A year after she was shot by her 6-year-old student in a Virginia classroom, former teacher Abby Zwerner said she still worries about the other children who saw it happen, and wonders how they’re faring.

Wounded by a bullet that struck her hand and chest and punctured a lung, Zwerner rushed the other first-graders into the hallway before she collapsed in the elementary school’s office.

“I hope that they are enjoying school, enjoying their second-grade year,” Zwerner, 26, told The Virginian-Pilot newspaper. “I hope that they’re still kind to their classmates, kind to teachers. I hope that they still have happiness, and that their happiness wasn’t completely stripped away.”

  • @Wrench@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    Punishment for irresponsible gun storage wouldn’t make a dent. All it would achieve is putting more people in jail, not actually preventing mass shootings.

    Ban semi auto guns. Bolt / lever / pump / hammer (etc) action weapons only. That is plenty for hunting and defense scenarios.

    Realistically, it’d have to be a long, multi phase roll out of voluntary surrenders, followed by crime enhancements, followed by open warrants.

    • @shalafi@lemmy.world
      -21 year ago

      and will stand up to 2A challenges

      You seem to have dropped this.

      And who do you imagine is voluntarily surrendering? Not sure what you propose here.

      followed by crime enhancements, followed by open warrants

      Doesn’t that contradict your second sentence?

      As far as bans go, some people obey the law, some do not. There’s also this.

    • @grue@lemmy.world
      -51 year ago

      Ban semi auto guns. Bolt / lever / pump / hammer (etc) action weapons only. That is plenty for hunting and defense scenarios.

      The 2nd Amendment exists for the purpose of ensuring “the security of a free State.” Bolt / lever / pump / hammer (etc) action weapons don’t cut it for that purpose in the 21st century.

      Instead, we should take a page from Switzerland: issue everybody a military-standard assault rifle and force them to train with it, but don’t let anybody keep any ammo.

      • Brokkr
        51 year ago

        The 2nd amendment states that a well regulated malitia is necessary for the security of a free state. It does not state that armed citizens are necessary.

        Before you bring up DC vs Heller, please first address how using originalism to rewrite the constitution is reasonable by an appellate court.

          • Brokkr
            1 year ago

            Please stop leaving out the important parts. Clarifying components of a law are very important. Your link clearly states that there are 2 classes of the militia and the 2nd class is unorganized and therefore not part of the “well regulated militia”. The unorganized militia is everyone not in the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

            Additionally, by your interpretation, anyone over the age of 45 would not be a part of the militia and would therefore not have a right to bear arms. Including Heller who would therefore have lacked standing. Would you agree? If you do not, please explain.

            • @grue@lemmy.world
              01 year ago

              Your link clearly states that there are 2 classes of the militia and the 2nd class is unorganized and therefore not part of the “well regulated militia”.

              That just means it needs to be better regulated, which is exactly what I proposed to do.

              Additionally, by your interpretation, anyone over the age of 45 should therefore surrender their firearms.

              What part of “sure, it needs a little updating to get rid of the sexism and ageism” did you not understand?

              • Brokkr
                01 year ago

                I was editing my prior comment while you were writing this. Please see the updated version.

                I think you’ve misunderstood the link you provided. Part of the militia is explicitly not regulated because the civilian population is not part of the National Guard.

                • @grue@lemmy.world
                  11 year ago

                  I think you’ve misunderstood the link you provided. Part of the militia is explicitly not regulated because the civilian population is not part of the National Guard.

                  No, I understood just fine (condescend much?). You, however, misunderstood what I wrote, which is proposing to CHANGE THAT by imposing weapons training requirements on everybody, National Guard or not.