The bitter nationwide debate over transgender rights is playing out on a very personal level in a federal court lawsuit filed in Virginia by a former Liberty University employee. She was fired by the evangelical Christian school after disclosing her identity as a transgender woman.

The lawsuit on behalf of Ellenor Zinski was filed in July by the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia and the Richmond law firm of Butler Curwood. It alleges that she was fired last year from her job on Liberty’s Information Technology help desk solely because of her gender identify, in violation of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Earlier this month, the conservative legal organization Liberty Counsel filed a brief on behalf of the university asking the federal district court to dismiss the lawsuit. The brief contends that the Civil Rights Act explicitly permits religious educational institutions to make employment decisions consistent with their religious doctrine — in this case a doctrinal statement asserting that “denial of birth sex by self-identification with a different gender” is sinful.

  • Flying Squid
    885 months ago

    It just shows how difficult it is for a trans person to get a job in the U.S. when she was desperate enough to take a job at a fascism indoctrination mill.

      1035 months ago

      If you read the article, you’d know it wasn’t desperation. It was an institution she admired and specifically wanted to work there. It’s even sadder than being desperate. She was already indoctrinated into the cult that hates her for who she is.

        5 months ago

        And yet, without such people, these institutions will never change. If you want these institutions to be non-hateful, you have to get non-hateful people into them. We’re not going to get rid of Liberty University any time soon. And I would prefer to see it grow into a non-bigoted institution than to have it remain a bigoted institution indefinitely.

    • Jolly Platypus
      515 months ago

      I was about to say, why the fuck would you work for a Christian organization if you are trans? It’s like being black and working for the KKK.

        355 months ago

        Not at all. If these people actually read the Bible they’d be completely fine with trans people. They don’t, they just make up shit to fit their preexisting beliefs and then call themselves Christian.

        5 months ago

        It depends what kind of Christianity you’re dealing with. Where I live, most of the churches have rainbow flags on display with “everyone’s welcome here” messages and lost of leftish liberals with fairly progressive views. Some even put pro-LGBTQ+ messages on their signs that call people out for bigotry. But Liberty University isn’t that kind of Christianity.

          105 months ago

          Yup. A lot of churches have the stance of “love thy neighbor. Did I fucking stutter?” and it’s very refreshing after decades of nonstop hate. Not saying the hate isn’t still out there, but we’ve come a long way even in the past 10 years.

            35 months ago

            love thy neighbor

            I guess Jesus didn’t consider his neighbor’s slaves to be neighbors as well… Or is there something about a slave that makes them not need love like other humans?

                    35 months ago

                    You don’t see how Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the Christian church, who are named for being “Christ like”, and the Bible, the holy book of his teachings and God’s stances on the rules to enter heaven, are relevent to his people?

                    I actually agree with you.

                    Jesus and the Bible are irrelevant to Christians.

          45 months ago

          Gee, it’s almost as if their religion’s name patron had preached to love and forgive each other and aid the poor and downtrodden. Crazy thought.

      • Flying Squid
        105 months ago

        I’m just amazed they didn’t figure it out sooner. She does look like she can pass, but I’m still amazed. You would think a place so paranoid of atheist librul indoctrination would run background checks before they hire anyone. Unless a background check wouldn’t turn up her deadname, I guess…

        • Nougat
          195 months ago

          Unless a background check wouldn’t turn up her deadname, I guess…

          It absolutely would. There might not be anything specific about gender identity, but it wouldn’t be too hard to do the math.

          I think it’s more likely that they don’t do background checks, because they don’t want to appear on c/priestarrested.

      5 months ago

      I wish Dems would start spitting fire and come out with an ad going through the list of prejudices throughout our history.

      "Native Americans / Aborigines? Italians? Jews? Asians? Blacks? Latinos? Women voting? Muslims? Gay? And now trans?

      Isn’t it always something? When will we all see the pattern here that these witch hunts always fall on the wrong side of history. And they’re always perpetrated by the same sort of people - not grouped by the color of their skin race or religion, but of profound ignorance rooted in fear of the unknown. Cutting across every other adjective used to divide us, we are ALL human."

      Side note but my god I still think of that Bernie Sanders ad from his 2016 campaign, Vote Together.

      • Flying Squid
        75 months ago

        The problem right now is that there are a bunch of bigots who vote Democratic and the margins are sliver-thin.

        Maybe they would actually get more voters if they did that, but I don’t know that they necessarily would. I think the people who have given up on the Democratic party would say, “too little, too late.”

        There’s also the problem that the party is being run by a bunch of elders who have paleolithic moral compasses.

          5 months ago

          Fair point. I feel Immediately following elections Democrats need to pivot into this one-part educational teacher mindset to dispel common myths on us history and civics (eg, “The Dems were the slavers!”), and one-part activism. Every election cycle we fall for the trap of letting the blind lead the blind. To carve out the winning electorate by whatever means necessary as you say. But when do we actually try to nudge Americans in the right direction? This is what I commended Warren or Sanders for because they built a movement around where the country needed to go through facts and conviction and persuaded people.

          Democrats rarely persuade and equally fall for whatever bullshit narrative Republicans design.

          • andyburke
            55 months ago

            You sound like me almost 25 years ago.

            This is how things are. This is how they will always be. We will ALWAYS have to fight to keep people from being hated and excluded, especially in ourselves as we look at the people trying to do the excluding and our knee-jerk is to exclude them.

            I wish I had the answer so we could skip the hard work and live together in harmony. I worry there just is never an easy answer or change in tactics or shift in messaging - it’s just living your whole life with bravery and kindness, as hard as that gets at times.

              5 months ago

              especially in ourselves as we look at the people trying to do the excluding and our knee-jerk is to exclude them.

              Gonna have to disagree here. This is the “paradox” of intolerance (not really a paradox). These people have no place in modern society, and this type of behavior and ideology should 100% be excluded.

              15 months ago

              The quick answer would involve taking away people’s free will, so most would consider it unacceptable.