The radio and headlights don’t work at the same time, and I added more battery and lost power steering when turning left. Someone wrote navigation to avoid lefts though, so it’s all good.
To be fair, that is how windows have started to become.
Linux would be more of a motorcycle, hard to control but all the power is there.
And it doesn’t prevent you from doing a stupid and the stupid will hurt.
Gotta keep the numberplate however, it’s perfect!
Increase Overclock
Enable feral mode
Set Proton to GE
Say a prayer to Vulkan
Reinstall GPU drivers because 🖕fuck you Nvidia.
Totally accurate but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love to tinker with tech.
Same. If you have a regular car like everyone else that just works, then this one would be the weird cool tinker project just for the heck of it.
Honestly? Based. I’ve always thought that the idea of building a car at home sounded kick-ass.
This looks exactly like the ads for electric car conversions in the back of my dad’s Mother Earth News from the 80s
Awesome. Where do I get one?
Sign me up!
Don’t forget everything is better with Rust.
Memes that hurt the image of Linux makes me sad.
LOL it doesn’t hurt Linux, have a sense of humor :)
The people this image deters from linux shouldnt use it anyway