“Trumpism is not going to be defeated by inside-the-Beltway politicians,” he said.

      • @exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
        1024 days ago

        Didnt AOC just host a massive rally that helped to prevent space karen from ransacking the department of labor with his likely H1B visa doge goons?

          • @exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
            1024 days ago

            The democrats are a center right controlled opposition party and AOC is one of the farther left voices in it that refuses to get in line when told to do so. Yes she has been disappointing at times to a leftist like myself but shes our last hope outside of an armed revolution at this moment.

            • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
              24 days ago

              Ahhh… so you’ll claim the democrats that you like as leftist, regardless of their political affiliation? Is that how this works?

                • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
                  -624 days ago

                  How is that by my logic? That doesn’t even make any sense. I said nothing at all about leftists not existing, or being affiliated with any party.

                  Seriously… can any of you hold a concert with anyone without creating straw men?

                  My point was that you all seem to hate democrats so much, but yet- claim any democrat that you happen to agree with. AOC is a democrat and not a leftist, regardless of whether or not you affiliate with any party.

                  • @faythofdragons@slrpnk.net
                    324 days ago

                    Your logic is “AOC can’t be left because she’s in a center-right party”, correct? If so, what party would somebody on the left affiliate with in order to be considered ‘leftist’ by you?

              • @exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
                024 days ago

                Your reading comprehension is a little bit wonky there my fellow hooman.

                Aoc and a few others in our government are the farthest left when compared to the rest of our representatives and leaders. I myself am somewhere between an anarcho-syndicalist / marxist/lennenist / communist and unfortunately we dont have representation that fully aligns with my ideals within the us government. But when compared to the rest of our public servants Ocasio-Cortex, Illihan Omar, aryana presley bernie sanders and Rashida Tlaib are the only people in our government that have anything resembling a spine and or balls when it comes to the blatant fascist ideology that has creeped into our institutions and ultimately become blatant and emboldened as of late.

                • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
                  023 days ago

                  Holy shit this has become juvenile. “Hooman”? Really? What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

                  And to my point- regardless of what YOU align with, SHE is still a democrat.

                  Also- my reading comprehension is just fine as it is. But I think maybe you might need a refresher in political affiliation, because while she may be the closest thing to whatever nonsense you follow this week, she is a democrat and represents the Democratic Party- something you all are very, VERY vocal about you opposition of.

                  Which was the irony that I was pointing out- the same irony that YOUR reading comprehension clearly missed.

                  Now go on and enjoy the last word. I know how important it is to you.

                  • @exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
                    023 days ago

                    Your reading comprehension is questionable but what isn’t however is your grip on reality. Get it together there.deep breaths in and out. Maybe go smoke and touch some grass?

        • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
          22 days ago

          ROFL… following me around now? You can’t continue harassing me in the other community because you got banned, and now you’re going to track me down to keep it going here?

          Begone, troll!

            • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
              22 days ago

              Naah… I call you a troll because you’ve followed me here after hurling childish schoolyard insults at me elsewhere.

              You don’t deserve a discussion. Your little troll account is only nine days old and already you’ve had seven comments removed and have been banned from a community in just less than an hour.

              Then you followed me here, insult me further and expect a discussion?

              Oh- and it’s cowards that hide behind childish insults aimed at strangers on the internet when they cannot contain their emotions.

              • @NoIdiots@lemmy.cafe
                -422 days ago

                The fact your liberal bubble is removing comments should alarm you to the kind of brainwashing you’re being subjected to if you weren’t in the lower-range IQs.

                • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
                  22 days ago

                  Yeah. I get it. You got yourself banned for showing your ass elsewhere, so you’re coming after me in communities you’re not yet banned from because you can’t keep that rage bottled up.

                  Such tough! Much impressive!

                  I’m going to go ahead and show you a kindness where it’s not deserved, and allow you your desperately needed last word as a charity.

                  Don’t waste it.

                  • @NoIdiots@lemmy.cafe
                    -122 days ago

                    You voted for a genocider and called me a liar when I said my friend got bombed in Lebannon. You’re the typical american first-worldist scum who led the world into fascism. You want democracy at home, but you have zero problem with the scummy external policy of your idiotic country.

                    You don’t have a problem with fascism in general, you just don’t want to be bothered to fight against it.

      • @HorreC@lemmy.world
        -124 days ago

        While I feel like this is bait, lets just say they are the ones out here actively confronting it, maybe not in the spaces you are watching but they are on the floor and in their communities talking to the people and voicing their concerns. But to your point, they can not do anything alone, they dont have more then a handful let alone votes for anything more of “Hey this is the law, they are breaking it” but going after them isnt easy they dont have the bankroll the libs and conservatives have from all their corporate backers.

          • @FauxLiving@lemmy.world
            124 days ago

            My brother in society, how do you think movements start?

            There’s not going to be a Blue-vested Donkey that flies down from the sky and smites Elon and doge. You’re not going to be saved, there’s nobody coming.

            Until more people realize this, they’re going to continue acting with impunity while everyone acts paralyzed and waits for someone else to do something. YOU do something, acting cynical on the Internet isn’t contributing in any way in a positive direction.

              • @FauxLiving@lemmy.world
                324 days ago

                You’re not attempting to state a point, you’re sealioning.

                They replied to you and stated what people on the left are doing. Asking the same question over and over again while not actually engaging in a conversation is just trolling and unwanted.

                • @Rhoeri@lemmy.world
                  24 days ago

                  They didn’t answer the question. They just said some crap about how some people are talking to people about the things happening and “voicing concerns.” That’s not any more effective than what anyone else is doing- yet they claimed:

                  It’s the leftist that are doing anything right now.

                  … which is clearly implying that no one else is doing anything effective.

                  So… what I’m doing is asking a simple question to support a claim that was made by someone else. What effective measures are being done by the leftist that aren’t also being done by democrats and or anyone else for that matter?

                  Hell, even conservatives are gathering to oppose Краснов.

                  And now, for some reason, you’ve chosen yourself to be the one to step up and speak on their behalf? Only you’re using the tired and painfully transparent tactic of derailing the question by personally attacking the person asking by falsely accusing them of bullshit to keep them on the defensive.

                  I’ve argued with thousands of versions of you before. So I’ll ask again….

                  Name one effective thing leftists are doing that no one else is? It’s a simple fucking question, genuinely asked. So don’t accuse people of sealioning because you don’t like being held to scrutiny.

                  And while you’re working on that, how about you familiarize yourself with that sealioning definition of yours and see how what I’m doing here doesn’t resemble it in any possible way.