Maybe it’s because I’m just very sensitive to these sorts of issues but when somebody fires a black man because they think he’s “woke”, it makes me believe that they didn’t fire him because he was woke. They fired him because he was black.
2nd. Is Trump just out there firing the people that will stand up to him ? If yes, we are in for a world of pain, this may not be how dictators are made, but it’s how they sustain their power 
Is Trump just out there firing the people that will stand up to him ?
How is this even a question? Yes, of course that’s what he’s doing. He’s literally following the playbook right wing think tanks wrote before the election. They’ve stated openly that this is all part of their plan. Purge the government of everyone but loyalists, and then act with impunity because the people whose job is to act as a check on executive power will rubber stamp everything.
God, Americans should be panicking right now and you’re all just sleepwalking into this.
Because a vast majority are fucking idiots. Everyone, with any sense, was yelling into the void between their ears about project 2025. Ads about it were everywhere, too. Stupid Stupid Stupid fucks.
Panicked and panicking, I felt helpless
Alone, there’s not much you can do. That’s why you need to organize. Find other people and groups to join with. Not only do you have more power as a group, but you have other people so you feel less alone and isolated.
Organize. Resist.
Yes, but also all of these local movements organize on Facebook 🙄
I can assure you, facebook is only a public face in many instances. much organizing is done in the backwoods of signal and briar.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is Briar?
all questions are good!
online organizing has an important place and, over the last 8 years, people have gotten much better at organizing safely online.
This. Facebook is just an entry point.
This is exactly why organizing in small ways is so important. You need to get plugged in, get connected, get into the right people’s contact lists, get onto the signal group chats. That’s where you’re going to hear about the stuff that’s going down. Thats where you’re going to get the chance to stand up and say “I can help with that”
As Tucker Carlson might say “I’m just asking the question “
You are not wrong on either. This is exactly how a dictatorship begins. I only hope that the American public can see this for what it is. But I doubt it. Literacy is not a strong point.
I’m still hoping that James Bond like character from the British government will take him out for us, but that might just be because I’m in the middle of a James Bond movie marathon
And there’s nothing wrong with that. Enjoy.
The Iranians wanted to kill him for murdering their general but were waiting on him to lose the election so security would lapse.
Well, the British did burn Washington DC once before 🤷♀️
I hope it’s Idris Elba. Dude was born to be the next Bond, maybe that’s the real reason he couldn’t.
The issue is I think enough of us want that. A “benevolent” dictator. They are already too lost and I think the only possible education will be difficult, painful, and generational in length.
My evaluation is that a small percentage of Americans want a dictatorship, and a large percentage don’t but are not aware that the steps are being taken, because they think that the institutions of their government are immutable.
They pronounce “Woke” with the hard R
Donald Trump has no fucking clue what is going on other than what is being whispered in his ear by the people who are orchastrating this whole thing.
Exactly why I keep saying in other threads that this problem doesn’t die with Trump. The damage is done, and the whisperers just need a new puppet once Trump kicks the bucket.
Congress needs to step up and keep filing articles of impeachment. Get the republicans on record defending every criminal act, and then beat them in the midterms.
Congress is controlled by the same party as the president. Why the fuck would they even introduce impeachment articles?
The only way out of this is through means that cannot be mentioned due to this .world instance rules.
At the very least to signal that they think it is wrong. To make the Republicans go on record saying they condone it.
And not only that, make everything they are doing in Congress just that much harder. Those small sabotage of the other harmful work they are doing.
Impeachment? Midterms? Those words are meaningless now. The system has been broken and dismantled. You can’t vote your way out of fascism. The fight needs to be fought on every front, including those ones, but they will not save you.
The only way out is for the population to rise up in mass protest.
I think well get 4 impeachments for Trump over his next 8 years in office. They’ll probably all fail
That’s nice, we can set it beside the “Thursday night massacre” of the DoJ that happened last week. Only slightly higher, so we get a nice two-level effect with a path going down the middle and HOLY FUCKING SHITBALLS WHY AREN’T THERE MILLIONS OF US RIOTING IN THE STREETS RIGHT NOW‽‽
About 97% of my coworkers have no idea any of this is even happening. I’d imagine the majority of the US public has no clue what is happening.
Because Muricans are sheep dressed in chicken hawk costumes
Would be helpful to people who currently don’t know, and to people in the future, if you link to the Thursday night massacre of the doj, Google only showed me articles talking about the Friday one
You know why we aren’t rioting…
Well, my algorithm says everything is peachy
need a leader
All the top officers have been in the military for over 20 years. They have seen Presidents come and go, and are loyal to their fellow service people. Even if they like Trump, firing for political reasons isn’t going to go down well.
Genuinely, I do think the only way out of this is starting to look like a military coup by some sort of cadre of non-insane officers from across the services. Based on the performance and reactions of every single part of the government - specifically including the alphabet agencies - I don’t think we’re going to snap out of fascism any other way.
It looks like the legislative and judicial branches, and all of the agencies, have simply decided to do nothing and follow the rules while Trump just gives illegal directives that are then enacted by eel-on-musk’s imbecile intern wünderkinds, and everyone just stands around saying “I’m just following orders”. It’s fucking embarrassing.
Trump is going after senior military officers AND Social Security AND doing an end run around Congress all at once. I just hope that he doesn’t have enough fingers for the dike.
I hope the dykes have enough fingers for triggers.
Problem is I don’t see any person in military doing this. They’re been brainwashed to love their country and their president since birth.
and their president
During training we are very specifically taught that nothing is above the constitution, including the president. We are obligated to refuse illegal orders.
If it stuck with me, hopefully it stuck with a few of the people still in service.
Refusing illegal orders is something that always sounds good, but never goes well even when it rarely happens in real life. Otherwise the crazy numerous war crimes and illegal things the air force kidnapping citizens human trafficked and abused by ICE because they are brown and “might be illegal” wouldn’t happen.
There was that Russian submarine commander that refused to launch nukes and saved the world. That’s a pretty big one.
Vasily Arkhipov to put some respect on his name.
Not to discredit what he did because he was probably one of the biggest impact decisions taken ever, he is definitely a great man and he deserves every ounce of credit, but he did not defy orders. They received no orders whatsoever, and the captain just assumed a war had broken out. They were too deep to receive orders at all. He refused to give his permission which was “legally” (military law-wise?) needed to launch the nukes. From your own link (also he wasn’t a commander at the time):
Unlike other Soviet submarines armed with the “special weapon”, where only the captain and the political officer were required to authorize a nuclear launch, three officers on board the B-59 were required to authorize the launch because Arkhipov was also the chief of staff of the brigade (not the commander as is often incorrectly reported, who was in fact Captain First Rank Vasili Naumovich Agafonov).[11][12] The three men were Captain Savitsky, Political Officer Ivan Semyonovich Maslennikov, and Executive Officer Arkhipov. An argument broke out among the three of them, with only Arkhipov against the launch.
So it doesn’t really apply. It is more one of 3 commanding officers that had a big disagreement and one of them refused to let the others give the order.
Isn’t a large part of the federal workforce veterans? I can’t imagine active service members have good feelings about Trump kicking them to the curb
If it stuck with me, hopefully it stuck with a few of the people still in service.
apparently not… it’s alredy happening and the entire rrction have been tears and bending over
I have zero special knowledge, but generic history would suggest that at least some in the officer class, regardless of political leaning, will not be down with the current trajectory.
no idea what this may look like, but my worthless analysis portends something brewing ahead and it may be wise to consider possibilities and prep accordingly. fuck these “interesting times”.
Well, yeah. When you’re planning a military coup against a fascist regime you don’t announce it ahead of time.
Even independent LGBT orgs have immediately given up on supporting trans people, just from the threat of the loss of federal funding. It’s sickening
I don’t want to destroy any illusions, but I don’t believe that much resistance can be expected from the military. The command principle applies here and the president is the Commander-in-Chief. I don’t see why any civil disobedience could be expected here in particular. Besides, it’s not as if those who actually make up the majority of soldiers would have much say in military affairs. If that were the case, there might be a chance, but the military is also run by old, greedy, white men - just like any other US institution.
They’re not going to necessarily be the saviors of democracy but there’s actually a pretty clear demarcation between career politicians and career soldiers. There’s a reason “oblivious politician forces military to make strategic blunder” is a trope.
Usually their goals align with maintaining US hegemony but much less so when the Commander in Chief is selling the nation to foreign adversaries.
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But like DEI. Meritocracy, and other things Fox News told me
Sounds like all these people need to get together and lead armed forces in an uprising and coup the president…
Or elect a Congress that will remove him
Sure but I feel way more satisfaction watching him destroyed in some manner
How dare he be black.
Instead of giving no answer they literally said they’re getting rid of him because diversity is bad. They were talking about diversity programs he implemented but it’s pretty damn clear.
Funny (not really) story- I worked extensively with an incel alt right piece of shit about five or six years ago. During one conversation early on, he said “…diversity, but like the good kind.” I said what kind of diversity could be bad? He did not answer. He assumed since I am white in appearance I would understand.
Climate? Ban. Diversity? Ban.
Lol, the list of banned words and phrases is about 100 words longer than that.
The word “Women” is on that list at the bottom…women exist. I have proof.
Also, if you have a list that long, it doesn’t mean you are powerful enough to ban words, it means you are dumb enough to WANT to stay uneducated.
They exist, you just can’t talk about them existing.
My favorite is “inclusive” which is a preposition.
How many legal filings with “inclusive of _____” are there? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? All forbidden
We’re gonna start seeing social media style workarounds. Show me papers on wmen and mnor*ties
Bias. We’re not allowed to use the word “bias”
…argued that he was too “woke” and too concerned with diversity in the armed forces.
Soooo… that’s exactly what the world needs:
A military comprised of American klansmen, hell bent on purifying the bloodlines of every country they set a jackbooted foot in.
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Oh, this will surely end well.