• originalucifer
    382 months ago

    chronologically! def tng -> ds9

    worf/obrien start on the enterprise if i recall correctly.

    • @lugal@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      242 months ago

      I was nerd enough to make an table with all episodes of tng, ds9 and voy and ordered it by release date. They overlap with a short period of only DS9. Watching this order makes you realize some story lines containing two or even three series.

      • @SatyrSack@feddit.org
        2 months ago

        The full list is too long for a comment, so here is just where things start/end overlapping

        markdown table
        Series Episode Title
        TNG 6-10 Chain of Command: Part One
        TNG 6-11 Chain of Command: Part Two
        DS9 1-1 Emissary, Part I
        DS9 1-2 Emissary, Part II
        DS9 1-3 Past Prologue
        DS9 1-4 A Man Alone
        DS9 1-5 Babel
        TNG 6-12 Ship in a Bottle
        DS9 1-6 Captive Pursuit
        TNG 6-13 Aquiel
        DS9 1-7 Q-Less
        TNG 6-14 Face of the Enemy
        DS9 1-8 Dax
        TNG 6-15 Tapestry
        DS9 1-9 The Passenger
        TNG 6-16 Birthright: Part One
        TNG 6-17 Birthright: Part Two
        DS9 1-10 Move Along Home
        DS9 1-11 The Nagus
        TNG 6-18 Starship Mine
        TNG 6-19 Lessons
        DS9 1-12 Vortex
        DS9 1-13 Battle Lines
        TNG 6-20 The Chase
        DS9 1-14 The Storyteller
        TNG 6-21 Frame of Mind
        DS9 1-15 Progress
        TNG 6-22 Suspicions
        DS9 1-16 If Wishes Were Horses
        TNG 6-23 Rightful Heir
        DS9 1-17 The Forsaken
        TNG 6-24 Second Chances
        DS9 1-18 Dramatis Personae
        DS9 1-19 Duet
        TNG 6-25 Timescape
        DS9 1-20 In the Hands of the Prophets
        TNG 6-26 Descent: Part One
        TNG 7-1 Descent: Part Two
        DS9 2-1 The Homecoming (Part 1)
        TNG 7-2 Liaisons
        DS9 2-2 The Circle (Part 2)
        TNG 7-3 Interface
        DS9 2-3 The Siege (Part 3)
        TNG 7-4 Gambit: Part One
        DS9 2-4 Invasive Procedures
        TNG 7-5 Gambit: Part Two
        DS9 2-5 Cardassians
        TNG 7-6 Phantasms
        DS9 2-6 Melora
        TNG 7-7 Dark Page
        DS9 2-7 Rules of Acquisition
        TNG 7-8 Attached
        DS9 2-8 Necessary Evil
        TNG 7-9 Force of Nature
        DS9 2-9 Second Sight
        TNG 7-10 Inheritance
        DS9 2-10 Sanctuary
        TNG 7-11 Parallels
        DS9 2-11 Rivals
        DS9 2-12 The Alternate
        TNG 7-12 The Pegasus
        TNG 7-13 Homeward
        DS9 2-13 Armageddon Game
        TNG 7-14 Sub Rosa
        DS9 2-14 Whispers
        TNG 7-15 Lower Decks
        DS9 2-15 Paradise
        TNG 7-16 Thine Own Self
        DS9 2-16 Shadowplay
        TNG 7-17 Masks
        DS9 2-17 Playing God
        TNG 7-18 Eye of the Beholder
        DS9 2-18 Profit and Loss
        TNG 7-19 Genesis
        DS9 2-19 Blood Oath
        TNG 7-20 Journey’s End
        DS9 2-20 The Maquis, Part I
        TNG 7-21 Firstborn
        DS9 2-21 The Maquis, Part II
        TNG 7-22 Bloodlines
        DS9 2-22 The Wire
        TNG 7-23 Emergence
        DS9 2-23 Crossover
        TNG 7-24 Preemptive Strike
        DS9 2-24 The Collaborator
        TNG 7-25 All Good Things…
        TNG 7-26 All Good Things…
        DS9 2-25 Tribunal
        DS9 2-26 The Jem’Hadar
        DS9 3-1 The Search, Part I
        DS9 3-2 The Search, Part II
        DS9 3-3 The House of Quark
        DS9 3-4 Equilibrium
        DS9 3-5 Second Skin
        DS9 3-6 The Abandoned
        DS9 3-7 Civil Defense
        DS9 3-8 Meridian
        DS9 3-9 Defiant
        DS9 3-10 Fascination
        DS9 3-11 Past Tense, Part I
        DS9 3-12 Past Tense, Part II
        VOY 1-1 Caretaker
        VOY 1-2 Caretaker
        VOY 1-3 Parallax
        VOY 1-4 Time and Again
        DS9 3-13 Life Support
        DS9 3-14 Heart of Stone
        VOY 1-5 Phage
        VOY 1-6 The Cloud
        DS9 3-15 Destiny
        DS9 3-16 Prophet Motive
        VOY 1-7 Eye of the Needle
        DS9 3-17 Visionary
        VOY 1-8 Ex Post Facto
        VOY 1-9 Emanations
        VOY 1-10 Prime Factors
        VOY 1-11 State of Flux
        DS9 3-18 Distant Voices
        DS9 3-19 Through the Looking Glass
        DS9 3-20 Improbable Cause (Part 1)
        VOY 1-12 Heroes and Demons
        VOY 1-13 Cathexis
        DS9 3-21 The Die is Cast (Part 2)
        VOY 1-14 Faces
        DS9 3-22 Explorers
        VOY 1-15 Jetrel
        DS9 3-23 Family Business
        VOY 1-16 Learning Curve
        DS9 3-24 Shakaar
        DS9 3-25 Facets
        DS9 3-26 The Adversary
        VOY 2-1 The 37’s
        VOY 2-2 Initiations
        VOY 2-3 Projections
        VOY 2-4 Elogium
        VOY 2-5 Non Sequitur
        DS9 4-1 The Way of the Warrior, Part I
        DS9 4-2 The Way of the Warrior, Part II
        VOY 2-6 Twisted
        VOY 2-7 Parturition
        DS9 4-3 The Visitor
        DS9 4-4 Hippocratic Oath
        DS9 4-5 Indiscretion
        VOY 2-8 Persistence of Vision
        DS9 4-6 Rejoined
        DS9 4-7 Starship Down
        VOY 2-9 Tattoo
        DS9 4-8 Little Green Men
        VOY 2-10 Cold Fire
        VOY 2-11 Maneuvers
        DS9 4-9 The Sword of Kahless
        DS9 4-10 Our Man Bashir
        VOY 2-12 Resistance
        DS9 4-11 Homefront (Part 1)
        DS9 4-12 Paradise Lost (Part 2)
        VOY 2-13 Prototype
        VOY 2-14 Alliances
        DS9 4-13 Crossfire
        VOY 2-15 Threshold
        VOY 2-16 Meld
        DS9 4-14 Return to Grace
        DS9 4-15 Sons of Mogh
        VOY 2-17 Dreadnought
        DS9 4-16 Bar Association
        VOY 2-18 Death Wish
        VOY 2-19 Lifesigns
        DS9 4-17 Accession
        VOY 2-20 Investigations
        VOY 2-21 Deadlock
        VOY 2-22 Innocence
        DS9 4-18 Rules of Engagement
        DS9 4-19 Hard Time
        DS9 4-20 Shattered Mirror
        DS9 4-21 The Muse
        VOY 2-23 The Thaw
        DS9 4-22 For the Cause
        VOY 2-24 Tuvix
        DS9 4-23 To the Death
        VOY 2-25 Resolutions
        DS9 4-24 The Quickening
        VOY 2-26 Basics, Part I
        DS9 4-25 Body Parts
        DS9 4-26 Broken Link
        VOY 3-1 Basics, Part II
        VOY 3-2 Flashback
        VOY 3-3 The Chute
        VOY 3-4 The Swarm
        DS9 5-1 Apocalypse Rising
        VOY 3-5 False Profits
        DS9 5-2 The Ship
        VOY 3-6 Remember
        DS9 5-3 Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places
        DS9 5-4 …Nor the Battle to the Strong
        DS9 5-5 The Assignment
        VOY 3-7 Sacred Ground
        DS9 5-6 Trials and Tribble-ations
        VOY 3-8 Future’s End, Part I
        DS9 5-7 Let He Who Is Without Sin…
        VOY 3-9 Future’s End, Part II
        DS9 5-8 Things Past
        VOY 3-10 Warlord
        DS9 5-9 The Ascent
        VOY 3-11 The Q and the Grey
        VOY 3-12 Macrocosm
        DS9 5-10 Rapture
        DS9 5-11 The Darkness and the Light
        VOY 3-13 Fair Trade
        VOY 3-14 Alter Ego
        DS9 5-12 The Begotten
        VOY 3-15 Coda
        DS9 5-13 For the Uniform
        VOY 3-16 Blood Fever
        DS9 5-14 In Purgatory’s Shadow (Part 1)
        VOY 3-17 Unity
        DS9 5-15 By Inferno’s Light (Part 2)
        VOY 3-18 Darkling
        DS9 5-16 Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
        VOY 3-19 Rise
        VOY 3-20 Favorite Son
        DS9 5-17 A Simple Investigation
        DS9 5-18 Business as Usual
        VOY 3-21 Before and After
        DS9 5-19 Ties of Blood and Water
        DS9 5-20 Ferengi Love Songs
        VOY 3-22 Real Life
        DS9 5-21 Soldiers of the Empire
        VOY 3-23 Distant Origin
        DS9 5-22 Children of Time
        VOY 3-24 Displaced
        DS9 5-23 Blaze of Glory
        VOY 3-25 Worst Case Scenario
        DS9 5-24 Empok Nor
        VOY 3-26 Scorpion, Part I
        DS9 5-25 In the Cards
        DS9 5-26 Call to Arms
        VOY 4-1 Scorpion, Part II
        VOY 4-2 The Gift
        VOY 4-3 Day of Honor
        VOY 4-4 Nemesis
        DS9 6-1 A Time to Stand
        VOY 4-5 Revulsion
        DS9 6-2 Rocks and Shoals
        VOY 4-6 The Raven
        DS9 6-3 Sons and Daughters
        DS9 6-4 Behind the Lines
        DS9 6-5 Favor the Bold (Part 1)
        VOY 4-7 Scientific Method
        DS9 6-6 Sacrifice of Angels (Part 2)
        VOY 4-8 Year of Hell, Part I
        DS9 6-7 You are Cordially Invited…
        VOY 4-9 Year of Hell, Part II
        DS9 6-8 Resurrection
        VOY 4-10 Random Thoughts
        DS9 6-9 Statistical Probabilities
        VOY 4-11 Concerning Flight
        VOY 4-12 Mortal Coil
        DS9 6-10 The Magnificent Ferengi
        DS9 6-11 Waltz
        VOY 4-13 Waking Moments
        VOY 4-14 Message in a Bottle
        DS9 6-12 Who Mourns for Morn?
        VOY 4-15 Hunters
        DS9 6-13 Far Beyond the Stars
        VOY 4-16 Prey
        DS9 6-14 One Little Ship
        VOY 4-17 Retrospect
        DS9 6-15 Honor Among Thieves
        VOY 4-18 The Killing Game, Part I
        VOY 4-19 The Killing Game, Part II
        DS9 6-16 Change of Heart
        DS9 6-17 Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night
        VOY 4-20 Vis à Vis
        DS9 6-18 Inquisition
        VOY 4-21 The Omega Directive
        DS9 6-19 In the Pale Moonlight
        VOY 4-22 Unforgettable
        DS9 6-20 His Way
        DS9 6-21 The Reckoning
        VOY 4-23 Living Witness
        VOY 4-24 Demon
        DS9 6-22 Valiant
        VOY 4-25 One
        DS9 6-23 Profit and Lace
        VOY 4-26 Hope and Fear
        DS9 6-24 Time’s Orphan
        DS9 6-25 The Sound of Her Voice
        DS9 6-26 Tears of the Prophets
        DS9 7-1 Image in the Sand
        DS9 7-2 Shadows and Symbols
        VOY 5-1 Night
        DS9 7-3 Afterimage
        VOY 5-2 Drone
        DS9 7-4 Take Me Out to the Holosuite
        DS9 7-5 Chrysalis
        VOY 5-3 Extreme Risk
        DS9 7-6 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
        VOY 5-4 In the Flesh
        DS9 7-7 Once More Unto the Breach
        VOY 5-5 Once Upon a Time
        DS9 7-8 The Siege of AR-558
        VOY 5-6 Timeless
        VOY 5-7 Infinite Regress
        DS9 7-9 Covenant
        VOY 5-8 Nothing Human
        VOY 5-9 Thirty Days
        VOY 5-10 Counterpoint
        DS9 7-10 It’s Only a Paper Moon
        DS9 7-11 Prodigal Daughter
        VOY 5-11 Latent Image
        VOY 5-12 Bride of Chaotica!
        VOY 5-13 Gravity
        DS9 7-12 The Emperor’s New Cloak
        DS9 7-13 Field of Fire
        VOY 5-14 Bliss
        DS9 7-14 Chimera
        VOY 5-15 Dark Frontier, Part I
        VOY 5-16 Dark Frontier, Part II
        VOY 5-17 The Disease
        DS9 7-15 Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
        VOY 5-18 Course: Oblivion
        DS9 7-16 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
        VOY 5-19 The Fight
        VOY 5-20 Think Tank
        DS9 7-17 Penumbra
        DS9 7-18 ’Til Death Do Us Part
        DS9 7-19 Strange Bedfellows
        VOY 5-21 Juggernaut
        DS9 7-20 The Changing Face of Evil
        VOY 5-22 Someone to Watch Over Me
        DS9 7-21 When It Rains…
        VOY 5-23 11:59
        VOY 5-24 Relativity
        DS9 7-22 Tacking Into the Wind
        VOY 5-25 Warhead
        DS9 7-23 Extreme Measures
        DS9 7-24 The Dogs of War
        VOY 5-26 Equinox, Part I
        DS9 7-26 What You Leave Behind
    • Shawdow194
      102 months ago

      Depending on how you like TV you might like the episodic way DS9 is done vs the ‘monster of the week’ that is TNG

        • IninewCrow
          62 months ago

          Which is probably why I’ll agree that ds9 is a bit harder to watch. You have to start at the beginning and endure the first and second seasons in order to enjoy the rest. It took me about three or four attempts over the years to watch it, lose interest and stop, then start again a year or two later. But once you get through that hump at the beginning, it is such a rewarding experience to see every character evolve and the stories to unfold. So many great leading characters and so many great villains and so many individuals that are in between.

          • dohpaz42
            42 months ago

            I just finished watching the episode where Dax’s symbiont was stolen. The saga before that with The Circle was pretty good.

            • @Infynis@midwest.social
              42 months ago

              I think there’s great stuff in seasons 1 and 2, but, like all Star Trek, there’s some rough ones too

              • @BumpingFuglies@lemmy.zip
                12 months ago

                DS9 as a whole is my favorite Trek series, but the worst episode in all of Star Trek, in my opinion, is from the show: Move Along Home, episode nine of season one. The gang gets trapped in an alien’s board game, and hijinks ensue. It features all the worst things about Trek, and none of the best. It’s campy but not charming, it’s got nonsense words that are completely unnecessary and never again referenced, its stakes are simultaneously too high and insignificant, and the writing is just bad.

                • @Infynis@midwest.social
                  42 months ago

                  Similarly, Voyager is my favorite, but it also has my absolute least favorite episode: the one where Kes goes into heat. I’m not going into any further details lol

            • IninewCrow
              32 months ago

              Great period of episodes with that subject because it’s a direct reflection on our history and our ideas and attempts at ‘purifying our race’ or in the ideas that “some are worthy” and others are not.

              First time I saw those episodes was last year and the image of Barjoran extremists really reminded me of the “OK” finger gesture that white supremacists used a few years ago.

              Also note that the name of the Barjoran extremist group is “The Circle” which can be seen as comparable to the idea of the KKK … KKK is an acronym for Ku Klux Klan which takes its name from the Greek word Kuklos, which means “the circle” … I’m pretty sure the writers were really making a statement by coming up with that name.

              Definitely a great watch because there is more to come in future episodes … you’re going to enjoy yourself.

          • @MelodiousFunk@slrpnk.net
            32 months ago

            I’m looking forward to trying DS9 again. It just didn’t grab me at the time. Also, said time was high school for me, which meant much less time available to watch consistently. My spouse and I are finishing up TNG, but it’s gonna be awhile before I can convince her to do more Trek.

      • @Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe
        2 months ago

        TNG follows the Greek Morality Play structure of ToS, hence “monster of the week”.

        Nighttime TV didn’t really take to serialization heavily until the 90’s. You can see it starting with later TNG.

  • @adarza@lemmy.ca
    172 months ago

    load 'em all up in a playlist and hit Ŕ̴̯̫͇̯̠͎̞͍͍̮̣͙̪̗̟̺͗̓̐̇̔̈̒̔͝ͅA̵̧̛̼͇̱͚̖̹̦͊̀̀̊͂̐̊̿͂Ǹ̶̢̼͙̬͕̱͙͓̺̤͓̮̗͕͕̘̀̇̿͋̋͆͋̓̃̑͐̔͑̄̚͝D̴̨͉̗̦͑̎Ǫ̵̦̤͉̳͉̰͓̖̫̮͙̠͎̅̅̿̈͒̉̒̈̆͆̐͂̀̃͜͝M̷̯͕͓͚̊

  • IninewCrow
    152 months ago

    Any of them is a good choice. I’m in season 6 of DS9 watching it for the first time. I had watched TNG in the 90s in parts, then completely the full series in about 2000.

    I’ve also watched all of Voyager and now almost all of TOS. And after finishing DS9 I hope to watch Enterprise and I’ve also watched most of the latest series with Picard, Discovery, Strange New Worlds and even Lower Decks. I think I also have to squeeze in and watch the Animated Series in there somewhere.

    After seeing so much and due to my aging brain … I don’t quite remember everything. So after I’ve finished saying I’ve watched all of this, I plan on rewatching the same series all over again in the future.

    I think I’ll be spending the rest of my life just rewatching all these shows over and over again until someone just transfers me over into a transport buffer.

    • @radix@lemmy.world
      62 months ago

      I had watched DS9 episodes when I came across them over the years. Usually good, but didn’t have the itch to commit to 173 episodes back-to-back. Finally binged the whole thing about 3 years ago, and good lord it’s every bit as relevant today as it was 25+ years ago.

    • FuglyDuck
      12 months ago

      B5 has the two scariest women in SciFi.


      And Delenn - who is the type of woman that will a distant there and watch as your heart implodes under dozens of extra gravities. (And also normally so Wei mild mannered….)

  • teft
    62 months ago

    I have a giant playlist with every trek episode and just put it on random.

    Let the universe choose.

  • data1701d (He/Him)
    2 months ago

    Obviously, you hang in the castle for a bit so you can go over to the ion storm later with a full understanding of context.