I’m looking for something short, ~5min, but if you have a longer one I’d love to hear it, too
Wait… We’re supposed to have stretching routines?
I have a (rather ancient now) DVD: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0500066/, which contains a nice 20-minute (30 with the meditation) morning stretch. I try to do that every day.
I just did a quick search and it appears that someone has ripped it and put it on YouTube. Maybe grab it in case it gets taken down. https://youtu.be/Z_qdhpYTtQQ
Well, looking for one to…
How do you prevent yourself falling asleep during the stretch?
During the lockdown I originally started doing all the stretching routines from this YouTube vid: https://youtu.be/9X-4dGjcIcQ
Now, I shortened it to just a few essentials that I do for ~30 secs each
- Bound Angle
- Seated cross shin
- saddle (quads)
- downward dog (calf)
- sphinx (ab)
- frog (inner thigh)
- standing toe touch (hamstring & back)