After long discussion and frequent delays, the legalisation is finally here to stay.

    61 year ago

    Have to admit, I haven’t followed the subject since I don’t smoke weed. Tried it a few times, thousands of years ago when I was younger and it was not my thing.

    In Germany driving while under the influence is an almost instant MPU. Will they relax the law now, or do it like with alcohol, you need to be over a certain value to have your licensed revoked? No disrespect against people that smoke weed but I don’t want to share a road with people stoned out of their minds.

    • While you’re right that people shouldn’t drive while being stoned, you also shouldn’t fear it too much since cannabis has a far less impact on your driving skills compared to alcohol. Most likely stoners will just drive slower and be hyperfocused on the road.

      21 year ago

      They make oral swabs to check if people have smoked within the last few hours or so, although I don’t think that works for edibles. Urine or hair test will always be unreliable for this use case because it shows up in those if you’ve used in the least few months to years. But anyway my point was that there are ways to test for intoxication similar to DUI breathalyzer.

      21 year ago

      I just read about it “am Rande” so take it with a grain of salt. Afaik, there is a legal limit for the blood traces, which is too low because the majority of people will not pass even several days after smoking. Said limit is therefore unrealistic and overly restrictive, they’re currently trying to figure out a number that makes more sense and still ensures that cannabis users are not a danger to themselves or anyone. Blood alcohol restrictions are a known quantity and have been for decades, but THC not so much so far.