
Syracuse City Court Judge Felicia Pitts Davis refused to officiate a same-sex wedding, citing religious beliefs.

Another judge, Mary Anne Doherty, performed the ceremony.

Pitts Davis’ actions, considered discriminatory under New York judicial ethics and the Marriage Equality Act, are under review by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct

  • Flying Squid
    324 months ago

    Your disagreement is noted.

    The rest of us think that judges should not be able to say no to a law just because they’re bigots.

    And I have to wonder if you would be saying the same thing if the judge refused to marry an interracial heterosexual couple.

      4 months ago

      Thank you for registering my complaint.

      I don’t think a judge should be able to say no to a law for any reason.

      And I would absolutely say the same. Even for a hetrosexual homoracial couple. (Is homoracial a word?) I’d say the same if the judge didn’t like that the couple wore sneakers into the court. It doesn’t matter the reason. Nobody should be required to create any kind of art, they disagree with.

      Which is why the Judge should stop performing weddings at all. That may be her only legal option.

      • Flying Squid
        234 months ago

        Yeah, well maybe she should have thought about that when she married the heterosexual couple first and then refused to do it for the queer couple, showing it was basic discrimination.

        This isn’t rocket science.

          -104 months ago

          Performing a ceremony is absolutely a creative work. One that shouldn’t be required for a state to accept a marriage to begin with. But that’s a separate issue.

          If my friends thought I was a racist homophobe I doubt they would’ve had me officiate their wedding. That would’ve been weird.

      • Jessica
        174 months ago

        Just wanted to let you know that your argument is about as pedantic and nebulous as it gets. Surgeons perform surgery. As in, a surgeons job is to operate on a patient. Is that art? Come on now. The judge is not putting on a fucking act, she is doing a job. Her religion should play no part in her role as a public servant. She can go eat a bag of dicks.

          • Jessica
            154 months ago

            It sure is. Everything is art, all of the time. Watching TV is art. Eating a sandwich is art. Taking an extra 3 minutes on a bathroom break at work, is art. You’re defending a bigot, which is also art.