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Original still created by @gedogfx (IG). Title source: “Inkl”

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    3 months ago

    comfortably rich in [pick whatever capital city you want] is a grain of sand compared to being a billionaire though, that is the level of disparity we are talking about

      3 months ago

      I understand that. the Bible makes no such exceptions and probably couldn’t imagine what we have now. we should help who we can. we live better than any king in the Bible. I know about the disparity that exists now. my only point is that everyone here on lemmy is likely above the world median but acts like they are paupers because they compare themselves to celebrities. I hear Oxfam does good work if you don’t want to work locally. I’m down with eat the rich, just please don’t mistake yourself for poor if you’re not. if there wasn’t an ocean between the usa and Africa we would probably look at wealth differently. but all that said, of course the wealth graph shouldn’t look exponentially increasing, but for a biblical discussion I think you can ignore the top 5% as a historical anomaly ignoring the usury.