Microsoft needs more time to work on Recall.

    75 months ago

    When my PC loses support I’ll be on the Mac mini train. Would convert the box to Linux but my work apps aren’t supported sadface.

      25 months ago

      I’m asking this genuinely because I want to like apple. What do you do that you can’t on Linux or Windows? I love their hardware, I just don’t see a need for the software. (I want a MacBook air with Linux mint very badly)

        5 months ago

        I run windows, Linux and Mac boxes. The software I use for work will only run on windows and Mac, does not work well with any Linux virt windows app (though people are constantly trying). Windows is fine, I don’t particularly care for osx. I simply don’t like Microsoft attitude to me a user of their product.

        OSX allows me to disable most things. I’m sure it will get shittier as well, but for the moment it works as well as my current pc. I do like apple hardware, not a fan of iOS.

        25 months ago

        It’s the most highly optimised software available for consumer computers. Much easier when you support a very limited set of devices which you have compete hardware control over.

        It is UNIX so very similar to using Linux when you use a terminal.

        The UI is very polished and very stable. MacOS has not changed how the UI works or feels in a long time, during which windows and Linux (gnome/kde) have changed a lot. Both becoming more like MacOS. macOS has changed a little mostly features and styling.

        It has wide support, including support for priority programs that Linux does not. Apple appears and feels like they respect user privacy much better than Windows. You feel like you paid for the product and you are the customer. Unlike windows, where you pay to be exploited for data harvesting to the real customer advertisers. Apple is in many ways in between windows and Linux. Not as free and open, but not as exploitive and limited as windows. It’s a common misconception that MacOS is somehow locked down or walled off, it’s less locked down and walled off than windows. But like Linux it requires some terminal know how.

          25 months ago

          Not sure why I got downvoted for asking a genuine question…

          So my latest testing was Catalina. But I didn’t give it an honest go as it was a work laptop for emails.

          My last serious romp was 10.6.8, I looved 10.6.8 on the white plastic MacBook I had. I wish I could go back to that form factor.

          What is gaming like on mac now adays?

    • Destide
      15 months ago

      It’s ok they share a lot brew works in both, climate will be very familiar. I think Macs are getting their own version of proton that isn’t metal not sure though I don’t pay too much attention to apple but I’d say it makes perfect sense as a switch if your tools aren’t Linux supported

  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    35 months ago

    Microsoft is once again delaying the roll out of its controversial Recall feature for Copilot Plus PCs. The software giant had planned to start testing Recall, which creates screenshots of mostly everything you see or do on a Copilot Plus PC, with Windows Insiders in October. Now, Microsoft says it needs more time to get the feature ready.

    internet-delenda-est torvalds-nvidia

    • ComradeSharkfucker
      65 months ago

      came to this comment section to ask wtf Recall is bc I don’t use microsoft stuff. Glad to know it’s exactly as awful, if not worse, than I had imagined

      • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
        25 months ago

        It sounds like the “AI” is used to index a bunch of screenshots so you can ask it what you were doing this morning/yesterday or something? Potential major privacy issue aside, it’s another instance of the AI solution providing a really marginal benefit over what already existed. Windows 11 already had a list of every window/document you had open sorted by timestamps iirc. Which, also a potential privacy issue, but still more the point is this is a very marginal upgrade to what was already there. Although even on the privacy side, a memory of X document or folder being open at time Y is less of a potential breach than the contents of the document being visible and searchable.

    05 months ago

    Thankfully, I went 99% Micro$haft free quite some time ago. I have two machines with windows literally only to support some essential services and tools that only exist for Windows and and are not able to be virtualized. Other than that, I’m all Linux. I stopped caring how much more fuel they’ve added to their own dumpster fire a long time ago because everything they do now is virus, spyware, data harvesting and government spying. I miss the days when they sometimes put out something outstanding, like OneNote.

    -15 months ago

    Was anybody asking for this feature? Literally anybody? And now they want to force it on EVERYBODY??

    Fuck you Bill Gates you cunt.

    • Possibly linux
      45 months ago

      They have a plan to make huge amounts of money. That’s the only explanation.

      My guess it that they are going to do some sort of data harvesting and targeted advertising