Literally listened to a coworker whine a few days ago about Transformers (or some kids show featuring robots, idr) adding a character that’s nonbinary. A robot character. It -the robot- didn’t adhere to traditional gender roles, and is therefore ‘woke’ commie shit.
These people are allowed to vote…
Look man, as long as the M&M stays sexy I can just about contain my rage.
I mean they are allowed to whine. As an Enby it’s quite useful to know where the people whom you needn’t bother getting to know particularly well are. That high pitched sound their brains make as they grind out another low effort opinion is annoying, granted.
Computers are female in Spanish and in English too, I suspect. It used to be a job mostly held by women.
While it’s either la computadora (female) or el computador (male) in Spanish, its der Computer (male) in German so I suspect it’s based on the grammatical genus, as ‘-er’ is a male suffix in Latin when nominalising a verb.
In Spain we call them el ordenador, so male too.
Yeah, but it turns out that the men were better at getting paid doing it.
Probably a talent thing, right?
computers are ladies! :]
It’s earliest origin traces back to the 1640’s, I doubt many women were practicing it back than yet alone taught maths or anything.
Women actually did participate in maths quite a bit throughout history. While it’s generally true that formal schooling was more limited and opportunities were rarer than for men in the same fields a keen mind was often seen as a thing best not wasted. The work generally disappears in footnotes of businesses and whatnot where wives were sort of unpaid appendages of their husbands endeavours where they participated wholly in many aspects of the work and were often in a bookkeeping role. Maths was not limited to the nobility and gentry though the mathematical rockstars all came out of the class. Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia was born in the 1640’s and became a lecturer of Mathematics in Padua and was the first woman to be awarded a doctorate degree from a University.
The rates of literacy and numeracy are always more than you would think in these periods. The common folk needed those skills but for different stuff so they taught them in informal ways to each other and didn’t tend to use them for flashy things like writing stories or coming up with new stuff because paper was an expense saved for important stuff you needed to record. Most of it was for legal and organizational purposes. A lot of samples don’t tend to survive unless they were either for posterity or kept for sentimental reasons but we know that slates saw a lot of use day to day for regular business. Women were a resource of skilled labour that households could not afford to leave unoccupied and the idea of them in aggregate as limited to being brainless drudges isn’t accurate.
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Der Computer. It’s male in German. Problem solved.
LA computadora. It’s a chick dude
El ordenador. Seems to be non binary
A non-binary computer? Impossible! They work only in 1s and 0s!
Definitely binary, but fluid.
Un ordinateur. It’s a guy my man
Computer is masculine in French, if anyone wanted to know, but then sometimes we call it a machine, which is feminine.
Computer is only male in portuguese too (we don’t ever call them machine), but appears to be only female in spanish.
I think that this could be well represented with a venn diagram.
I’ve seen lots of people calling it machine at work.
Huh, just searched it up and it is in the dictionary. I’d just never heard anyone call it that. That’s on me for not verifying it, whoops
Im straight. Therefore anything that makes me hard is a female. Therefore computers are female.
My Spanish people are totally screwed on this…LA Computadora- female. El ordenador - male. El archivero- male…etc. They’re screwed.
Está todo muy claro. En España es el ordenador, en America es la computadora. Si viajas y traes tu ordenador, tu ordenador transiciona i se convierte en una trans-computadora
Con todos esos transistores nuestros ordenadores de bosotros se no’s estan traniformando en “con puta doras”
Es mucho muy cierto!
Computers don’t have gender, because Gods have transcended beyond the need for gender like us mortals. They are simultaneously being all genders, and null genders, or as I call it: Schrodinger’s Gender Reveal
I, for one, welcome our divine AI Overlords. Hail Skynet!
Ok but does anyone know wtf is going on in the original pic?
Looks like the 2003 Cat in the Hat movie 😵💫
We do not speak about that movie.
Every port on a computer I can think of is female except DB9, which is almost never used except as part of a chain of adapters. So obviously cables are male and the computers are female.
What about the plug for the PSU for the power cable from the wall socket?
You are right… Except for USB c powered systems of course, and arguably laptops.
Mine has male pegs for an external wifi antenna.