
President Joe Biden’s economic achievements—lowering inflation, reducing gas prices, creating jobs, and boosting manufacturing—are largely unrecognized by the public, despite his successes.

His tenure saw landmark legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS Act, and major infrastructure investments.

However, Biden’s approval ratings remain low, attributed to inflation backlash, weak communication, and a media landscape prone to misinformation.

Democrats face a “propaganda problem” rather than a policy failure, with many voters likely to credit incoming President Trump for Biden’s accomplishments due to partisan messaging and social media dynamics.

    934 months ago

    Honestly Democrat are absolutely horrible at talking to people.

    I’ll be the first to admit, Biden did actually do a lot for workers but just like the leader of the painters union said, y’all fucking suck at telling people that.

    I mean look at the rail workers strike, Biden stopped the rail workers strike and didn’t address one of the biggest things they were looking for, just to be treated like humans and have sick leave.

    There was lots of talk about “doing this for the best of the nation”, which okay I could get behind, sure they got a wage increase but I did as shit could understand why rank and file would feel betrayed when they were asking additional to be treated as humans that get sick.

    What I didn’t hear him or anyone say to them directly, that he was still going to work with the unions afterwards to get sick leave in. Why would you not say that at the same time as you announce your blocking the strike? Cost you nothing to say you have their back.

    So then months later, with Biden administration support finally got the workers PTO but no one really knew about it because the moment was gone and honestly union leadership also did a shit job of getting that word out too.

    It’s not the only thing but it certainly is a big factor in things.

      484 months ago

      Biden and the Dems saved the teamsters’ pensions against the GOP’s best efforts and it didn’t even earn them an endorsement from the teamsters’ union.

      This was highly publicized, especially if you yourself were in the union

      Internal polling of Teamsters members showed:

      • In an electronic poll conducted after the Republican National Convention, 59.6% of rank-and-file Teamsters favored endorsing Trump, while 34% supported Harris.

      • A more recent poll indicated a similar trend, with Teamsters backing Trump 58% to 31%

      Having the backs of labor and the working class amounted for jack shit in actual results for dems.

      You know why? Because these teamsters spend two hours a day sitting in a car listening to right-wing radio jockeys telling them how Democrats are only interested in policing their language and getting them in trouble for flirting with women.

        4 months ago

        You know why? Because these teamsters spend two hours a day sitting in a car listening to right-wing radio jockeys telling them how Democrats are only interested in policing their language and getting them in trouble for flirting with women.


        Or scrolling their feeds. Or swiping. Depending on the age. Every single Democrat leader needs to see that statistic, so they can stop whining about how policy was their problem.

        Democrats are messaging like it’s 1950. And hot take, but the only thing that elected Biden was COVID-19, only because it wedged itself into people’s lives like absolutely nothing else can.

        04 months ago

        Having the backs of labor and the working class amounted for jack shit in actual results for dems.

        But I was told that Dems lose because they don’t have the backs of labor and the working class, and that if they just fixed that, they’d win elections???

      • queermunist she/her
        04 months ago

        Hence, Democrats suck a propaganda.

        They should field and finance their own radio jockeys and be flooding the airways with their own counter messages, but instead they’ve abandoned that terrain to the right and now are paying for it.

          64 months ago

          Something that piece of shit David Frum said on his Twitter once regarding the rightwing/leftwing media system was ‘the left is awash with talent but has no funding while thr right is awash with funding but has no talent’.

            34 months ago

            Kamala had a billion dollars. Progressives have a deep ecosystem of independent media that establishment Democrats undermine at every opportunity. Democrats were hand in hand with Republicans in pushing social media “reforms” that today promote media like FOX News as trustworthy over progressive media sources. The Democrats create their own weakness.

          24 months ago

          Conservative messaging wins propaganda battles because it’s simple. Democrats can’t use the same tactics, because they’ll be less effective no matter what. Preventing consolidation of media and monopolization of media would be more effective, since it’s a centrally coordinated effort. Or just preventing anybody from having enough money that they’d even have the ability to do that.

      54 months ago

      I agree with you for the most part. That being said I have tried to explain this point to multiple people and they don’t care that the Biden admin got the rail workers what they asked for. They insist that stopping the strike means Biden was anti union full stop even after the IBEW put out releases thanking the Biden admin. they also said it was just propaganda. It’s just as much about people not wanting to listen.

        174 months ago

        Workers were asking for 15 days of sick leave, Congress and Biden gave them 1 with the act that ended the strike. Later, the railroads continued negotiating with some of the unions and gave them four days of sick leave. People from the Biden administration were present for those conversations and take credit for that.

        So, no, the Biden administration did not give the unions what they asked for, and yes they likely did do material harm to them by stopping that strike.

        44 months ago

        They didn’t get what they wanted though. The points system still is in place that limits the ability to use leaves. The “sick leave” still required notice, so all it did was allow doctor visits to not take PTO, provided the worker could afford the points.

      • Yeah, hence why I say that union leadership has to do some work here too.

        I’ve worked with the machinists union during a statewide right to work ballot initiative to overturn the legislatures recently passed right to work bill.

        So much conversation about how “we have to strike out down!” But at the same breath talk about voting Republican. Well that’s what they did, killed right to work, elected more Republicans to the state legislature.

        Cue shocked Pikachu face when the people they voted in immediately submitted a bill to enact right to work.

        I mean what the fuck is union leadership doing at that point when you can’t get your own members to not fuck themselves over?

      24 months ago

      One angle that might explain the lack of media coverage on a win for the working class against the interest of capital owners is that the media itself, at least the mainstream slice of it, is owned by the capitalist class.

      MSM will cover things if they think it’ll bring in more ratings. You see it with how many news outlets are treating the upcoming Trump administration. For Cons, they’re banking on a viewer base that’ll be more interested in Trump coverage. For Dems, they’re banking on a viewer base that’ll be more hateful and agree of Trump coverage.

      So when you have wins for the working class that Biden’s administration directly helped with, and when you have a media industry that just won’t cover it out of their own self-interest, you have to wonder if the administration will spend Americans’ on advertising or just keep it and move on.

      One might say that the best time to do that advertising is during an election campaign though. And that begs the question as to why Biden nor Harris brought this up in their campaigns.

      Might it be that those groups are also subject to the capitalist class?