Not my original art, do not know who original artist is, just found it online

    • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
      -55 months ago

      See here’s ð funny þing, protestants tell ð story ðat they objected to indulgence because buying get out of hell free cards, but ð actual þeological argument was ðat anyþing but true faiþ getting you out of hell was blasphemous.

      Ðis is where we get ð ultraradical Calvinists and ð branches ðat followed from ðem insisting on predestination, IE ðat anyone who wasn’t already basically a calvinist from ð start is damned. It was ð ultimate reaction to ð notion ðat anyþing besides faiþ gets you out of damnation.

      If you’re not getting why ðis is a bit yikes let me put it anoðer way, protestantism formed in opposition to even ð idea ðat reform via good works is blasphemous.

      Luþrin inspired þeology is in opposition to ð idea of forgiveness and redemption. Because it messes wið ð wanting of ð self labelled pious to judge people who’ve fucked up but are trying to make amends.