He might not have been the first black Metropolitan police officer. There’s an argument that Robert Branford in the 19th century might have been. But it’s not certain. And either way, Norwell was still a trailblazer worthy of attention and praise.
As expected, the poor guy received a ton of racial abuse. The fact that he persevered through that to become a Detective Sergeant shows his ability, intelligence, maturity, and grit. He’s a fucking legend.
Ultimately what it shows is that he’s a bastard. All that ability, intelligence, maturity, and grit wasted on such an evil profession.
Cops deserve zero respect or admiration.
This photo being in B&W makes it look older than it is
Crazy to think that B&W photography was common (due to being cheaper), coexisting with color photography, all the way up to the digital age.
All hail the digital age!
Also easier to develop and process yourself than most color processes, so it could be done without going to a lab.
Now quality B&W film is way more expensive
It’s the preferred method of making a black and white print by photographers and artists. Monochromatic film yields far better results than printing a color negative on monochromatic paper.
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Dapper af
Let’s be honest here. He is killing that fit.