• @Dasus@lemmy.world
    162 months ago

    To be able to actually consistently make money off of money isn’t magical, it doesn’t happen automatically

    Ever heard of interest? Savings accounts?

    Say you just have 100 million sitting in a bank account. The average national savings account interest rate (and you’d get a much better one with 100 million) is 0.42 APY.

    So you’d get $420,000 in interest every year.

    If it did everyone would be far wealthier.

    No, the rich would be richer. It’s expensive to make money, but very simple if you have a lot of it. Those without the capacity will keep getting poorer. You can shift the margins by taking more risks, obviously, but you can just make moneys for free when you already have enough for everything you need.

    And hmm how is the trend going?


    Oh, right.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      32 months ago

      The average national savings account interest rate (and you’d get a much better one with 100 million) is 0.42 APY.

      Treasury Notes are 10x that rate. This mostly just illustrates how scammy and cheap your average bank has grown.

      • @Dasus@lemmy.world
        32 months ago

        Yeah, my point here being that even with the puniest of interest rates, you’d still make more than enough just off the interest to live somewhat comfortably. And in reality, you’d make millions and you’d have so much you could risk a little of it while still having those safe investments yielding all the time.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          even with the puniest of interest rates, you’d still make more than enough just off the interest to live somewhat comfortably

          I’d go one step further and assert that wealth compounds and borrowing rates fall with your aggregate wealth. Treasuries are the safest of safe bets, but there are much higher returns to be had with some minimal risk that become accessible when you have large cash reserves and access to cheap credit. Home ownership is a classic example. Save thousands of dollars a year on rent by owning an appreciating asset you get to live in.

          You don’t need $100M to make this work. $100k can turn a handsome profit through compound returns on investment. In a stock market that yields 7%/year, you double your money in a decade.

          Let me start borrowing at the Prime Rate and the sky is the limit. I can take out a loan for 4.3% and invest in an index fund like the S&P that has returned 12.9% APY over the last 10 years. When I’m cleaning up 8.6% on my borrowed money, what’s the right number of dollars to borrow? Every dollar I can get my hands on.

          • @Dasus@lemmy.world
            22 months ago

            Well, thanks for far improving my point with superior elucidation of how it would be actually done.

            I thought home ownership as well, but then I thought he’d start complaining about house markets and insurance and whatnot. But we know that realistically it would be beyond easy to make 100 million grow.

            thanks again

    • @Joncash2@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Sure they increased their money during the pandemic. People were acting like idiots buying homes and goods when they really really shouldn’t have. It’s also true the rich prey on this. Go try to get 100 million in an interest bank account and see what happens, it’s actually harder to leave that kind of money in interest accounts because of how FINRA regulations work. Your money would literally not be insured. You wouldn’t know these things because you just hear other poor people talk about the rich and not the actual rich.

      Thus, the real crux of the problem. The poor don’t even understand well enough what’s happening to make a good argument. Between the wanna be rich poor people who talk about unskilled labor as if you just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and the poor who hate the rich, no one actually understands how it all works. And it all WORKS BECAUSE you don’t understand. If the poor didn’t respond the way they did during the pandemic, the rich wouldn’t have been able to hoover up all their money. Who’s taking the 22% loans, who’s buying houses they can’t afford on 30+ year mortgages at 8%. All of those actions make the rich richer. You want to stop the rich? Stop wasting your money. But even if you can, the rest won’t and the money will keep funneling up. Thus the real problem. But no one wants to change their life style. Instead they’ll go out and buy expensive handbags and other luxury items on lay away. You can’t stop the rich as long as everyone participates in capitalism.

      • @Dasus@lemmy.world
        92 months ago

        A lot of words for saying “you’re right that one can very safely invest that kind of money and thus I was wrong in saying money doesn’t just generate money, when it very literally does”.

        “I pointed a gun at a guy and asked to fuck him in the arse and he just seemed to agree without question. That doesn’t make me a rapist, it makes him a slut.”

        Honestly I couldn’t come up with more hilarious victim blaming if I tried. 5/5 for trolling as a deeply brainwashed libertarian fucknut.

        • @Joncash2@lemmy.ml
          2 months ago

          The problem is there is no safe way to invest that kind of money. If there was a purely safe way to invest everyone would be a millionaire. The savings account thing you mentioned is literally only for poor people, to give them a leg up and a small increasing investment for the purpose of teaching people the value of investment. You’ve created a strawman and keep smacking it.

          • @Dasus@lemmy.world
            22 months ago

            If there was a purely safe way to invest everyone would be a millionaire.

            No, they wouldn’t, because investing requires you to have something to invest.

            I don’t understand why youre fighting against very obvious facts. Money makes money.

            Quite literally. You’re pretending as if it wouldn’t be safe slopping 100 mil into a Swiss bank account, given you’re not American and that 100 million was rightfully yours.

            “You’ve created a strawman”. No need, honestly. Your trying to argue that it’s not incredibly easy to generate passive income for life if had a 100 million to invest.

            That’s just patently untrue.

            • @Joncash2@lemmy.ml
              -22 months ago

              There’s literally no safe way to invest at that level. Do you understand what the FDIC is and what they do? Do you understand what an accredited investor is and why they can invest in riskier vehicles? Did the words I just write look like word salad to you?

              • @Dasus@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Nothing is completely safe, but it’s ridiculous that you’re pretending like it’d be any issue to make 100 million grow if you magically got a sum like that.

                Yeah, the FDIC is a an American institution. Most Swiss banks don’t deal with Americans.

                What you’re talking about is actively investing. I’m using “invest” in it’s basest form.

                What is it that you think is so unsafe in slopping a 100 million to a Swiss bank account? Like ofc, nothing is completely risk free, but looking at their history and reliability, what do you specifically think would happen to it? The banks crash?

                Get on out of here with your inane libertarian “look I’m a big man in teh money game” bullshit. You’re literally trying to argue that it wouldn’t be completely trivial to make that kind of money grow.

                • @Joncash2@lemmy.ml
                  -32 months ago

                  It’s literally not trivial. Again why does the FDIC exist? I didn’t say where is it from. What is it for, what does it protect. Who benefits from its protection. Why do investors need to be accredited, why is there higher risk for accredited investors. And this is purely the intro to what I’m talking about.

                  • @Dasus@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    “This is purely the intro to my garbage avoidance of reality.”

                    I don’t need to hear the rest.

                    The reality is that should someone give you a 100 million and you’re of normal intelligence, have no substance abuse issues or debts or anything of the like, it’d be trivial to invest some of that money into hiring professionals who know what they’re doing, and that your only requirements are to get, idk 100k a year to use for yourself, and to have it as safe as possible.

                    You disagree that that would be trivial to do? Soo… avoiding reality it is then.

                    We’re not talking about investing the money to “make money” in the sense that proper investors would with 100mil that they would invest in what they deem to be worth the risk. They expect decent roi for that sort of money. But we’re talking about roi that would be enough to sustain a person living very moderately.

                    That’s literally not an issue at all. Although I used “Swiss banks” as a meme, because I know you won’t understand the nuances of European institutions and Swiss banks would probably actually charge for holding that money, so you’d want to put it in a German bank more so than a Swiss one. But there’s tons of safe options for just putting it in and being able to make HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of interest a year.

                    And your argument is that “no no you can’t do that what if the world economy collapses completely and money has no value, huh? then you won’t have your interest if there’s no money in the world!” (I remember someone mentioning “strawmen” earlier…)