about greying. Completely forgot old people exist for a moment
Man, I already aced that skill back in my working days an a nurse’s assistant.
I’ll take the infinite shades of brown
I’d go with fitted sheets ability.
I have ‘dirty blonde’ hair, so I already live in a world where no one can decide or agree on what shade of brown or blonde it is or isn’t.
The hair. I already dye my hair for cosplay, this will just make it easier.
I must confess I went to your profile to check out any cosplay you had done. Nothing there :(
This is not a cosplay account ;)
First. Never bothered about changing hair colour for any reason.
Who cares about sheets? I’ll change my hair color in rapid, undulating patterns, that will be a cool party trick and conversation starter.
You know what else is a party trick that would start conversations …
Hair color, fitted sheets aren’t hard! You just make ghost hands with the corners, put them together, then fold like normal.
I already know how to fold fitted sheets. It’s not that hard after you watch a YouTube video or two. I’ll take the hair thing.