Almost as good as Lichtman’s keys!

      2285 months ago

      Nah, it’s just kids parroting their parents views. I did the same thing as a child, and I’m about as far left as you can get as an adult.

          • jcq
            35 months ago

            Some of us are trying our best in those random swing states

            15 months ago

            I actually expect Harris to win by a larger amount than any of the polls are showing. Regardless of polls, I think a lot of the Republicans are simply not going to go out and vote this election, while I think the potential Democrat voters have a strong urge. I’m betting a few unexpected seats will flip blue because of it as well.

            Why? Trump has done nothing but polarize his base and many Republicans who would never actually vote for a Democrat, still won’t want to show up and face the aspect of voting for trump.

              45 months ago

              I think a lot of the Republicans are simply not going to go out and vote this election, while I think the potential Democrat voters have a strong urge

              Don’t worry, republicans and their tankie allies are doing everything to make everyone think about the genocide in Israel, rather than how much worse the genocide in Israel could be under Trump.

              Democrats might actually have a lower turnaround this time around.

      • flicker
        105 months ago

        The thing about this is, I was a kid in 1996 when Bill Clinton ran against Bob Dole.

        Our whole elementary school had a big educational event about the election. Bob Dole and Bill Clinton both sent personalized videos to our schools, explaining what they stood for, and we had a mock election.

        My grade overwhelmingly went for Bill Clinton. (I want to say, he had a very easy-to-understand platform regarding the importance of education, and the impact it would have on us, the future electorate. And Bob Dole was… Bob Dole.)

        Did I mention I grew up in a very Roman Catholic, very hardcore Republican house? That I grew up in Oklahoma, a red state?

        I wasn’t the only kid standing up to my parents over the results!

        I guess what I’m saying is, if the children are aware, and still choosing Trump, we need to know why. Kids don’t have a problem voting against their parents, as long as they understand the issues. And if they don’t understand the role they play in their country, we should be extending further education.

        I really think that we are failing our children. Our educational system is disgraceful.

        45 months ago

        And Nickelodeon is where Paw Patrol is, so higher than average right wing subscribers?

        I hope anyway. I wonder what a Disney kids poll would end up as. Or a PBS Kids poll.

    • ThePowerOfGeek
      1125 months ago

      It wouldn’t be an electoral college in this case. It would be an electoral… middle school?

      205 months ago

      They’re still looking into it. There is currently some debate about some ‘hanging Cheetos’ and they’re going to ask Mom and Dad to clarify some wording.

      • misterdoctor
        145 months ago

        Helga Pataki* is demanding they recount Florida

        *No I cannot make a more current Nickelodeon reference

        115 months ago

        Can confirm. Had a 16 year old work part time with me for a few weeks over the summer. Pretty cool kid, but yeah… Trump came up a couple times and both times he just repeated the bullshit that he’d heard from his parents. Sad shit.

      5 months ago

      The worst part is knowing that they’re (most likely) just listening to the loudest voter in their household even if other opinions manage to exist in their family.

      I only remembered my dad talking about Bush or scoffing at this or that “donkey” thing so I thought it was Bush and the elephants I was supposed to like. I know I would have voted as such in something like this because I didn’t know any better at 6-8 years old, although I’m not finding the kids’ age ranges in this mock election. Anyway, I still didn’t know any better in junior high, I remember voting for Bush again in a 7th grade social studies poll on the 2004 elections. I recall the teacher saying even the results amongst one class were usually a pretty accurate reflection of the actual election results, right down to the goob who voted for Nader.

      It took me going to college in the purplest damn section of a pretty red state for me to come to terms with what I actually believed and felt about people and politics. Further education was definitely key, and intertwined with that, it opened me up to people. Just talking to people in an environment where you’re all on essentially the same operating level day to day is huge.

      My dad kept doing his thing in the small town where everyone knew everyone and somehow managed to sleep with everyone, too. He turned into a Trumper. I did my thing and I admit, it took me a lot of those four years of working on projects and getting pissed about loans together but really just enjoying life with a modestly diverse, pretty tolerant student body (still a lot of white raised-as-protestant types) to undo the damage of a conservatively skewed and Catholic childhood. But I can tell you that by 2014 I was annoyed at myself for not caring about the 2012 election, this first time I could vote. And you can guess I most certainly never even considered supporting Trump or any of the terrible things he represents when he suddenly-to-me showed up.

      Would it make any reasonable sense for my dad to go to college at his age? No, probably not. But how do we get people to “simply” live around and be exposed to more people with relatively little prejudice in social status?

      Do we just … Idk where I’m going with this I got high but wait just a tick here did I just reason myself into communism fuckityshit

  • Wren
    455 months ago

    So, now we know why the conservatives are so hell-bent on defunding the education system In America…

    It’s for votes!

      25 months ago

      It’s also why they’re opposed to lead pipe removal. They’ll never admit it, but lead poisoning is a major contributor to why people are stupid enough to vote for them.

      205 months ago

      This is 90% just a proxy for how their parents will vote.

      Its only a very small portion of kids that age who are going to have substantially different views than their parents (not that they don’t exist!)

      55 months ago

      The kind who never knew the world before he got into politics, and the kind who think the things he says are funny memes and want to sow chaos in a poll that doesn’t have any real weight. If they had to be serious, more of them probably would be, but it’s not unusual for kids to goof off and be chaotic when they know their voice doesn’t have direct influence on anything that matters.

    • Bakkoda
      45 months ago

      The people who voted for him in 2016 are raising kids. Once might even call it grooming but that’s a silly word.

        85 months ago

        I was an only child raised by a single mother, so I guess I have a relatively unique perspective. However, I’m pretty sure I knew both of those things were negative character traits from as early as I can remember.

          25 months ago

          The thing is the culture war has seeped into everything and these boys aren’t paying that close attention to politics, for them, it’s team Boys vs. team Girls