I am overweight, on the BMI scale anyways.
But in an office setting, I’m rather normal sized. Put me in a line of 100 people, and I’m easily in the top 20 of not fat.
When I went to event in Europe and Asia, my God… I’m so fat. I was easily the fattest person at dinner, as I was ordering a meal and appetizers, then cleaning my plate.
Sadly the health effects aren’t relative. BMI isn’t perfect of course, but can at least serve as an indicator to check with a doctor if you’d benefit from a change
I was ordering a meal and appetizers, then cleaning my plate.
If your anecdote is true, start practicing self-control before this behavior kills you.
No one gets out of this alive, but health complications due to gluttony is an awful way to go. Normally, I’d not care so much, but now at 41, I’ve known several that died because of their eating.
Have you considered joining the gravy seals?
I feel like I won the lottery as I am in my target weight. Only takes not eating the things I love and enjoy and exercise a bunch. So happy 😕
Some exercise is extremely good for most people though, even disregarding keeping a healthy weight
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It’s more people don’t know how to cook.
Spoiler: plucking frozen items from a cardboard box or plastic bag, laying them out on a half sheet, and defrosting them in the oven isn’t cooking. It’s defrosting and reheating.
[…] the condition health researchers refer to as “overweight” was defined as having a body mass index, or BMI, of 25 kilograms per square meter (kg/m²) to less than 30 kg/m² and obesity as a BMI of 30 kg/m² or higher.
What if you have someone who is really thin from the side but really fat from the front?
BMI is your weight divided by the square of your height
Someone who’s only half American?
That is the weirdest metric I can think of. The best I can come up with for myself is 46kg/square meter if I don’t crouch? So confusing. I weigh 20 lbs less than when I was completely ripped coming out of college. So I’ve lost muscle, and lost most fat I have ever gained. Guess I’m obese.
Only 208 million?
Out of 335 million, or 62%.
I know, I was thinking more like 70-75%…
It takes a lot of bad nutrition to make children obese
Not necessarily… It takes food deserts and poverty.
If mom and dad can’t afford to go anywhere but McDonalds, it’s going to happen.
It’s statistically way less likely.
But also anecdotally, I have seen way too many kids sustained on McDonald’s or worse, and they often remain a healthy weight.
What’s going on nutrient wise is hard to tell, but it’s not easy to make a kid fat. You have to really impress some bad eating habits on them to make it happen.
Yeah. Only 60% of our entire population. Lol. We should be cutting health insurance for fat people instead of poor people. The % of coverage you get is scaled with your % of body fat. Let the rest of the fat fucks die natural fat causes. /s
Nah, we should be hauling insurance and healthcare executives out into the streets for creating this dystopian situation so they could make their quarterly bonuses for a couple decades.