
Progressives criticized House Democrats for choosing Rep. Gerry Connolly over Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the top Democratic seat on the House Oversight Committee.

The 131-84 vote, reportedly influenced by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sparked backlash against the party’s “gerontocracy,” with critics like MSNBC’s Joy Reid and others arguing it prioritizes seniority over fresh ideas.

Connolly defended the decision, citing his experience, but progressives argued it reflects the Democratic Party’s resistance to change, hindering its ability to address future challenges and energize younger voters.

    3 months ago

    It’s not just that he’s 74…

    It’s not just that he got diagnosed with terminal throat cancer, and told voters the day after the recent election.

    It’s that it hasn’t been two years since he last violated (the already barely existent) rules against Congress doing a little insider trading.

    Like, did anyone think when Pelosi was weighing in on the oversight committee, that the person she was backing wasnt corrupt and would actually hold anyone from either party accountable?

    Pelosi didn’t care just because she hates everyone under retirement age. It’s because she needed to know the person in charge of the oversight committee had no reason to hold anyone accountable.

        653 months ago

        That’s what I mean, she’s corrupt as fuck.

        Everyone got hung up on Pelosi just “disliking” AOC, but this would have allowed AOC to investigate Pelosi and other corrupt Dems.

        So Pelosi made sure a corrupt Dem got it. That way the status quo is maintained: Dems only go after R, and R only goes after Dems. But neither ever make anything stick.

        AOC would try to go after everyone corrupt, and the Republicans would go with it if the target was a Dem.

        We’d weed out corruption from the Dem party which would increase turnout, and likely retain the seats.

        But it would be bad for Pelosi, and she’ll always put herself over party or country

            113 months ago

            It’s not a Cali mindset or behavior.

            You just see it from politicians in those deep blue areas, because they roll general campaign cash over to primaries.

            How the fuck is anyone supposed to compete with Peloai in a primary without taking the same dirty money? Even then, they’re literally decades behind on campaign fundraising.

            So don’t blame it on the Dems who live there, people like Pelosi are just attracted to those deep blue areas because it’s “safe” in the general, and they can rig the primary.

            You see the same from NY Dems and any other deep blue area

        3 months ago

        Just want to point out that most of the top traders are always Republicans but they’re never talked about in this context and Pelosi sometimes doesn’t even beat the S&P500.

          63 months ago

          She seems to beat it for the most part. There’s a simulator that has a Pelosi ETF trading as “NANC”:

          Over the past 5 years, NANC has an annualized return of 15.2%, compared to 8.1% for SPY. I don’t know if the simulator takes transaction costs into account or not, but I’d guess she still beats it on average. I would hope she does, given the legalized insider trading involved.

            13 months ago

            She beats it on average, I’m just pointing out that she’s the one people keep talking about and I’m sure there’s a bunch of Republicans that are very happy about that because it means no one is looking at them.