That’s it? I’ve work jeans in 32°C
Same in 39°
US here. I wish we’d switch to metric. It makes so much sense.
The degree of variability describing temps in Celsius makes me cringe.
If we had to stick with imperial to avoid your goofy temps, I’d have a tough decision to make.
I love Celsius for scientific means.
I love Fahrenheit for outdoor temps at a glance. Below 0 and above 100 are the areas where you could die from being outside too long unprepared.
In Celsius it’s … below -17 and above 37… wat
That’s kind of arbitrary though, and very dependent on humidity.
The degree of variability describing temps in Celsius
I don’t know what you mean by that.
They mean it’s not as precise or relatable as farenheit for talking about the weather. Like in farenheit 0 is cold and 100 is hot. Also more precise from one degree to the next. I just assumed that’s what they mean from reading this topic many times before, but I don’t agree with it, I can kind of understand, but the relatable part is just based on what you’re used to, and the precision is moot, you can go after the decimal point in Celsius if you need further precision, which you really don’t when talking about the weather anyway.
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That’s what I said in the second half of my comment ;)
My zip offs come off well before then.
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“When it’s 80…”
“Good lord! It’s eighty degrees outside! Twenty degrees more and water is boiling! and you’re messing with your pant legs, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
80° very good angle, yes
It’s not right though
That’s a very obtuse pun.
What’s the joke? Cos I only get 17.4% of it.
After thousands of steps I’d like to have removable legs. To put them into the freezer until tomorrow and wake up to them ready for another round of abuse.
I’ve wanted to invent modular clothing where a lot of the pieces are interchangeable so you just zip off the legs and zip them to your shirt on case your arms are cold but your legs aren’t.
…are your arms and legs the same length!?
No, that’s why you have to have a bunch of different modules to reconfigure. I do have relatively long arms though.
Okay so I was going to post a link to a Lego set as a joke but I can’t remember the name of the theme. It was this set where these aliens could shape shift by swapping their arms and legs with other aliens. The joke being that arms and legs were interchangeable.
You could then simply zip off some more from your belly fabric and append-zip it on your arms. Or if you’re even colder, zip it on your neck to get a polo neck. Hell, ideas are coming in!
Isn’t that just a wardrobe with extra steps ?
I mean the ratio between your armspan and your height are 1:1 so it wouldn’t be that far of
Look into techwear, some of what you mentioned is integrated
The modular clothing thing is mostly a running joke between friends and I, but yeah that makes sense that techwear stuff would have that.
Better yet, when they’re wearing those wide sleeve hole tank tops and you get a peek at the man tiddy while peeping those shoulder muscles
this was a new sentence…
Coulda just said “I cannot view men as hot” and saved yourself from sounding silly
It wasn’t until I read this that I realized that your first comment wasn’t a joke. Cringe.
Hot take: I think guys wearing those tanktops look like fucking idiots.
Even better
Key point to remember for men like me -
This only applies to men who are at least somewhat attractive.
If we go out there and do that, we’ll be arrested
Federating was a mistake lmaooo
Correct, who let the tankie out of their echo chamber?
Gross, who let the Hexbearian in here? Now we have to fumigate.
Eh. I don’t buy it.
Wait, are zip-off pant legs not high fashion?
It’s an on off fashion thing.
How can pant legs be high fashion?
They’re low fashion.
I have 2 pairs of those pants, but they are my fishing pants. That means I wear them while chopping a path to a fishing spot. Then I zip the legs off and go for a swim when it gets too hot to fish. They are also made from a material that dries really fast.
But they are purely utilitarian. My partner thinks I look like a dork in them. But they aren’t there when I zip the legs off and get all sexy alone in the woods. Lol.
Ron Stampler approves
He doesn’t even wear pants though. Now, if the ladies saw someone wearing “cool guy” underwear…
He doesn’t now. But for one glorious episode, Beth accidentally switched to shorts and then justified it by saying they were tearaways.
Gotta show off that calf striation.
If only men could be convinced to wear leggings in the summer 😔
I wear long pants year-round. Even when I worked as a greenskeeper at a golf course.