A video produced using artificial intelligence (AI) showing President Trump rubbing and kissing Elon Musk’s feet
That’s some poor reporting. How do we know it was AI generated? The footage looks authentic to me.
heheh footage
Just asking questions!
Trump kissing president Musk’s feet
The way he looks I wouldn’t entirely discard the possibility of Musk having two left feet, but it seems somewhat unlikely.
Keep doing this. It’ll fracture that unholy relationship in no time.
We dont kink shame here but you are making it real hard not to.
What exactly am I making hard?
Feet doesn’t melt steel skyscrapers
They melt my steel skyscraper.
Your mom blew up my building 4
Yeah she does that.
I’d recommend a course of antibiotics.
Yes they do 😏
How do I get tweedle Dee and tweedle dum to learn that I blasted ungodly amounts of rope to this picture?
Do it near the microwave, I’m told there are recording devices in them.
Too much interference. They’re in your smart fridge. And phone. And TV. And Thermostat ;)
This is going to quickly escalate into full-on Trump and Musk hardcore gay porn appearing in random government offices.
Lol they couldn’t figure out how to stop the video so they had to go to every tv and unplug them. That’s beautiful.
This is what bothers them. They have all the money, hit them in the ego. It’s all the currency they have between billionaires. When money doesn’t matter you attack their sense of self and worth because what else do you trade at that level? It’s not enough to win, others have to lose to be a billionaire. They get off on punishing people and feeling bigger. Make them feel like a black mirror pig fucker.
Plus, with how much america glorifies wealth. A good ego check does wonders to billionaires. It’s one of the things that really gets to them. Did you listen to Elon as his alternate account and how pissed he was? Such a fucking thing skinned Nazi bitch.
These people can’t say “I’ve won capitalism, I want to have a nothing Saturday in my robe and suntan then watch a movie”, they think “if I’m not blasting 24/7 every day then someone else is going to get to do nothing on Saturdays in a bath robe instead” and can’t turn the hate/work/etc off. They equate someone else winning to themselves losing. Can’t have anyone else be happy, they’d rather everyone be miserable. If we laugh, they lose.
The Hill obtained a photo of the screens in the HUD building as they video was playing.
Then doesn’t show the photo. Bruh.
Elon has two left feet!
He’s a leftist libtard!
A woke moralist!
Btw, that’s a good point … who’s the moralists?
If i got it right, the “libs” are woke moralists, while the Reps are the “christian moralists” or sth, right?
Idk i was just making fun of JBP because of “up yours, woke moralists!”
Everyone is a moralist on the internet, it’s just another way to divide people. The differences between the dems and repubs are just for show. It’s been an oligarchy for decades, it’s just obvious now.
who’s the moralists?
“For a moment, there was hope.”
Moralists don’t really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child’s toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn’t change – not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
That’s what happens when you replace a professional photo editor with the ‘put glue on your pizza’ machine.
If it’s Elmer’s and anchovies Im down.
It’s from the hormone therapy
Trump really isn’t getting off on the right foot, is he?
his arm is doing some funny stuff too
Honestly, I wonder if that’s deliberate. Trump is famously litigious, and he has promised to weaponize the Justice Department against his political enemies. If you publish a video like this (ignoring the hacking onto government computers part right now), but that is clearly meant to appear real, what civil or criminal liability might you face? You could face a defamation lawsuit against a litigant with an unlimited bank account. You might face fraud charges by the Justice Department.
But give Elon two prominent left feet? No one is going to believe the video is real upon any close inspection. Any reasonable person will conclude the video is fake, rather than Elon having two left feet. Unless Elon wants to admit he has two left feet, he can’t sue someone for defamation (at least under existing defamation law.)
If this is deliberate, it’s actually quite brilliant. It’s an AI video version of the small penis rule. This might get around anti-deepfake porn laws, but I’m not really sure on that one. This is more a traditional defamation thing. Not sure how it applies in anti-deepfake porn laws.
That would be rather clever!
Nb: HUD apparently means “Department of Housing and Urban Development” for people without their decoder ring.
What’s the rule on introducing jargon again? Do we remember ?
Now … what does “nb” stand for?
Nebenbedingung is my guess
Na: He’s clearly referring to Niobium. I’m not sure what that has to do with the relationship between a Heads Up Display and this “Department of Housing and Urban Development” thing.
isn’t niobium an important electronics component? that could explain it.
Nudist Ballet.
Nota bene
Correct number of toes! That’s how you know it’s not AI.
I love the reaction to this. There’s comments floating around about how childish it is, how it shows immaturity, that it’s disrespectful - all from folks who stuck stickers on gas pumps, has decals is Biden tied up and gagged, and a handful of other goofy pictures. Such tears.
I assume there’s publicly accessible ways to generate deepfake porn. Just saying.
Needs to be on Clearchannel billboards asap.
hahahahahahahaha this is excellent
Like, he is really sucking on those toes in that video. To be a fly on the wall when he saw it.
* microwave on the wall
“Another waste of taxpayer dollars and resources. Appropriate action will be taken for all involved,” HUD spokesperson Kasey Lovett said in a statement to The Hill.
I look forward to the “incredibly transparent” DOGE report explaining exactly how much money was wasted here.
I’ll just cover it out of my own pocket. You’re welcome, American Taxpayers