I want to block ads and trackers on the whole home network. I’ve been using adblockers and trackers for years now; I currently have a Raspberry Pi. I was thinking of setting up Pi-Hole with AdGuard. Any other suggestions are welcome. (I can’t use a custom router, because my ISP doesn’t allow it)
Pi-hole works great for me, but everyone else on the network that uses Google hates it because the entire first page is ads and they can’t click on them.
Yeah, PiHole is great if you live by yourself otherwise the entire household will have it out for you.
Learned that lesson the hard way.
Dunno, I found it pretty easy to set up different rules for different devices.
Yes! PiHole does offer whitelisting profiles for devices however, Apple/IOS devices with their “Private Wi-Fi addresses” make it pain given how the Mac Addresses regularly rotate.
Oh wow - did not know that!
Bit of a weird choice, given that routers usually allow limiting connections to specific MAC addresses as a security feature. Everything’s a trade-off, I guess…
Only Apple the filtering to your MAC addresses.
I have one SSID with pihole (which I use), and one without. Works pretty well, if you’re ok with a VLAN-aware network.
For a mobile device / TV, sure.
For a browser on a computer, uBlock or AdNauseum will fix that.
I install some local adblocker to their devices and they don’t see those ads
Plugging my favorite block lists:
- general browsing https://firebog.net/
- For TV’s https://github.com/hkamran80/blocklists
- For Phones https://github.com/craiu/mobiletrackers
You want the truth? Setup OPNsense firewall on your network. Add EasyPrivacy, EasyList, AdGuard List and other blocklists to the Unbound DNS service on the OPNsense server.
Then configure your DHCP to use the OPNsense router/firewall IP (eg. as DNS server in DHCP provisioned computers on your LAN network.
This is how I do it and it’s an enterprise setup, which works and scales really well.
As an extra step you can block DNS requests to external services from within your network to prevent devices trying to reach hardcoded for example Google DNS servers to bypass your filtering which isn’t uncommon with some IoT/streaming devices. Best to both block the known IPs as well as have DNS redirects for the urls that point back to your firewall at whatever IP it’s using to serve DNS from. There is a list called DoH servers by name or something like that which you can add to the blocklist to try and prevent usage of any DNS but your own.
Do you have any lies to offer?
Do you want a lie? 2+3 = 8
that’s terrible, shame on you
Nintendo once had to patch Tetris because players were stacking blocks so perfectly that the game started running out of pieces and crashed.
If you want cheap and easy, something like NextDNS. Otherwise, your tentative plan works just as well. My family liked NextDNS because all I had to do was have them install an app, enter my code (for the profile I configure for them), and set it to on. The rest was magic, to them.
That really doesn’t sound that easy…
Pihole has its issues, ~~but at least you dont need to setup each and every device individually. ~~ edit: I have been informed that this is not the only way.
For balance, the main issue I have with pihole is that family members can’t easily bypass it when they need to, which is inconvenient.
You can set up NextDNS on the router to cover every device on the network. My family is all over the country, so the app was easier for my use case.
Ah, okay, thats much more simple then.
I set up NextDNS for my family’s devices and it wasn’t that hard. Plus it still works even when they’re not on the home network.
Dont you need to set the dns adress to the pi-hole dns on every device? It was a few years ago but I remember that I had to set my dns to the pi-hole, which acted as a dns server. Or am I mistaken?
You can setup DHCP to give the DNS address to every device automatically. Even heavily locked down routers sometimes have the option, but I guess OP will have to try that out.
Pihole also has a built in DHCP, which you can enable and use as long as you disable the router one.
OP if you enjoy a fun weekend project, don’t go with a pi-hole. It literally only takes about 5 minutes. Also I recommend the blocklistproject lists https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/
I use Adguard’s public DNS on my router for convenience, no problems at all. In the past I had pi-hole with some lists that in the end, from time to time, broke things.
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Stay away from pfSense; use OPNSense.
Edit: Salty bitches in this thread
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Put their router into modem mode and daisy chain your own router. Look up its labels and find the original manufacture for manuals. Watch out for name changes and mergers. ISPs do not manufacture routers. They buy them from companies, change a few logos and lend them to you.
You can also use the DMZ setting for your router depending on the software on the device from your ISP. DMZ means all traffic is forwarded that hits the device.
Make a NextDNS with the settings/features you like and add that as your router’s DNS service. Super simple
This is the lazy option that just works, the free tier is decent but their paid one is so cheap that you can run it for years with the price of a single Rapberry Pi
Controld.com is what i use and it works great.
They have one server that blocks nothing, one server that blocks known malware, one server that blocks known malware and advertising and tracking, and a server that blocks all of that, including social media. And they are all free.
Light + TIF https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAkACAQA Normal + TIF https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAkACAgA Pro + TIF https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAoACBAA Pro plus + TIF https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:AAoACAgA Ultimate + TIF https://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:gAgACABA Light + TIF https://dns.dnswarden.com/00000000000000000000048 Normal + TIF https://dns.dnswarden.com/00000000000000000000028 Pro + TIF https://dns.dnswarden.com/00000000000000000000018 Pro plus + TIF https://dns.dnswarden.com/0000000000000000000000o Ultimate + TIF https://dns.dnswarden.com/0000000000000000000000804 Light https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-light Normal https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-normal Pro https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-pro Pro plus https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-proplus Ultimate https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-ultimate TIF https://freedns.controld.com/x-hagezi-tif
DNS based adblocking with Hegezi blocklist and TIF (threat intelligence feeds). Works with any device on your network in one way or another (QUIC, DoH/3, DoT, etc) and doesn’t require installing anything. Just changing dns settings.
This is a great list. Blocks about 95% of all advertisements. About 4% are unblockable due to one reason or another, and the remaining 1% get added very quickly. I highly recommend this solution. Sure, you can setup a PiHole and do it all yourself, but in the end that requires time and attention. It’s the same list, but if you roll PiHole yourself you don’t get access to TIF, which are amazing for protecting you from different kinds of threats.
yep, 100% set yourself up a pihole. You’ll likely need to set it as your DNS via DHCP in your router, or configure it manually on devices that allow that.
either pi-hole or or a filtering dnscrypt server
like blahdns-de, odoh-koki-noads-ams
NextDNS or many other DoH services that are out there (I personally recommend Mullvad).
I use Ad-Guard instead of Pihole because the pi-hole software used to be missing some of the DNS features I wanted at the time, and I just stuck with it ever since. I have the main DNS server running on my Unraid Box, and a backup that runs on my HomeAssistant Pi4B.