Got Baba is You during last sales
Awesome brain killer.
Grim Dawn; ARPG from 2016, currently on sale for a few $ on steam. Very well rated with solid story, mechanics, and campaign focus (instead of more on seasons and grind).
Very good ARPG with tons of depth to build making and a nice dark fantasy theme. One half of my favorite Diablo-likes, the other being the much simpler and more casual Torchlight 2.
Especially co-op, Torchlight was fantastic. Basically all of the right QoL implementations so everything was just about having fun.
My two favourites as well. I never made it far in Torchlight 2 though, once I started getting further in; Grim Dawn came along.
I just purchased Grim Dawn this morning. It’s on deep discount and I figured it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if I didn’t get around to playing it for awhile. I haven’t started it up yet, got too many other things on my plate and several other games ahead in my queue of things I want to play.
I’ve been playing persona 5 Royal for the past 2 months, i’m finally in the last hours and loving as much as the start, can’t recommend this game more, it’s my favorite game so far
Are you sure they’re the last few hours? There’s like half a dozen final dungeons.
I do hope so, i know there’s still a good amount of content, but the game is finally starting to close up the main story, and 10/15 hours in a 100+ hours game is still the final hours for me
Will I enjoy Persona 5 if I didn’t like all the grinding in Persona 4? I liked the cutscenes, the characters, the gameplay, the music but at some point you just keep doing the same dungeon over and over again and I just quit there.
P5 ditches the procedurally generated dungeons, so each main dungeon feels different. There’s still a procedurally generated one to do side quests in, though.
As someone who plays on normal and try to rush the dungeons a best as i can, i haven’t really farm on this game up until now, but because of that some bosses are a real challenge with in my opinion is a great thing. And remember the easy mode is there for a reason, you don’t need to shy away from using if you just wanna to enjoy the story without dedicating too much in the battle system
Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles. I always liked the idea of Ys as a series, but couldn’t get into it, now I’m forcing myself.
Join us. Also this:
The website gives a non spoiler intro into the world of ys, as well the best order(s) to play rest of the games. Their discord is also active, if you have questions.
Ys 1 is my favorite game in the series, I hope you enjoy it too.
Installed GTA III yesterday, done the first few missions and plan to continue that tonight
For me that was the peak of the series. Absolutely great game
Bought the tomb raider games (the modern ones) earlier this year on sale, summer I want to say? Finally getting around to playing them
They’re pretty good and fun. Shadow starts to get to be a bit of a slog though, especially if you play each game right after the other. It’s still pretty good though, it has the best gameplay of the trilogy (you can FINALLY sprint in that one).
Not sure if it counts as a patient game, but I’ve just started Persona 3 Reload (the original game came out in 2006 and I never played it, so maybe that’s acceptable?)
I love how stylish everything is - the music, UI and animations. So pretty. The story has quite a different vibe from the other persona games I’ve played too.
Enjoy! The P3 experience is getting your team absolutely rocked by some pixie.
Halo: Reach with Gashnor’s Cursed Halo: Reach mod
Phoenix Wright: Justice for all on the ds
I just finished Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and started playing Balatro.
Other games in progress:
- Hogwarts Legacy
- A Hat in Time
- Lair of the Clockwork God
Marvel Overwatch
I played Zapper: One wicked cricket
I just started Mass Effect Legendary Edition a few weeks ago on steamdeck. I’m somewhere in ME2 currently and really enjoying it. I played the original ME back in the day but never finished it. This time I plan to finish the whole trilogy.
Hmm for patient games I’m playing now… Does Super Robot Wars V count? I feel like I’ve mentioned it in several weekly threads already. I’ll also mention NFSU2 with the modpack, then.
This week has been vacation. I haven’t played a single video game and instead I’ve been making a cosplay to match my vrchat model. It’s gonna be super cute!