
There have been concerns about alleged irregularities and claims of a “rigged” 2024 election favoring Trump. Data analysis of drop-off votes in swing states raised questions about vote manipulation.

Some groups, including Election Truth Alliance and SMART Elections, pointed to abnormal discrepancies in vote patterns, particularly in Nevada.

Trump reiterated claims, crediting Elon Musk with insights into vote-counting technology.

Critics and officials remain divided, with calls for further investigation despite no ongoing federal probes, highlighting the contentious debate over election integrity. The controversy highlights deep distrust and challenges to elections.

    492 months ago

    All allegations that the 2024 election was rigged are speculative, and there are no investigations examining the claims. The claims have not contested the election results as a whole.

    Okay? Then fuck off with your clickbait fearmongering bullshit? Either there is evidence of ratfuckery, and investigations should already be underway, or there’s not and they don’t need to be.

    Trump is literally building camps for out groups and disassembling the entire trade system that the US and its closest allies have depended on. We don’t have time for this speculative “maybe” garbage. Get out there and do something, or stop wasting my time with speculation in the hopes that punchy headlines and ad engagement will save you for Der Fuhrer’s concentration camps and total economic collapse.

      2 months ago

      Look, we all know that Republicans are all about projection, if nothing else.

      Trump has been singularly focused on election fraud for 5 years now, and has been essentially bragging about stealing the election with Musk since before the actual election. I full well believe there is a path to being able to ballot stuff with enough preparation in the way they seem to be insinuating, and they had enough psycho followers to pull it off. You don’t need to hack the machines, and you don’t need to destroy votes. You simply need a LOT of voter information, and time to prepare. Musk had both. There was also that bit of election fraud perpetrated by Trump’s team where they stole election equipment and hardware keys in 2020, so they’ve had time to work that angle as well.

      I’m not saying there is proof, but between the discrepancies in data coming out, the shenanigans on voting day from Trump supporters, and the…type…of person who would have been involved in such a thing, it’s well within the realm of possibility. No reason to not bring it up if there are concerns.

      If it did happen, these types of people will have left a trail and some loose ends. My specific concern here is that the GOP is so god damned transparent, that if they did pull this off, they will fight to keep election equipment the same as last election, and it will happen again and again until it’s found out…if it did happen.

      92 months ago

      Exactly. Same as with Trump’s rigged election claims: show us the evidence or fuck all the way off with your conspiratorial fantasies. We have very real urgent issues to focus on before we entertain “curiosities”.

    • Hegar
      62 months ago

      Either there is evidence of ratfuckery, and investigations should already be underway, or there’s not and they don’t need to be.

      Or there are persistent irregularities that stink of ratfuckery but ratfuckers have seized control of the government, so we no longer have any hope of an honest investigation.

      Pointing out how likely it is that they did steal the election (it’s always projection) is still a valuable way to undermine the legitimacy of the russian backed fascist regime in the US.

      42 months ago

      There are multiple independent investigations you can go review them yourself. They’re going to do the data for each state.

      If what they’re saying holds out true it’ll continue to spread

  • DerGottesknecht
    122 months ago

    Trump Lost. Vote Suppression Won. Here are the numbers

    I am waiting for some bigger outlet to pick up and check the numbers behind this claim, but with the history of messing with voters in the US I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out true…

    62 months ago

    “The 2020 election was safe, secure, free, and fair. Our elections are more secure than any time in our country’s history. But they are also so insecure that Trump’s team manipulated millions of votes in swing states nationwide without being detected, caught, or leaving a trace. But we’ll have them fixed by 2028 so the election will be totes fair and secure this time. For realz. Trust us.”

    This is the line of bullshit that people who believe this are going to try to pass off on the American people. All this is going to accomplish is making Democrats seem like whiny hypocrites who have been saying that our elections are legitimate, safe, and secure for the past four years and then pulls an about-face the minute they lose an election. You are telling people that our elections are about as real as a professional wrestling match, with the winner pre-determined by whatever hackers infiltrate the most voting systems. You are telling the American people that our elections are so insecure that Donald Fucking Trump and his team can change the outcome with impunity. And then you’re also going to tell them that we’ll have all these problems fixed by 2028 despite the Democrats having exactly zero power to change a damn thing.

    Good luck with that.

    It’s very simple. Donald Trump has a cult following of literally millions of people who care about absolutely nothing but Donald Trump. It should not be a surprise that those followers showed up in droves to vote for Trump and only Trump because they care about Trump and only Trump. Their goal was to get Trump back into office. Everything else was superfluous. They showed up in Minnesota and North Carolina and Pennsylvania where their votes actually mattered, and stayed home in California and Kentucky and Massachusetts and Arkansas because those states were already won or lost and their vote wasn’t needed. And they only voted for Trump because all they care about is Trump.

    Desperately going down this path is little more than Democrats looking for an excuse why they lost this election that doesn’t involve blaming themselves. Fact of the matter is that literally every single state went pretty hard to the right in this election. You can’t blame states like California and New Jersey having results that looked almost competitive on what was or wasn’t happening in Pennsylvania or Minnesota. Democrats lost, and that’s all there is to it.

    Take a district’s attendance roll (whatever you want to call it. The count of people who physically showed up to vote.) Then compare that to the number of ballots cast in that district on election day. Then do the same with mail-ins. If those two numbers are equal, then there’s your answer: A bunch of Trump voters just decided to show up and vote for only Trump. How many of them did that or why they did is completely irrelevant. They did. I assume that this is a very basic check that they do on election day before even sending the results. Do the number of ballots cast equal the number of people that showed up? I’m assuming that Harris’ team is competent enough to look into this, and I assume that they’d have been all over this the minute the first Republican backwoods town reported even the slightest irregularity. If not, that’s a colossal failure on the part of her and her team and she deserves to lose anyway.

    There is absolutely no good option going down this path. The best you’d be able to get to is to say that our elections are easily manipulated by even the dumbest people on the planet and since those people are in charge now, there’s no reason to believe 2028 will be any different. You are basically throwing away any faith we should have in our election system just to score a hit of copium.

    Donald Trump won. Period. Full Stop. I don’t like it any more than anybody else here does, but I’m not willing to throw faith in our election system out the window just because I don’t like the results. That’s what Donald Trump did in 2020.