Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.

  • Queen HawlSera
    5617 days ago

    Wonderful, it’s time people got the memo, America are not the good guys.

    I’m saying this as an American. I would love to see a world where America’s Government was viewed with suspicion when acting in international affairs instead of Europe looking up to them like the adult in the room. Europe, YOU, are the adult in the room.

      2117 days ago

      Europe looking up to them like the adult in the room.

      We never did that though.

      The dynamic was more like the US is the big rich kid with all the toys who sometimes bullies the other kids so it’s better to have him on side.

      Now you’ve elected a couple of literal spoiled rich bullies it makes it all a lot more obvious.

    • Brumefey
      1117 days ago

      As an European, I do not want this division. The world is safer having USA, Canada, and Europe as allies.

        17 days ago

        Then don’t do what we did, vote for progressives not Conservatives. Conservatives are a plague on society.

        Coming from an American who moved to Germany, Merz will pave the road to Germany’s Trump.

          117 days ago

          Incorrect. former Chancellor Merkel came from the same CDU Party as future Chancellor Merz. Merkel made 3 big mistakes, not controlling immigration, which gave the neo-Nazis more political power, entering the Afghanistan War and placing to much trust in Vlad Putin. However, she was skeptical of Orange Krasnov. Merz knows he cannot rely on the AmeriKans and they are in bed with Moscow giving each other golden showers. I usually vote for the SPD and sometimes CDU.

            717 days ago

            Idk what you’re saying is incorrect here. Conservatives are by and large Anti-Labor which means they are anti-80-90% of the population. Merkel began decommissioning nuclear plants and put more money towards oil, now we have an energy “crisis” that could have been entirely avoided. But conservatives are pro-oil when everyone in the world would benefit from being pro-green energy including nuclear power.

            Conservatives are by and large pro privatizing public functions. The German train network has the issues it has today partially because it’s not publicly owned and operated. Conservatives are anti-infrastructural spending and they tend to be budget conscious only when it benefits the Uber wealthy.

            Merz wants to complain about the fiscal budget but then wants to cut taxes for corporations. The CDU wants to fund that, last I checked, by cutting spending on welfare and social security nets. Conservatives want to take money from the sick, poor, and elderly and give it to big businesses and the only argument they have for why that could be a good thing is it could make the “economy better” and some of that money will trickle down.

            We are in the mess we are today because of conservative policies. Voting for the CDU is voting for the declination of society based on all the data I’ve seen. I’d love to see what an SPD government looks like when it’s not being sabotaged by the FDP but I worry, like in America, they’re still too centralist to be massively effective at reversing decline.

            Immigrants aren’t the problem. Germany needs more immigrants to stay functional in the coming decades, just like most developed countries.

              217 days ago

              +1 for you. However, how do you control the immigration so the AfD does not smell the blood? Same with the fucked up MAGA in AmeriKa. The German rail network should be Deutsche Bundesbahn, the federal government ran it better than the privatized DB AG BS.

                417 days ago

                I don’t know if controlling immigration is the problem or solution, right? It’s a scapegoat.

                I think the problem is perception. What should happen is when any media org talks about violent immigrants or violent crime they should be forced to display a graph of violent crime for the past 5 decades or something. Germany is in one of the top 3 or 5 safest years it has had in the last like 50 years.

                I’ve had German citizens warn me about the ghettos of Mannheim. These are stores without bars over their windows, plenty of people walking around at most hours of night, music and walk-in restaurants. This is no ghetto like in America. But natives see it as scary because humans are creatures of relativity.

                If anything Germany needs to provide a simple, clear path forward to permanent residence (at least) and ideally full citizenship. This tells people who are open to joining Germany that they have a path to starting a life here. Germany also need to provide a security net for those people if they run into problems on their journey to permanent residence (at least) so they know that this massive risk of moving abroad has a minimum amount of safety (cause a work force that feels trapped at their job is not a well compensated work force and everyone wants good paying jobs for themselves and their neighbors). I think Germany does a great job at both of these things already, the scary part is AFD wanting to differentiate between blood-line citizens and naturalized citizens. The scary part is CDU conservatives wanting to reduce the social safety net. The CDU winning hurts the influx of highly skilled or specialized immigrants because now they know the move just got more risky if conservatives get their way.

                As far as protecting their border or slowing the rate of immigrants in total or from certain areas… Idk honestly. I don’t know if that’s a real problem, I don’t think it is, and I don’t know how Germany could fix that. I have no doubt very smart people have several great solutions that are human-centric policies that improve the lives of everyone on both side of the fictional line - but I’m positive it’s not the policy conservatives will be pursuing. Because again, I don’t think it’s a real problem.

                Real problems are housing for everyone, higher wages for everyone, infrastructural improvement, improving education, better medicine and access to healthcare, etc etc. Germany and most developed countries are wealthy enough to handle their current level of immigration without issue - if the money is spent well instead of funneled into the parasitic 1%'ers pockets. Cultures and integration happen naturally over time, that isn’t a fear for me either.

                MAGA won because the economic decline outpaces the societal progress for too many decades, and the perceived solution was not based in reality. Germany has far more run way in the economic and societal race, but the influence on perception is both at a high in terms of strength and a low in terms of being attached to reality.

        -1117 days ago

        The world safer? THE WORLD??? Jesus Christ dude, millions of people being killed so you drive your v18 Mustang with 1mpg for cheaper. Honestly coming from Europe, American collapse is much needed and a solid humbling of Europe. Europe was never the adult and America the sole bully. The only real adults in the room left are China, Brazil and India.

          17 days ago

          Offf… This was on point until the last sentence. None of these states are “adults”. They’re all spoiled children enforcing their privilege by violent control.

        • Brumefey
          114 days ago

          The only real adults in the room left are China, Brazil and India.

          What a joke. Yeah, go live in China where posting the same message about the government would get you jailed or worse.

            113 days ago

            I would love to live in china, a place you never visited, or a place you know nothing but whatever the propaganda drip feeds you that day.

            China where posting the same message about the government would get you jailed or worse.

            Ahh, yes, unlike United states of America, where if you say anything about it’s overlord Israel, you can get deported or jailed… Or the nation with the most prisoners by a landslide?

            Unlike you, I’ve been to china, drove through Pakistan into xinxyang and later into Beijing. It was completely fine, felt like a first world nation. Unlike America which felt like a third world nation disguised as the richest nation on earth

            • Brumefey
              113 days ago

              I would love to live in china, a place you never visited, or a place you know nothing but whatever the propaganda drip feeds you that day.

              Go ? Make your dream a reality ? The propaganda… You’re the one praising an authoritarian regime, you are the propaganda.

              Ahh, yes, unlike United states of America

              Did not say USA are good. Reminder of your comment :

              The only real adults in the room left are China, Brazil and India.

              Which is ridiculous. No country is perfect but only a fool can call China, Brazil and India the real adults.

                113 days ago

                The propaganda… You’re the one praising an authoritarian regime, you are the propaganda.

                Ah yes, thank you fat neck bearded white man. Thank you clearing up objective propaganda since you know and only know the objective truth. You said, move to china, I said, I wanna and have been there unlike you, who watched YouTube videos for some loser coping cus someone is threatening the absolute global dominance of America even slightly.

                • Brumefey
                  07 days ago

                  since you know and only know the objective truth.

                  Sure. You visited China and got the objective truth which is that it’s better to live in a country ruled by one man until he dies, where opposition is oppressed (killed), where 996 work culture is the norm, having your internet locked behind a great firewall, having a social score, etc.

                  You’re so pathetic that you are not even able to argue without using ad-hominem attacks.

        • Queen HawlSera
          116 days ago

          China, Brazil, and India aren’t adults, they’re the loud idiots in the back of the class who make America seem competent solely by comparison. Seriously Tankies remind me so much of Maga in the way that they worship China like a God, and then when I actually look into what China’s doing it’s blatant human rights violations and top level stupidity.

    • America has always been tolerated for political reasons. But noone in Europe has ever really looked up to the USA. You were useful to keep good relations with, (good in a fight). But you’ve always been regarded as loud, uncultured, and disturbingly patriotic. And honestly, if you look back at Europe’s history, we’re not exactly afraid of a fight.

      Stay the fuck out of Greenland and Canada, and come talk to us when you elect a grownup.

      • Queen HawlSera
        116 days ago

        I tried, but honestly until we get rid of Gerrymandering, Republicans will have a foothold no matter how blatantly unpopular and universally reviled they are

        • The problem is they aren’t universally reviled. Trump still got 77M votes (almost half the popular vote). And that was in the full knowledge of how badly he fucked up the first time. But even if people didn’t pay attention to the pandemic, and the Muslim ban, and the separation of children from their families, and the protests, and the insurrection, the man still behaves like a toddler with frontotemporal dementia (including sundowning on stage). Yeah gerrymandering is a definite problem, but the commercialisation of politics and the relentless rightwing propaganda is a much bigger one.

          • Queen HawlSera
            216 days ago

            Yeah, but the thing is, Trump didn’t gain any voters, Kamala merely failed to re-obtain votes Biden had one.

            And since Voter Intimidation was in full swing and Elon is, according to Trump “Good with computers, so you don’t REALLY need to vote”, there’s too much shenanigans

            • My point is that 77M people want trump to be president and that is 77M too many when you consider the shit show that was his first term. Even if a few million of those votes are fabricated, it’s still a massive problem.