I know that it’s popular to dismiss President Biden. I get it. He’s old. This is the first election featuring the 2 oldest candidates, ever. So what? The future of the WORLD is literally dependent on this election. To boot Biden from the ticket and try to bootstrap another candidate is madness. Booting this incumbent and hoping his VP will succeed is like firing the cook and hoping the dishwasher will give you Michelin-quality food. Stick with the old man, and figure out a way to enact his popular policies while also expanding the Supreme Court, enacting term limits and limiting “Christian” Nationalists.

  • @heavyboots@lemmy.ml
    -48 months ago

    He’s running the freaking country right now and has been for the last 3 and a half years. The “he’s old” crowd don’t seem to get that he’s old and effective?

    • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]
      188 months ago

      What part of those three and a half years makes him seem effective to you? The genocide? Is it how food costs twice as much now? Maybe your a fan of still catching covid at least once a year?

      • @heavyboots@lemmy.ml
        -48 months ago

        Oh yeah, it would have all turned out much better under Trump! /s

        Seriously though, he’s had a ridiculous congress to attempt to work with and he’s still gotten quite a few things done. Restarted FCC and FDA at their jobs of actually regulating. Infrastructure bills. Student loan relief. Airline accountability. Wiping out non-compete clauses by companies. Huge economic recovery from the hole Trump had dug for us.

        • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]
          148 months ago

          That’s the FDA that let’s them feed chicken shit with bird flu to the cows right? And the “build back better” that completely failed to build a chip fab in the middle of the desert? And the loan relief that was deliberately written to be as easily blocked by the courts as possible? And the planes that keep crashing? I’m real impressed.

          Did you ever notice how as the Republicans get more openly fascist the Democrat response is always to also get more fascist? Why shouldn’t they when they can always count on the support of marks like you? The only way to break the cycle is to put your fucking foot down and refuse to vote for anyone who fails to meet standards. If that means the dems never win again and join the whigs then good goddamn riddance, they were a hinderence anyway.

          • @heavyboots@lemmy.ml
            8 months ago

            OK, so you can criticize real good. What’s your actual, legal plan to switch Democratic candidates at such a late date? Everyone loves to criticize Biden and play fantasy football about who they would pick, but as near as I can tell, the only other person who could legally be chosen is Kamala Harris.

            Who is already on the ticket and will take over if something does happen to Biden. Oh, and if you think putting a black, female candidate up against Trump is suddenly going to win hearts and minds, then I have a Nigerian prince I’d like to put you in touch with for a small finders fee.

            Actually, I am pretty sure this is a Russian bot account anyway, but what the heck, let’s see what your response is.

            • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]
              8 months ago

              You blueannon dullards really think everyone you argue with is a bot huh? Its that hard for you to imagine someone not enthused for the diet fash party? And if I am real I bet I’m the one in the echo chamber too aren’t I?

              • @heavyboots@lemmy.ml
                -68 months ago

                No, but if you’re not voting for whoever the Dem candidate is, you’re the one promoting fascism and an end to worker rights at this juncture, so… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

                • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]
                  118 months ago

                  The democrats are also a fascist, anti worker party. It’s pathetic that this good cop bad cop routine works on you every time. You have no ability to see beyond the one stage managed false dilemma put immediately in front of you, nor to remember the one before. It’s like you have no object permanence.

            • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]
              118 months ago

              Oh I don’t give a shit about replacing Biden at this late hour. The time for that was years ago, this election is cooked. And anyway anyone acceptable to me would be completely unacceptable to the DNC. Thats the fucking problem. I’m voting PSL to register my demand for a socialist and trying to find some kind of org in my suburban hellscape.

                • booty [he/him]
                  128 months ago

                  Fascism won a long time ago, you’re just willfully ignorant of it. And they’ve got you sitting here wasting your time trying to plead with everyone to go perform the magic ritual to put the blue team fascist in charge because you’re convinced the end of the world is coming if the red team fascist is in charge instead.

                  The fascist you’re so scared of was already president. Joe Biden ran against him with the promise, “Nothing will fundamentally change.” And nothing fundamentally changed–that might have been the only honest thing Biden has ever said in his life.

    • @crusa187@lemmy.ml
      118 months ago

      Mental decline at advanced age can have a very sudden and dramatic impact. What matters for this election isn’t the past 3.5 years, it’s the next 5 months and following 4 years.

      Biden’s effectiveness and policies are debatable in quality, but clearly he is not in the driver’s seat at this juncture. His staff, all unelected officials, are. If you’ve been happy with their performance, then you’re in luck, because the makeup of the administration is unlikely to change significantly with a new presidential ticket, especially if it’s Kamala.