In recording the example videos for my prior bug report, I at one point accidentally entered ‘Stean’ instead of ‘Steam’ into the search box, subsequently re-recording the video to correct the typo.

Since then, however, when I enter the word ‘Steam’ into the search box, conduct the search, and then tap on the search box again to edit the query, it selects the word and suggests a reversion to ‘Stean’, rather than placing the blinking cursor after Steam to let me edit the text as normal. The issue persists after restarting the app.

After some trial and error of figuring out how I had triggered the glitch in the first place, I replicated it with the word ‘Worry’ and its typo ‘Worrt’ for the example GIF below. If it helps in determining the cause, the glitch does not seem to apply to words beyond a certain length, as my initial idea of ‘examples’ and ‘examplez’ did not trigger the glitch, nor did ‘tomatoes’ and ‘tomatoez’.

Typo memory text entry glitch.