Damn that IPA looks like a glass of orange juice. Enjoy!
Actually a sour.
But, yes, their typical NEIPAs look like OJ.
Modern NEIPAs do. Back when Dogfish Head was the only NE IPA in town, they were normal and drinkable.
Living in Seattle, every other beer here is a friggin IPA. It’s gotten to a point that I think brewers are just hopping the hell out of their product to be lazy. There’s no subtlety anymore - it’s a bunch of tonsil-punching bitterness.
Yeah, it’s difficult to find something with some distinct flavors.
At least they all swapped to “hazy” and “juicy” hops like citra and mosiac, so the IPAs taste like grapefruit now instead of pine tree sap like they used to.
Honestly I’m sick to death of all the hazy IPAs around. They all taste the same, with a select few exceptions.
Give me a good bitter piney ipa again ar just a solid helles or kolsch and I’m happy
Oh, yeah… and then there’s that. I’m wildly allergic to mosaics! I didn’t known until moving to the PNW.
Love me some sour beer, that’s dope as hell
This was okay. Not my go to style. This brewery does have another really great sour called: Harvester Scythe.
Oof - a sour beer and a pineapple pizza. Just add a handful of cilantro and this meal is my kryptonite 😂
Are you drinking a pint of advocaat?
This scene inspired the best cocktail ever, the Jack Torrance:
- 1 part Bourbon (or Jack Daniels)
- 3 parts Advocaat
- 2 dashes Aromatic Bitters
- Shake with ice
I’d be down. Just never had advocaat and wouldn’t know where to find it.
Reasonably easy to find in any of the major bottle shops in Australia.
Don’t know how exy it would be in the states, with your whole egg thing happening 😅
If you happen to find some, knock together a fluffy duck cocktail - oldschool but worth a try in my books.
Reminds me of the duck fart.
- 1 ounce Kahlua
- 1 ounce Baileys Irish Cream
- 1⁄2 ounce Crown Royal whiskey
Recommend going a touch heavier on the whiskey.
yuropn in America here, I’ve gotten it from Total wines and Spirits (big alcohol warehouse) in Georgia
I bought all of the ingredients on Amazon.
We were in the Netherlands over the holidays. We couldn’t find advocaat to save our lives! Some people gave us a blank look like they’d never heard of it. Others said it was a grandma drink and they never get call for it. :(
They sell it at every supermarket. If you ever visit again you may also want to try Tokkelroom. I prefer it to advocaat. It contains less alcohol and tastes creamier than advocaat (though the general taste is very similar).
To those who are having trouble finding advocaat in their country, it’s very easy to make though. And the ingredients should be easy to get in most places. Here’s a recipe. :)
I’m sorry, but I have to stand with Italians on this. There are pizzas and then there are pies.
Damn that ale looks hazier than my mind on a Saturday evening. Enjoy
Actually a sour. But, yes, their IPAs are very hazy.
Bar pizza is just random frozen pizza
and its burnt
Oh, I thought it just had some turds dropped on it
That’s from the cheese frying in it’s own fat while it cooks and it’s delicious
While cheese does do that, this much and this dark is an indication of cheese not being cold enough before it went on the pizza AND over cooked. This 2/10 pizza bro
Thats 100%% more than I would rate it.
One point for each bite you can take of the slice before you gotta throw it away and get the next slice lol. Although I don’t think you would be reaching for the second slice in this case.
The edge is cremated
I lived down the block from a neighborhood pub for 13+ years. When I moved in, I had a party and a friend came in from out of town. He convinced me to go to the pub because “there’s ALWAYS a fight at neighborhood pubs.”
So we went. And indeed, two old guys started fighting and they kicked everyone out.
A decade later, I was lamenting the closure of my favorite pizza place to a coworker during lockdown. She said she knew a GREAT place…her favorite pizza in the city…that neighborhood pub.
I tried it and she was right. I never ordered pizza from anywhere else again.
I need to go to that bar haha
Looks great!
Tasted pretty good.
pinapple in pizza? no thanks I don’t want to puke
No worries. There’s other options.