A screenshot from Back To The Future. Doc has Marty and his girlfriend in the car, and is saying “GUI? Where we’re going, we don’t need GUI!”

    • VindictiveJudge
      53 months ago

      You actually do frequently post in the third person. For a recent example, you said

      Drag thinks drag gets it, thanks!

      That is structured as a third person sentence. A first person version would be, “Drag think drag get it, thanks!” Basically, you don’t always conjugate for first person. Since your name/nickname and pronoun only differ by capitalization, though, neither form quite looks right in English.

      • Dragon Rider (drag)OP
        -73 months ago

        Why are you referring to drag in the third person???

        Just kidding! Drag understands that “you” is a second person pronoun. But you see, it uses the same conjugation as they/them pronouns. Since you think conjugation determines person, you’re forced to think that either they/them is second person or you is third person.

        Drag doesn’t have to worry about that, because drag knows there’s no relationship between conjugation and person. And now you do too.