Exactly as the title says: what the fuck.

  • SharkEatingBreakfast
    29217 days ago

    I am a victim of childhood SA.

    Seeing this response from an official government body makes me physically ill.

    They are literally joking about CSA, the torture, and trauma of what those poor kids went through .

    I now have no qualms about violent overthrow. Get these sick fucks out of office and purge their crews.

    The folks who scream most about “the children”? They better get the FUCK up and realize something right about now, so help me.

    • Yerbouti
      11117 days ago

      I’m really sorry for what you went through.

      Conservatives are the most hypocritical persons ever. The party of “family values” has elected a convicted rapist, who was the “closest friend” with the most notorious pedo of the past 60 years and cheated his pregnant wife with a pornstar. They cheer when parents and kids of immigrants are separated and jailed.

      The party of “law and order” elected a convicted felon, wanna be dictator, pathological lier, who proudly admits he’s a a billionaire who doesn’t pay taxes and sell scammy products. They stormed the capitol and killed cops doing their jobs and cheer when the president pardon the rioters.

      • @CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        4617 days ago

        “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

        Laws about child abuse apply to their enemies, not themselves. Their north star is oppression, not rule of law.

        • P03 Locke
          17 days ago

          “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

          Let’s say what it really is: The in-groups are the rich, who can afford the lawyers, corruption, bribery to make the law protect them, and use those same tools to keep it from binding them. The out-groups are everybody else, who cannot afford those same tools.

          Once we simplify the equation on both sides, we get:

          “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition: To protect the rich and fuck over the poor."

          That’s it. That’s all that matters.

          • @CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            917 days ago

            That doesn’t explain why poor people are conservatives.

            “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

            It’s about oppression. The rich benefit the most from conservatism. But the politics very much benefit those who wish to oppress.

            • P03 Locke
              316 days ago

              That doesn’t explain why poor people are conservatives.

              Because poor conservatives are trained to enjoy being fucked over. They believe in the “faith” of their party, as long as they get to “stick it to the libs”.

              The poor conservatives do not benefit from any of this, even when they do oppress. We’re seeing this firsthand right now.

      • SharkEatingBreakfast
        1117 days ago

        Appreciate it.

        I’m well aware of conservative hypocrisy, as I was raised in a family & environment that was deep in it. The fact that Fearless Leader wasn’t lauded and cast out by them immediately just shows that there is no critical thinking or discernment, and they are weak-minded enough to elect a wolf to oversee the flock. Just utter “pro-life” and claim you’re cool with Jesus and they’ll elect you. “Wow! A truly good man! He’s on our side!”

        I truly and genuinely hope anyone who supported/voted for him reap the absolute fucking worst of what his reign brings. I will do my damndest to support and protect all others.

      • @Ledericas@lemm.ee
        16 days ago

        it fits, i used to followed some asian tubers, one of them bragged about knowing a pedophile teacher by association through his cousin, who brags about this? and why arnt you naming names? oh wait you’re on a conservative channel who also had TULSI gabbard on spouting putin talking points. they wernt always super-conservative, they were willing to listen to other side prior to pandemic. tulsi gabbard came on the channel just before the election too.

      • SharkEatingBreakfast
        316 days ago

        This, unfortunately, is a sign that CSA is not something they will be taking seriously from here on out.

        In fact, my guess is that they will be downplaying & probably facilitating it. We need to get them out. Now.

    • @boonhet@lemm.ee
      316 days ago

      It’s only CSA if it’s democrats and democrat-aligned donors doing it, otherwise it’s a god-approved relationship.

  • @9point6@lemmy.world
    17 days ago

    Treating it like a joke because half the GOP are probably implicated in some way and this is a flimsy attempt at minimisation

    • @Ledericas@lemm.ee
      216 days ago

      probably most of the gop, including many MSM ceos considering how they have lean in trumps favor, a ton of hollywood execs, other countries politicians.

  • @Hatshepsut@lemmy.world
    17 days ago

    Just double checked and the chairman is indeed Jim “Gym” Jordan Sick fuck

    Jordan was an assistant coach with Ohio State University’s wrestling program from 1987 to 1995.

    Richard Strauss was the wrestling team physician during Jordan’s tenure. Strauss died by suicide in 2005. In April 2018, Ohio State University began an independent investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by Strauss. Of the 177, 153 were student-athletes, of which a plurality (48) were members of the men’s wrestling team.: 43

    Several involved persons have stated that Jordan surely knew of Strauss’s criminal misconduct but did not report it. Other wrestlers and Head Coach Russ Hellickson said he may not have known about the abuse. A spokesperson for Jordan denied the allegation, saying that “chairman Jordan never saw or heard of any abuse, and if he had, he would have dealt with it”. No wrestlers have accused Jordan himself of sexual misconduct, but four former wrestlers named him as a defendant in a lawsuit against the university.Jordan has denied any wrongdoing and has described his accusers as “pawns in a political plot”.

    (Sorry the formatting is messed up. On my phone and just woke up lol)

  • TooManyFoods
    4817 days ago

    When blue peacock was declassified everyone thought it was an April fools joke. The British agency assured the people that they “do not joke”. Some things (particularly the things government involves itself with) should not be joked about by some people. The joke becomes sick. A king “joking” about cutting hands off is not funny for example.

    • @pyre@lemmy.world
      616 days ago

      there’s a reason why you don’t want to joke around as an authority that’s more practical than “it’s tasteless”: you simply want to make sure people take it seriously when you say things. you don’t want to declare something important and have people go “they’re fucking around again”.

  • @Katana314@lemmy.world
    4116 days ago

    To be very clear here, my outrage is not at being pranked with a rick roll. I’d be fine with decent politicians doing that on most days. It’s specifically with reversed courses on transparency regarding circumstantial evidence that the president was involved in sexual assault.

    Obama gave out his birth certificate. Bernie Sanders shows his tax returns. The Republican Party is a team of liars that shares nothing.

    • Boomer Humor Doomergod
      1116 days ago

      And yet the Republicans have taken over the entire government.

      Maybe people don’t care about politicans lying. Maybe they expect it.

      Maybe the Democrats are playing chess and the Republicans are strutting around and shitting on the board.

      I’m so sick of people pointing out Republican hypocrisy like they give a damn about it.

      The Democrats have had power for four goddamn months over my entire life. Maybe they should start lying and cheating so they can actually win a goddamn election.

    • @spizzat2@lemm.ee
      3617 days ago

      In any real job, you’d get the “resign or be fired” talk for something like this. It was so wildly inappropriate that it’s clear that you couldn’t be trusted to continue in that role.

      I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for an ounce of integrity out of them.

      • @boonhet@lemm.ee
        116 days ago

        “resign or be fired” talk

        LPT: If you get this talk they don’t have the shit to fire you with cause so they want you to make a mistake and resign so they don’t have to pay you severance.

  • NutWrench
    3617 days ago

    Conservative “humor” is always dumb, blunt and obvious. Or in this case, wildly inappropriate.

    • Queen HawlSera
      15 days ago

      NGL, this headline made me flash back to the “Womp Womp” given on air from a guy learning that a girl with down syndrome was separated from her parents after the latter were deported.

  • @cultsuperstar@lemmy.world
    3217 days ago

    The sad part about this is the GOP made a big deal about releasing these files redacted. You can find all this stuff online UNredacted. They even invited conservative influencers to the WH and gave them binders with this stuff. They posed for pictures and all posted the same script about this being the most transparent administration in history, blah blah blah (just like how Sinclair Broadcasting gave all their affiliates the same script and had local news anchors read it on air). There was really nothing to see here, but of course the administration made a big deal out of it because they know their supports are big fucking idiots and swallow what ever they get fed.

  • @Lumidaub@feddit.org
    2717 days ago

    Wat. I thought someone had given them the link and they posted it without checking. The thought that they may have intended a “prank” didn’t even occur to me?!

    • 🕸️ Pip 🕷️OP
      1917 days ago

      Even if they posted the link without checking, that’s still so incredibly fcking stupid and incompetent it hurts

      • @Lumidaub@feddit.org
        417 days ago

        Oh definitely, but it would be mostly stupid and incompetent instead of so evil my head wouldn’t even consider the possibility.

  • Queen HawlSera
    -116 days ago

    I still remain shocked I have right wing friends, not because I’m surprised that they’re my friends… Politics aside they’re legitimately amazing people.

    I’m shocked that my “amazing people” friends as superhumanly compassionate as they can seem at times keep legitimately believing in the innocence of a party that basically comes out and says “We’re literally evil!” on a daily basis

    (Right-Leaning =/= Nazi, sometimes it can mean being tricked into carrying water for Nazis)

    • @Test_Tickles@lemmy.world
      816 days ago

      They don’t believe that the party is innocent at all. They know that awful shit is happening, but they chose to lie to themselves, and others, because the Republicans deliver something that they value more than their self respect, or respect of others. For most, it is permission to hate. There’s someone, or some group that they hate so much that they are fine with whatever is “actually happening” as long as they can hate, and their hate is rightous and justified. With enough little lies like “both sides are doing it, so what are you going to do?” stacked on top of each other, then they can disassociate the awfulness from themselves and their party, and shift their disgust for what is being done to the other party.
      You just have to realize that the strength of their hate for the Democrats is actually how much they hate then and their own party. So, knowing how much mental effort and emotion goes into lieing to themselves and everyone else, you now have some idea of how truly awful their little secret is.

    • @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      316 days ago

      Tbh, my conservative friends always hated (or at least dislike) him, but unfortunately my friends aren’t in control of the party lol.

      My leftist friends hated Biden, too. Nobody’s happy in my circles, and none of us control more than a thermostat. Que sera sera I suppose. And it keeps rolling on.

      Personally, I just want to walk near the creek and chill with frogs and snails and shit, then go home to my cat. It’s nice out today.

  • katy ✨
    -2217 days ago

    It was a stupid stunt, for sure; but also does anyone besides the perpetually online even care about the Epstein files being released?

    I mean we know he’s a shitty person.

    • @FooBarrington@lemmy.world
      3217 days ago

      The interesting part isn’t anything about Epstein, it’s who his clients were. The people who diddled kids and are walking free.

      • katy ✨
        217 days ago

        But releasing it has no basis on whether or not prosecutions happen; in fact releasing the information probably poisons the prosecutorial well and makes it harder to prosecute since you taint the jury pool (especially since you’re never going to get the full, unredacted information - you’re just going to get the version that’s been created in narrative by social media).

          • @some_designer_dude@lemmy.world
            217 days ago

            They get away with literally everything, and if somehow they don’t, they’ll be pardoned.

            They repel repercussions but demand so much more of everyone else with so much less, and love to punish.

            Their lives are games in God Mode: having every impulse gratified, every action celebrated, every whim realized… And then they’re given the presidency by the people they see as NPC’s.

            They literally cannot conceive of any part of your or my struggles, let alone give a shit.

  • Mubelotix
    -8517 days ago

    People always get angry when they get rickrolled. Always ignore them

    • Obinice
      3117 days ago

      Yes you’re right, the government should absolutely make child rape jokes, if people get angry about it you should just ignore them. Of course. That’s just wise government policy, it shows how highly respectable those in the government are.