I think she’s an awful choice tactically and have little hope for what her administration would do - but I’ll still vote for her if her name is on the ticket.
There are millions of voters who, for reasons I will never understand, are still undecided. At some point, fighting over your candidate doesn’t inspire outsiders as to your party’s vision for governance. You’ll never sell a message of “We’re the party that will defeat fascism!” if half your efforts are spent essentially rehashing the primary. Seriously, the Dems right now look like a low budget version of Spartacus.
Biden, whether through serious belief or the obstinance that comes from advanced age, is not going to step aside. Continuing to publicly fight that, rather than unite behind a single party-wide message, only makes the Dems look weak.
And no, I’m not saying Biden shouldn’t step aside or that he is the best candidate. But party unity is the key to defeating the GOP and if Biden won’t withdraw, we work with that.
I mean, we Americans are certainly well-known for our quick critical-thinking skills, our ability to be reasonable and of course our willingness to compromise for the greater good.
Hell, the day before the election is just as good - especially if you don’t actually care about winning and/or enacting critical policies/legislation we need
India is roughly a billion people; The largest democracy in the world. I think they get it all done in 3 months. They also just had an election this year.
The US is kinda unique, having years long presedental campaigns. It’s crazy, and complety, unnecessarily, excessive.
There’s no reason for it, beyond driving donations for parties, and ratings for news networks.
But it’s the insanity we have. The insanity we’ve gotten used to.
Gods I cannot wait for her to lose, she’s a POS through and through
I find that in general when people say shit like this, without elaborating, they generally don’t have a solid idea why they think that. Is that the case for you or do you have actual reasons for saying this?
Not OP here and I’ll vote for her in the election 100% but the concerns I’ve seen raised most often are:
She was a cop and her history reflects the history of being a cop. Being a prosecutor means that you’re pressuring innocent people into jail time plea deals and using cops to back up your arguments all the time. She’s the epitome of back the blue.
That makes her a great choice against the “Law and Order” fascist felon at least.
… but the concerns I’ve seen raised most often are:
Concern, singular. It’s the same issue over and over again, and especially in Harris’ case… I mean both Clintons were once opposed to gay marriage, which is a real deal breaker for me. I didn’t hold that one single issue against Hillary, I looked at the totality of her neo-liberal/con background before deciding I couldn’t support her.
And… Joe Biden and just about every other congress critter has a terrible history of police support too. You know what? That’s the price they pay for getting votes. I don’t agree with it, I think it stinks as much as pigs in general, but it’s a price I’m willing to accept to get everything else and not get a Republican administration.
I’m looking for reasons that make Harris unelectable. TBH, her background throwing people in jail for minor drug offenses ups her appeal with a lot of voters.
She began on a progressive platform with a side of identity politics. She sold out her progressive platform during the campaign to position herself for, then secure the VP nomination.
But, we don’t need specifics to be certain any given US federal politician is absolute trash. They’re all elected on corporate money.
Ideologically, she’s a corporate shill that incarcerated thousands of people for minor posessions and then claimed to be against such policies while never offering any amnesty or apology. Politically I have major disagreeances with both parties platforms. Socially, I think Harris leads to some Republican bullshit scheme.
She did her job and applied the law as it was, she wasn’t the one who had the power to change those laws, the people chose to elect people who didn’t change them.
The unfortunate truth is that that’s not an option. We get either a Republican, or a slightly better Republican. We need to put in a lot of groundwork to open the doors for any other options, and we’re just not there yet.
The fact that you’re both-sides-ing this is enough for me to bow out. Biden and Harris are nowhere near the level of evil that Trump is. Enjoy wasting your vote. I’m out.
They’re all pieces of shit, you don’t come to lead a political party without being one. But we’ve still got to pick which is the least smelly piece of shit of the bunch.
Ideologically, she’s a corporate shill that incarcerated thousands of people for minor posessions and then claimed to be against such policies while never offering any amnesty or apology. Politically I have major disagreeances with both parties platforms. Socially, I think Harris leads to some Republican bullshit scheme.
Ah, so you sorta tried to answer this question. But it boils down to “because things”, mainly. Or rather ONE thing exactly. I’d bet that is the sum total of your actual knowledge of Harris’ history.
Like take this sentence: “Socially, I think Harris leads to some Republican bullshit scheme.”
Y’all so far are just repeating the same thing assuming nobody will notice that “reasons” is so far only one “reason” and not a great one at that. Somebody remind me the name of this cognitive error…
I wish her a good run and become the first female president of the USA.
deleted by creator
I don’t like lemon ice-cream very much, but I like it a hell more than scrotum gangreene.
Gods I cannot wait for her to lose, she’s a POS through and through, Dems need a better candidate.
I think she’s an awful choice tactically and have little hope for what her administration would do - but I’ll still vote for her if her name is on the ticket.
But until that day there is no reason not to argue for someone better.
And in that we’re in absolute agreement!
I disagree.
There are millions of voters who, for reasons I will never understand, are still undecided. At some point, fighting over your candidate doesn’t inspire outsiders as to your party’s vision for governance. You’ll never sell a message of “We’re the party that will defeat fascism!” if half your efforts are spent essentially rehashing the primary. Seriously, the Dems right now look like a low budget version of Spartacus.
Biden, whether through serious belief or the obstinance that comes from advanced age, is not going to step aside. Continuing to publicly fight that, rather than unite behind a single party-wide message, only makes the Dems look weak.
And no, I’m not saying Biden shouldn’t step aside or that he is the best candidate. But party unity is the key to defeating the GOP and if Biden won’t withdraw, we work with that.
Seriously! 4 weeks of plenty of time
I mean, we Americans are certainly well-known for our quick critical-thinking skills, our ability to be reasonable and of course our willingness to compromise for the greater good.
Hell, the day before the election is just as good - especially if you don’t actually care about winning and/or enacting critical policies/legislation we need
Exactly. Briton just had an entire election in 6 weeks!
Imagine, only 6 weeks for an entire campaign ‘season’!
Sorry, bro. I was being sarcastic. As much as I’d love what you’re putting down I absolutely do not think Americans are capable of anything like that
Most Americans can barely read. That’s where we’re at, over here
Then again, Britain is how many times smaller than the USA with how many times less electors and how many times less subdivisions in the country?
India is roughly a billion people; The largest democracy in the world. I think they get it all done in 3 months. They also just had an election this year.
The US is kinda unique, having years long presedental campaigns. It’s crazy, and complety, unnecessarily, excessive.
There’s no reason for it, beyond driving donations for parties, and ratings for news networks.
But it’s the insanity we have. The insanity we’ve gotten used to.
Such as?
Almost anyone. Preferably someone I’ve never heard of.
An outsider. Someone on the margins of society who doesn’t see things like we do, like a homeless person.
You got my vote!
The Roman Republic would sometimes temporarily appoint a dictator in times of need.
Her losing means Trump winning which would be about a million times worse
I find that in general when people say shit like this, without elaborating, they generally don’t have a solid idea why they think that. Is that the case for you or do you have actual reasons for saying this?
Not OP here and I’ll vote for her in the election 100% but the concerns I’ve seen raised most often are:
She was a cop and her history reflects the history of being a cop. Being a prosecutor means that you’re pressuring innocent people into jail time plea deals and using cops to back up your arguments all the time. She’s the epitome of back the blue.
That makes her a great choice against the “Law and Order” fascist felon at least.
Concern, singular. It’s the same issue over and over again, and especially in Harris’ case… I mean both Clintons were once opposed to gay marriage, which is a real deal breaker for me. I didn’t hold that one single issue against Hillary, I looked at the totality of her neo-liberal/con background before deciding I couldn’t support her.
And… Joe Biden and just about every other congress critter has a terrible history of police support too. You know what? That’s the price they pay for getting votes. I don’t agree with it, I think it stinks as much as pigs in general, but it’s a price I’m willing to accept to get everything else and not get a Republican administration.
I’m looking for reasons that make Harris unelectable. TBH, her background throwing people in jail for minor drug offenses ups her appeal with a lot of voters.
why would you hope that? (not a US resident)
She began on a progressive platform with a side of identity politics. She sold out her progressive platform during the campaign to position herself for, then secure the VP nomination.
But, we don’t need specifics to be certain any given US federal politician is absolute trash. They’re all elected on corporate money.
Ideologically, she’s a corporate shill that incarcerated thousands of people for minor posessions and then claimed to be against such policies while never offering any amnesty or apology. Politically I have major disagreeances with both parties platforms. Socially, I think Harris leads to some Republican bullshit scheme.
She did her job and applied the law as it was, she wasn’t the one who had the power to change those laws, the people chose to elect people who didn’t change them.
She could have gotten a different job that didn’t involve ruining lives over plants.
Prosecutors have discretion about who they charge, and what sentence they seek.
So you are eager for Trump to win, then.
I’m eager for dems to see we won’t put up with trash anymore. No more slightly better republicans, we deserve better.
The unfortunate truth is that that’s not an option. We get either a Republican, or a slightly better Republican. We need to put in a lot of groundwork to open the doors for any other options, and we’re just not there yet.
So, Trump then.
It’s either Trump, slightly older Trump, or Woman Trump, I’ll just write in Bernie.
The fact that you’re both-sides-ing this is enough for me to bow out. Biden and Harris are nowhere near the level of evil that Trump is. Enjoy wasting your vote. I’m out.
They’re all pieces of shit, you don’t come to lead a political party without being one. But we’ve still got to pick which is the least smelly piece of shit of the bunch.
enlight me on the reasons for this conclusion, idk much about her
Ideologically, she’s a corporate shill that incarcerated thousands of people for minor posessions and then claimed to be against such policies while never offering any amnesty or apology. Politically I have major disagreeances with both parties platforms. Socially, I think Harris leads to some Republican bullshit scheme.
Ah, so you sorta tried to answer this question. But it boils down to “because things”, mainly. Or rather ONE thing exactly. I’d bet that is the sum total of your actual knowledge of Harris’ history.
Like take this sentence: “Socially, I think Harris leads to some Republican bullshit scheme.”
What? What does that actually mean?
Harris cannot win, Harris will not win this election. If she is the nominated candidate all it leads to is Republican bullshit and a win.
“Because reasons”
Howdy, rereading old comments and came across this one of mine. I figured you would like to read it too.
Yes, because of many reasons, with the big one being she’s incredibly umpopular and will drive people away.
Y’all so far are just repeating the same thing assuming nobody will notice that “reasons” is so far only one “reason” and not a great one at that. Somebody remind me the name of this cognitive error…