Summary: Donald Trump claims he never wanted to end the Affordable Care Act, but his previous statements and actions suggest otherwise. Despite his promises to replace the law with a better option, Trump’s Republican proposals would have weakened or eliminated its coverage rules and reduced government spending. Republicans may pursue a more piecemeal approach to weakening the law, but it could still alarm a majority of Americans.

    315 months ago

    And yet, he has a cult following and millions more sympathizers. It’s truly disgusting.

    • peopleproblems
      115 months ago

      It’s too bad they didn’t decide to all get like matching red hats or symbols so that we could identify them.

      Maybe, idk, have the FBI do exactly what the FBI did in response to ‘communist threats.’

      • Billiam
        35 months ago

        You expect law enforcement to investigate itself?

        • peopleproblems
          15 months ago

          You misunderstand me. The FBl was created for the purpose of organized crime and national security risks. Even with the Magats infiltrating the FBI, in general they have done what is ordered.

          But my point is that extra… Incentive? Is needed to improve it. A carrot and stick if you will.

          It’s still funded by Congress, reports to the Administration, and follows the directions of the Attorney General.

          If the election goes as we hope, which is interesting that the sentiment amongst MAGA leadership appears to be that it won’t go their way, Biden can work quickly to prepare for a peaceful transfer in January. On January 3rd Congress is sworn in. I don’t know if enough seats are up to swing it, but I won’t say anything is impossible.

          Kamala has extensive experience working with politically opposing legal and law enforcement. So long as she safely gets presidency, she can do what the rare good lawyer does best: fix things.

      95 months ago

      He does, and aren’t those useful idiots going to be surprised and ready for war when Trump has outlived his usefulness (getting elected) and is offed by an American group and blamed on another so new golden days of war spending and political favour can begin.