Wondering if anyone out there might have experience in knowing what’s wrong and what I need to do to stop it. Owned it for 2 years, but I didn’t do the installation myself.
Also if it needs repair or something, what might it cost me and how difficult would it be to do myself? Thanks in advance, I know someone here always has experience I lack lol
When mine did that it required a battery replacement. Got replacement from this site: https://batterysharks.com/. Also, maybe you should stop doing things that aren’t absolutely necessary until you’ve taken a nap.
I would nap if the kids would actually nap lol. Is there a chance I can easily just disconnect the batteries and ignore the problem and still have it work on AC power?
Curious if you couldn’t just remove the batteries and not replace them altogether? I have a similar model and I know the replacement batteries are roughly $60. So replacing this regularly could become costly. 🤔
Would be a better option… cause I’ve never had the garage power go out in the 25y/o in the old garage door. Paying every 2 years for a feature I don’t need seems crazy.
My gut says it’s mad about a battery and this seems to jive:
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Is the a chance I can disconnect the batteries and use the garage door like an older garage door? Doubt I’ll ever need to use the battery backup function.
Not sure tbh. I don’t have one anything close to that model but I had a similar annoyance once.
From a brief read on that link I got the impression there were multiple battery modes and beep reasons. So I can’t really answer that but I hope you can but it probably depends on what it is and how it’s configured.
Edit: for example, it could possibly be beeping because it’s running on battery and not your normal power (2 min between beeps) or, or beeping just because a backup battery is low (30 seconds between beeps) on that particular page.
Every 30 seconds. But went and removed the battery -to stop the sound- and it’s still running after plugging it back in lol. But I’ll be buying 2 batteries from them for $51, and waiting until they’re arrive. I guess it’s a law in California to have a battery backup?
I don’t, but I do have a search engine.
kagis for “myq beep”
I would normally search deeper before asking, but I have all the kids today and everyone’s sick with either the flu or strep.
I understand the enjoyment with sarcasm, but please try understanding there’s a reason I’m asking strangers who have actually slept in the last 36 hours lol
Thanks for using kagi as a verb 😅 Very good, carry on