For example, English speakers commonly mix up your/you’re or there/their/they’re. I’m curious about similar mistakes in other languages.

    1 year ago

    In Korean we have these conjugated forms. They both sound the same:

    1. 나아 [na.a] (from 낫다) be/become better
    2. 낳아 [na.a] (from 낳다) give birth (to a baby)

    So when given A as an example:

    (A) 감기에 걸렸어요. I got a cold.
    (B) 빨리 나으세요! Hope you get better soon!
    © 빨리 낳으세요! Hope you give birth soon!

    For some reason Koreans across all ages write C instead of B by mistake. It became a national joke at this point and some do it ironically on purpose. I used to teach Korean. Imagine my face every time.

    There are more but I’m on my phone. Will do more later.

  • 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍
    1 year ago

    I’m Spanish, n and ñ are different letters. They are not substitutes. It is the difference between someone being 5 years old and someone having 5 anuses.

    “Yo tengo 5 años / yo tengo 5 anos”

    Looking at you, Will Shortz

      • geoma
        141 year ago

        or configure your keyboard as English international, dead tildes. You can use ~ with an n to produce an ñ. At least in gnu/Linux that’s easy to do

          91 year ago

          I’m not on my computer. My phone keyboard does all sorts of fun crazy things; some of them are even intentional.

      • YTG123
        101 year ago

        Use double n, that’s the archaic way of spelling that (tilde derives from n on top of another n)

      • BOMBS
        71 year ago

        For people on Linux, hit [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[u] then type [0] [0] [f] [1]. That will enter an ñ when you hit the next key.

          151 year ago

          For people on Linux, enable the compose key in your keyboard settings and then type [Compose] [n] [~].

          The compose-key method for entering accented letters is by far the easiest to use for any desktop OS … but it’s not enabled by default because you have to give up some modifier key to use it.

          • Lvxferre
            91 year ago

            It’s completely off-topic but Compose is amazing. Specially as you can actually customise it for your usage, with a .XCompose file. For me it’s the only think that makes phonetic transcription flow, otherwise you got to shift layouts back and forth to write something like “[tɾɐ̃skɾi’sɜ̃ʊ̯] ⟨transcrição⟩”.

            Here’s mine, if anyone is interested.

            • Evkob (they/them)
              61 year ago

              Based solely off this comment, I just wanna say you seem like such a cool person. Anyone who has a custom file on their OS to facilitate using IPA characters is good people in my book.

          • BOMBS
            1 year ago

            ñ…woah! I just tried it by switching the [Menu] key to a compose key. That’s so much easier. Thanks for sharing 🙂

        41 year ago

        On windows, hold ‘alt’ and then type the numbers 1 6 4 for lower case and 1 6 5 for upper case ñ.

        That’s their places in the ASCII table, you can do that with any special characters, look up their place in the ASCII table, press alt and the respecting number, release alt and voila.

          41 year ago

          SO many people don’t know the ALT+Number combo nowadays it’s surprising. I learnt about it in 4th grade in elementary school in 1999.

        21 year ago

        Be happy that it doesn’t: brazilian keyboards added an extra key for “ç” right in the middle of the keyboard and it’s pretty useful, until the day you have to use any other keyboard and realize that if you configure it to use the brazilian layout, you’re not losing the “ç”, you lose the comma, or question mark, or exclamation mark or something much more annoying to be left without.

        Now you either learn to type again with another keyboard layout, or spend the rest of your life using only cheap keyboards made in brazil that have the “right amount” of keys.

  • Arturo Serrano
    341 year ago

    In Spanish, we have these words:

    hay (there is) ahí (over there) ay (ouch)

    And it’s infuriating when people can’t pick the right one in writing.

  • Illecors
    311 year ago

    Less. It’s used eveywhere, although should only be used with uncountable nouns.

    Less drama is prefered.

    Fewer items left on the shopping list.

      511 year ago

      There’s a certain level of irony in correcting people’s language while not reading the original question properly yourself.

        21 year ago

        There’s a certain level of irony in correcting someone for misreading the prompt when you’ve misread it yourself.

        Two false assumptions you’ve made here:

        1. That English speakers are incapable of speaking other languages

        2. That the word ‘native’ can’t refer to English speakers

        As an example, someone who speaks English and Spanish is qualified to answer this question. The word ‘native’ is ambiguous and can refer to either native English or Spanish speakers. This person can answer the prompt completely in English and still be correct.

          31 year ago

          Maybe syntactically, but I feel like reading it that way is probably a violation of pragmatics. In other words, it’s highly unlikely that’s in the spirit of the question.

          This is made even clearer if you read the text of OP, which specifies “other” (non-English) languages.

      • randint ランディント
        41 year ago

        Thank you! I often feel the urge to use “less” before a countable noun despite knowing that I’m supposed to use “fewer.” Good to know that it isn’t just me.

      • Illecors
        21 year ago

        I see your point, but my personal view is that I like order. I don’t even care too much about specific kind of order. Chaotic-looking things can also be in-order (my favourite example is Vietnamese traffic).

        I would argue at least is not equal to the least. It’s a different word, despite being spelt the same. There are a few examples like that which, unfortunately, escape me at the moment.

        Also, don’t mean any offence, but text is difficult to relay that - I’ve literally loled at you mispelling grammar in the sentence talking about grammar and spelling :D

          1 year ago

          I’m actually with you - building out our plural system would be a satisfying direction for English to go. Unfortunately, I don’t see “at fewest” catching on. Maybe I’ll try it out a few.

          If you look at non-standard dialects of English, it seems like the most natural thing is for the aspect system to grow out as the language evolves further (and unfortunately lose some of it’s symmetries).

  • Björn Tantau
    241 year ago

    In German people tend to increase “only” (das einzige). As in, they say something is the “onliest” (das einzigste). It’s usually a good indicator of someone’s education.

    In many regions it is common to do comparisons with “as” (wie). As in “My dog is bigger as yours” instead of “My dog is bigger than yours”. The most infuriating thing about this is that most people doing that mistake don’t even acknowledge that it is one. At least people who say “onliest” can be convinced that it is wrong.

    Technically not an error but still annoying is to append an apostrophe and an s to a name to indicate the genitive. Like in “Anna’s food is good”. In German that should be written as “Annas Essen ist gut”. But due to many people making the same mistake (I guess also because we’re used to it from English sentences) it has been allowed to use an apostrophe. So in that case I’m just a grumpy old guy.

      101 year ago

      In Dutch it’s also common to use als (as) instead of dan (than). Technically it’s wrong though.

        41 year ago

        This gets really confusing if you’re from Limburg. In Limburgish, “daan” (the cognate to Dutch “dan”) only exists as the time indicator. With comparisons the correct Limburgish is to use “es” for differences (e.g. “Jan is groeter es Maria”, “John is bigger than Mary”), and “wie” for equivalents (e.g “Jan is eve aajd wie Maria”, “John is as old as Mary”). Now “es” is cognate to Dutch “als”, but using it in Dutch as in Limburgish is wrong. So yeah this gets confusing.

      1 year ago

      In many regions it is common to do comparisons with “as” (wie). As in “My dog is bigger as yours” instead of “My dog is bigger than yours”.

      I’m (re-)learning Yiddish at the moment, and “as (wie)” is a common construction; it’s interesting to see which words and sentence formats are common (between German and Yiddish), and which aren’t. I wonder if that’s where this usage comes from.

      • Björn Tantau
        71 year ago

        Nice, very interesting find.

        Also, I’ve never been called a Grammar Nazi more elegantly.

        • I never meant to say or imply that you were and I apologise most humbly if it came through that way. I just thought that it was interesting.

    • BruceTwarzen
      51 year ago

      Oh god before i read your comment i thought i have nothing to add. Then i realised that i know people who say things like: als wie. Mein hund ist grösser als wie deiner.

      1 year ago

      In Dutch, the only (one) is “de enige”. People often use “de enigste”, which actually means the cutest. Enig -> enigste.

      “Ik ben als enigste over” “Ja, schattig ben je zeker”

      "“Ich bin der Einzigste, der noch übrig ist” “Ja, du bist wirklich süß”

      “I’m the only one left.” “Yeah, cute you sure are”

    • Lvxferre
      31 year ago

      Technically not an error but still annoying is to append an apostrophe and an s to a name to indicate the genitive.

      Even technically I’d consider it an error - the genitive/“possessive” apostrophe in English highlights that you’re dealing with a clitic, attached to the end of the noun phrase; e.g. the dog**'s** food` → the dog and the cat**'s** food. In German however it doesn’t behave like a clitic, it’s a plain declension; e.g. das Futter des Hundes → das Futter des Hundes und der Katze - you’re switching words, not moving them.

      I wonder if that’s because most people nowadays use von+Dative instead.

        21 year ago

        Not a native speaker, so I could be wrong about this:

        I’ve seen a construction using proper nouns (eg. Annas Haus) where an “s” indicates possession, but no apostrophe. This doesn’t seem to apply to non-proper nouns (das Haus der Frau) and is different from normal genitive construction that adds an “s” to masc/neut noun genders (das Haus des Mannes)

    211 year ago

    That English natives have so much trouble distinguishing effect from affect keeps surprising me.

    As for Dutch, the dt-issue is presented as if it is this hugely complicated set of rules. While in reality it is dead simple. Third person in the present time is ALWAYS conjugated as stem+t for regular verbs, except in ONE case: when the stem already ends in t. Dt isn’t special, it’s just the rule applied to all stems.

      1 year ago

      I think the main issue with that one is that they’ve become homophones in a lot of regional accents, a secondary part of it is that they are semi-related concepts, and the third part of it is that there are also technically noun and verb versions of each.

      X affects Y, X has an effect on Y.

      The affected happiness effect effected a positive affect.

      21 year ago

      My school taught this whole convoluted system that was meant to help students with multiple tenses, but I just learned to apply the “ik loop” mnemonic which is so effortless (to native speakers at least.)

      Sometimes I have to think once or twice about soft ketchup/'t Kofschip for the past participle, but that’s about it.

      11 year ago

      I think the main errors happen with “voltooide deelwoorden” (past participle). Then you need mnemonic devices like “'t kofschip” to know whether it’s t or d (or determine it using what you would say in the past time of the verb). It doesn’t help that e.g., “gebeurt” and “gebeurd” both are correct depending on the tense used.

      Also the fact that the t drops when the verb is inversed in the 2nd person singular present tense, and not e.g., past tense (“Je wordt” but “Word je”) is a weird rule.

      It’s not thát complicated and if you pay attention, you should be able to get it all right. That’s why I think such mistakes are more a sign of carelessness and not of stupidity.

        11 year ago

        The second person during a question is still no special rule for dt. It’s still very regular. For all regular verbs it’s just stem (without the +t).


        Praten -> stem = praat -> praat jij? Worden -> stem = word -> word jij? Surfen -> stem = surf -> surf jij?

        No irregularity for stems ending in d.

          11 year ago

          It’s an easy rule, yes. It’s also an easy one to overlook if you’re not paying attention.

          “Word je blij?”, but also “wordt je moeder blij?”.

          It’s not like people don’t understand the rule. No native Dutch speaker would say “Loopt jij?”

    • DefederateLemmyMl
      11 year ago

      Third person in the present time is ALWAYS conjugated as stem+t for regular verbs

      It gets more complicated in the second person though, with the inversion exception.

        11 year ago

        But again, there is no special exception for dt. Again it’s the regular rule applied: second person conjugation in questions is just the stem for regular verbs.

    211 year ago

    I really hate when native English speakers use could of or would of. It makes no sense and sounds completely wrong, yet some people claim it’s just a minor mistake.

  • I know you’re asking for such errors in other languages, but I find it interesting that some of the common english errors are more frequent with native english speakers than with learners of english as a second language.

    A good example of that is using “of” instead of “have”.
    Should of… of what?? It makes no sense to me how someone could confuse the two.

    Having learned english as a second language, I learned to read and write it before learning to speak it.
    On the other hand, I’d expect native speakers to have learned spoken english before learning written english.
    I think this difference changes which errors someone is likely to make.
    Native speakers confuse of/have more because they heard it long before writing it.
    People who learned it later are less likely to make that mistake, although they’re more likely for some others.

    TL;DR: Native speakers are more likely to make mistakes that are homonyms. Of/have, your/you’re, etc.

    As for the spirit of your question, I’ll go with french.

    Almost every noun in french is gendered.
    Objects, body parts, concepts, ideas, pretty much anything and everything is gendered.
    It’s also super obvious whenever someone doesn’t use the correct gender for anything.
    It’s also hard to explain to anyone.
    There might be a logic behind it, but I don’t know how to summarize any of it.
    I just know it, but couldn’t tell you why.

    Some of those make no fucking sense either.
    It has mostly nothing to do with women or men or gebder roles and identity, it just is.
    “Jam” is a feminine noun, yet “butter” is masculine.
    “Bread” is masculine, but a “loaf” is feminine.
    The noun for each and every season are masculine nouns, but the word “season” itself is a feminine noun.
    Also, a “vagina” is a masculine noun, because reasons? Weird.
    Various different words for “testicles” vary between masculine and feminine.

    It’s all super obvious to anyone who speaks french, but I never managed to explain it to any speaker of a non-gendered language like english without breaking their minds.

      111 year ago

      Regarding should have and should ‘of’; I’ve always understood it to be should’ve, which when spoken tends to keep a short vowel sound in the middle of the contraction that makes it phonetically sound like ‘of’. Bit of a bone-apple-tea.

      • MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
        31 year ago

        Should I continue to persist after I have cut this olive in twain, and one of the portions thereof in twain again, then I’ll live, I’ll have half an olive, and I’ll’ve halved half an olive.

          21 year ago

          I disagree, “should’ve” and “should of” sound virtually identical when spoken (at least in some regions, can’t speak for all pronunciations). I can imagine why a non english native speaker would have trouble with this, though I’m not disagreeing with it being a common issue amongst native speakers as well.

      31 year ago

      Having learned French as a second language, I can say that the gendered noun thing wasn’t the most difficult aspect, but it was the most consistently annoying. There are signifiers that makes the gender of some nouns very obvious, but then there are just as many others where it feels arbitrary or even contradictory to the established trends.

      11 year ago

      I’ve been told that to start a fight in Francophones, just demand to know whether grapefruit ( pamplemousse, iirc ), is male or female…

      : P

      The book “The Alphabet Versus The Goddess” by Leonard Shlain, makes the point that women’s-rights simply don’t progress as quickly, in countries which have gendered languages…

      So, Anglo cultures pushed women’s-rights, whereas Latin cultures … won’t, don’t, drag their heels, etc…

      That book is now a couple ?decades? old?

      It’s still true.

      Conditioning an entire population’s System-1 ( Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, the System-1 is the default-instinct & the trained-now-automatic-expertise system, it also is the system that is both addiction & prejudice ) into gendering everything, automatically, may well prevent equal-validity from ever having place…

      Mind you, I now want to see which Nordic/Scandi languages are gendered, & which Middle-East languages are gendered, to see if that holds in those parts of the world, not just in the Americas…

      … digging …

      ( that isn’t a quick read… may come back to it some day… )


      “The grammatical gender of nouns is one of two: a noun may be masculine or it may be feminine, and there is no neutral option. Moreover, masculinity is the default grammatical gender in Arabic and a word does not have to have anything special in order to reflect this. Femininity, on the other hand, is not default and a noun would have to have something special to reflect this gender in Arabic.”


      So, there is ZERO hope of equal-validity in Arabic culture, because the language programs Arabic people’s System-1 into 2 exclusive validity-categories, with male being inherently more-valid, by established language-habit.

      What about Hebrew?

      No wonder women can’t get equal-validity in Jewish culture…

      ( I read a Jewess’s writing ~ Nobody EVERY celebrated the birth of a Jewish girl: only boys are celebrated ~ … which explains the damage in the stereotypical “Jewish mother”, a woman whose validity has been contempted by all in her culture, until the damage is her most defining feature… )

      So, it looks like equal-rights/equal-validity for women is … baseless, in some/many cultures…

      Interesting, but depressing.

      : \

      • Zagorath
        81 year ago

        So, there is ZERO hope of equal-validity in Arabic culture, because the language programs Arabic people’s System-1 into 2 exclusive validity-categories, with male being inherently more-valid, by established language-habit.

        That sounds like some Strong Sapir-Whorf thinking. And the Strong Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is pretty roundly rejected by most linguists.

      • So, Anglo cultures pushed women’s-rights, whereas Latin cultures … won’t, don’t, drag their heels, etc…

        That’s mostly bullshit imo.

        Grammar itself doesn’t necessarily hold back progress with gender identities and equality.
        Languages evolve.
        French can have gender neutral pronouns, which can make sense for referring to people of various gender identities.
        Meanwhile, a gender neutral “table” is a bit moot. While a table is a feminine noun, such an object has no identity, its “gender” has nothing with social constructs, with gender roles or identities, not with women in general. A noun isn’t feminine or masculine because of its characteristics, but because of its phonetics and in some cases, plain old habit.
        Synonyms can have different grammatical genders.

        I’m quite certain that women are better off living in France or in French Canada than most places in the anglo US, not that it’s a high bar on the subject of women rights.

    1 year ago
    • could of (could’ve)

    • try and (try to)

    • if I was… (if I were)

    • effect/affect

    • less / fewer

    • not adapting adjectives, like “this fits real good” (really well)

  • Evkob (they/them)
    181 year ago

    I’m a native French speaker, specifically from the Acadian parts of the province of New-Brunswick (Canada). We have a lot of vocabulary, grammar and syntax that people who speak a more standard French might frown upon (lots of borrowing from English but also a lot of old French words which disappeared in Europe but not here, as well as some Indigenous influences). Fuck anyone who judges our dialect and accents, I love the way we speak.

    That being said, there are a few things that bother me:

    1. The pleonasm “plus pire” (most worst, or most most bad). There are a few common pleonasm but this one is the only one that truly irks me for some reason.

    2. “Si que” (if that) because of something that was drilled into me by my dad, “les si n’aiment pas les que” (“the ifs don’t like the thats”). Using “si que” is like saying “if that I say this” rather than “if I say this”.

    The more I think about it the more I guess my stance on this is that deviating from standard French is fine and even cool when it adds meaning or nuance. I just dislike it when it’s purely redundant.

      1 year ago

      In France there are some mistakes that became social markers.

      People following conspiracy theories are mostly bad educated people, and they wrongly conjugate some verbs.

      The most common examples are:

      • “Nous sachons”, instead of “Nous savons” (we know)
      • “Ils croivent” instead of “Ils croient” (they think, they believe)
      • “Comme même” instead of “Quand même” (nonetheless, despite, kinda hard to translate)

      Making one of those mistakes will immediately tag you as a fool.

        31 year ago

        Interesting, in Quebec I’ve never heard the conjugations to the left!

        When we need to strategically indicate this kind of thing, we just curse excessively. Often they are strung together into a profane litany that continues on for some time! I always thought it was quite artful.

      • Evkob (they/them)
        11 year ago

        Like Saigonauticon, I’ve never heard any of these!

        In my neck of the woods you’ll find people adding a first person plural ending to third person plural verbs (ex: “elles mangeons” instead of “elles mangent”) which is common enough to not bother me or strike me as a sign of stupidity, and at least differenciates between the singular and plural forms of a verb.

        One thing I didn’t mention in my original comment that does bother me is something kinda similar some people do with the verb “être”, like a teacher I had in high school. Instead of “ils étaient”, she’d say “ils sontaient”, simply adding the typical imparfait conjugation ending to the present “ils sont”.

        Les cours avec elle sontaient un peu tristes, et malheureusement assez représentatifs de la qualité de mon enseignement.

    • Zagorath
      21 year ago

      So is it like saying “si que le jet est un 20 natural” instead of “si le jet est un 20 natural”? Just adding the word “que” in there without reason? Or does it only happen in certain contexts?

      • Evkob (they/them)
        31 year ago

        I’m not a linguist, and studies about the French in my region are few and far between, so I’m not comfortable stating anything as fact. However, as far as I can tell, it’s not context-dependant and never adds any meaning.

    181 year ago

    As a French speaker, I’m not mad at foreigners for not speaking French. I’m very tolerant for all their mistakes and I will help them if they want to.

    I’m mad at French speakers mistakes though. Like people mixing first person futur and imparfait. Or people saying digital instead of numérique (those ones I hate them).

    • As someone whose 2nd language is French, thank you for your tolerance! I am much more rusty now since my grandparents have passed and my parents & other family members no longer speak it, but I do want to get back into learning it better again.

    • Evkob (they/them)
      41 year ago

      Like people mixing first person futur and imparfait.

      Just to clarify, do you mean stuff like saying “je serais là demain” (“I would be there tomorrow”) rather than “je serai là demain”? (“I will be there tomorrow”)?

        71 year ago

        Yes indeed. The mistake comes from mispronunciation : je serai was originally pronounced “Je seré”. But parisiens especially and in many other places they started to pronounce “Je serè” exactly like the imparfait. So now they can’t make the difference. What’s funny is that they always invert both, the error is made for both in like 80% of the cases. I find this properly fascinating.

  • Lvxferre
    1 year ago

    Due to Linguistics I spend more time trying to analyse the feature than judging it.

    That said, two things that grind my gears, when it comes to Portuguese:

    • Usage of the gerund for the future tense; e.g. *estaremos enviando (roughly, “we will send”) instead of “vamos enviar” or “enviaremos”. My issue here is not grammatical, but that this construction usually marks lack of commitment.
    • “Cuspido e escarrado” (spat and coughed up) to highlight the striking resemblance between two things or people. When the saying is supposed to be “esculpido em Carrara” (sculpted in Carrara).
      101 year ago

      Wait, the resemblance thing is also used in other languages: “spitting image” in English, for example, and “copia sputata” in Italian. I’m actually wondering for the first time where it comes from, so maybe there’s a reason for the Portuguese saying to be related to spit

      • Lvxferre
        31 year ago

        I think that there is some semantic association between spitting and copying, that all three languages are using. (I wonder how modern it is; photocopy machines spitting copies come to my mind.)

        However in Portuguese it might be also because most people don’t know the reference of the original saying (the marble sculptures of that Tuscan city), so they parse it as a phonetically similar saying. And in quick speech they do sound similar, e.g. for me:

        • esculpido em Carrara - [(e)skʊ(w).'pi.dẽ.kɐ̥.'hä.ɾɐ]
        • [cópia] cuspida e escarrada - [kʊs.'pi.des.kɐ̥.'hä.dɐ]
          51 year ago

          From a quick search that didn’t provide anything really insightful, it seems that at least in Italian the term has been used since the XIV century, so it’s not photocopy related

          • Lvxferre
            31 year ago

            Yeah, if copia sputata is so old there’s no way that it’s from those machines.

            Digging further on the expression it seems to be old in English too, attested in 1689. And the only explanation that I’ve seen to account to Italian and English both having it is religious in nature - while not biblical it seems common the idea that God spat into the clay to create Adam.

            Speaking on Italian: people (often native speakers) messing with the apostrophe bug me a bit, it’s a good example for this thread. Specially un’ followed by a masculine word; e.g. *un’altro for un altro. It tilts the autocompletion inside my brain, expecting a word and getting another in place. I’m not native speaker though so this likely plays a role.

    • Lupec
      91 year ago

      Good points overall! I’d add that in my opinion “estaremos enviando” is closer to “we will be sending”, which also better conveys the odd, misplaced telemarketer politeness vibes it carries.

      • Lvxferre
        41 year ago

        we will be sending

        This. I was struggling to convey the aspect, but you got it right IMO. And, pragmatically, it’s more like “we might be sending”, with that might highlighting that it probably won’t.

        • schmorp
          21 year ago

          Is ‘estaremos enviando’ not just Brazilian Portuguese?

          • Lvxferre
            1 year ago

            I believe that it’s more used in dialects spoken in Brazil than elsewhere, but even in Brazil it’s considered poor grammar. Specially given that both nós conjugations¹ and the synthetic future² are falling into disuse, so it sounds like trying to speak fancy and failing hard at it.

            EDIT: now it clicked me why you likely said so; it’s common in European dialects to use “a enviar” (gerundive infinitive) instead of “enviando” (traditional gerund)³. The phenomenon that I’m talking about can be used with either, e.g. “estaremos a enviar”; for me it’s the same issue, people would say “estaremos a enviar” instead of “enviaremos” to throw the event into a distant future that might never happen.

            1. They’re still fairly used by older people in speech, but there’s a clear gen gap with younger folks using “a gente” almost exclusively.
            2. almost completely replaced by conjugated ir + infinitive.
            3. Note that “enviando” is still fairly used in Alentejo and the Algarve.
  • Justas🇱🇹
    151 year ago

    Lithuanian here.

    What mostly grinds my gears is Lithuanians taking an English word and adding a Lithuanian ending, and often even a wrong one:

    breakupinosi instead of išsiskyrė, faitinosi instead of mušėsi , etc.

    Some other gripes include optimaliausias i.e. most optimal. Optimal is already the best, what is the point of saying bestest?

    Adding pointless phrases like ta prasme i.e. in that meaning is also common but seen as a major style error.

    151 year ago

    In Romanian we have an “i” situation.

    One kid = un copil Two kids = doi copii The kids = copiii (the article goes at the end of the noun)

    To be = a fi (You) be nice = fii cuminte

    It can be confusing, but the amount of people that are eating the ending "i"s is infuriating.

    151 year ago

    I am a non-native speaker of Vietnamese. There are some pretty horrible mistakes you can make, honestly. I’ll go through a few of them.

    In Vietnamese, non-native speakers often confuse the word for ‘mother in law’ with the word for the male genitalia.

    Also the word for “large” with the word for the female genitalia. So when ordering e.g. a large meal, if in doubt, just use the word for L (“luh”) instead of lớn.

    When referring to your mother-in-law, practice with your partner before the first meeting. Then, quickly ask for permission to call her “mother”, which is easier for non-native speakers to pronounce.

    Finally, the word for ‘martial arts’ and ‘Vietnamese wife’ differs only by a single tone. If you make the mistakes above, you may perhaps find out why that is – usually via the medium of a flung sandal :P