I have one after the baby goes to bed but maybe because I don’t have it until 9pm or so I feel exhausted the next day…
Edit It’s bourbon but I’m counting standard US drinks.
Alcohol does affect sleep, maybe it’s interfering and your sleep isn’t as good? Though having a baby is exhausting, regardless.
Personally if it’s 9pm I won’t have a drink, that’s too late for me because it will affect sleep, and yes, feel too tired the next day. Maybe something else would be better, a cup of tea, or pot/THC?
Good for a while, and then less good for a longer while. I also get to observe all of my health metrics going sharply in the wrong direction after - resting heart rate shoots up, heart rate variability plummets, etc. This can last for multiple days as well.
It’s gotten to the point where I no longer really feel like it’s worth it to drink many times. I still do on occasion, but I take up the offer far less times than I used to as a younger man.
Yep last time I got drunk was a couple of years ago, I was only mildly drunk. Had heart rate go up and felt rough the next day. Not worth it
Based on standard US drinks, 1-2 drinks does absolutely nothing. 6-7 is enough for a decent buzz with no noticeable effects the following morning. At around 10 it starts to get uncomfortable and by 12 the room starts spinning. At basically any of those levels I’ll have no real hangover beyond a dry mouth at the extreme end, unless the drinks were overly sugary, like a sweet wine or sugary mixed drink. In which case I’ll have a mild headache as well.
The only real exception to that is tequila (in any amount), or anything with agave in it. I am allergic to agave and it leaves me with a sore throat and a headache that makes suicide seem like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Though in terms of intoxication it acts like any other alcohol of comparable strength.
I also don’t drink often, 3-4 times a month at most. I have a fairly high baseline tolerance. That also extends to a lot of meds, particularly anesthetics and anxiety meds, which has been a problem in medical environments.
Well, I’m right at the bottom of my second pint of beer tonight.
There’s a very slight numbness to my lips, nose and eyelids which for some reason I kinda like. Apathy is at normal levels but it’s maybe a little more good natured? Like I’m in a “Maybe we can just shoot and bury the rich” kind of headspace right now.
I want some fried cheese. Cheese curds, mozarella sticks, something. Salt encrusted fat please.
Then maybe I’ll go lay on the couch, watch that documentary about neutron stars again, probably the cat will cuddle up in my armpit. Somehow laying on that couch makes my knee hurt though. Need to figure that one out.
Disclaimer: Not a doctor, just guessing from life experience here.
Knee sideways/unsupported + gravity = achy knee. I’m absurdly tall, so my knees are never supported by chairs. After an hour or so of that, I’m in dire need of a proper stretch.
Drunk and tired AF. I hardly drink anymore because it leaves me feeling absolutely exhausted for a long time.
I haven’t consumed any alcohol for years, there’s no point. I’ve never been an alcoholic or problem drinker. I did some of the typical young adult binge drinking which I had a normal tolerance level, did feel buzzed etc, otherwise I was a sporadic social drinker until about 10 years ago.
I can’t get drunk now. I can drink alcohol until I puke (I do get a terrible hangover from drinking a lot) but I don’t feel drunk, don’t stagger, slur my words, feel or act buzzed in any way. I think it’s because I have a chronic illness, but it’s a very strange side effect.
Yes, totally different pharmacokinesis. Weed is slow to break down, so it accumulates on the body. On the fat tissue and myelin of neurons. Long term use makes you get used to a base level amount of THC.
Alcohol is metabolized very fast by the liver, which can adapt to get more efficient by changing enzymatic production. But it also suffers tissue damage that is very hard to recover. With long term use, at one point the damage overruns adaptation. Then you lose your entire ability to tolerate alcohol. Which for alcoholics is harsh, since their dependency doesn’t go away.
Two, I’m fine. But I’m a giant. Four, especially if they’re beers, and my sleep quality tanks. Either unable to fall asleep altogether or terrible quality sleep. So I usually stay below that amount.
ive been completely sober for years and i like it way better. if I’m with friends that are drinking though, I can blend in and pretend to be drunk. I just start scream-laughing and waving my arms around falling over and saying really stupid shit then I’ll be embarrassed about later
Literally nothing. I probably drink too much.
Mild headache and nausea usually
It used to be fine but now things are different. If I don’t get a buzz then it’s just for taste. If I get a buzz then I get an unrestful sleep.
I still do it but I need to be ready to have a bad night.
One or two beers? Absolutely nothing
One or two shots? I barely get a buzz
People always think I’m bragging when I say this, but guys, having a high tolerance is truly a curse. More money spent and more time in the bathroom. I drink 2 nights a week btw, so high tolerance is baseline for me
I personally like the feeling of a drink (sometimes a double) inside of me. I generally feel relaxed and more sociable. I hate feeling drunk, though. Like I just can’t stand feeling out of control like that. (This is why I can count the number of times I’ve been drunk in my life—59 years—on slightly more than one hand.)
I spent slightly over a decade as a teetotaller, but decided that it was kind of silly if you didn’t have a specific problem that made alcohol something to avoid. (There are several good reasons ranging from “I’m an alcoholic” to “I just don’t like the taste/feeling.”)
Generally I’ll have maybe three drinks in an average week. Sometimes at festivals I’ll have a few more, but spread out with an hour between drinks so I don’t build up to serious intoxication levels.
My guess is that the reason why you are exhausted is the baby, not the drink
It’s gotten to the point where it’s easier but still hard. I’m thinking my habit of 报复熬夜 doesn’t help. Thanks for the obvious point, that I didn’t consider, though, that tells me I should sleep earlier :)
It will get better at the age of 4, and then get worse at 14… so maybe just start drinking again in 3-4 years