Weak hands can be troublesome. I recently had a ligament repair in my hand, and it does make it difficult/painful. It’ll be a few weeks before I have the strength back
LPT: The lids on prescription pill bottles can usually be turned over and used as a cap, removing the child safety aspect. So now I can pop them open with one hand, no need to twist them
The containers they give me already have that option, you just flip the lid. I guess I could ask them to flip them for me, but I can still get them open either way… one way is just way easier (aka not child-proof lol)
This is true, and why I normally just use the child-safe side of the lid. But honestly, it fits more securely than I expected and I haven’t had an issue.
I wouldn’t put them in my bag like that, but I throw them in my bedside drawer willy-nilly and the lids don’t budge loose at all. I was pleasantly surprised, because it’s a small thing that’s made my last couple of weeks a little easier
I honestly didn’t even know the lids were designed to be used both ways until just a few years ago. Blew my mind a little cause I thought it to be ingenious, yet so simple. Go figure
Why though? A childproof lid isn’t that difficult to open.
whatever level of difficulty you’re defining as “not that difficult” – remove that, and now it’s zero.
that’s why
Weak hands can be troublesome. I recently had a ligament repair in my hand, and it does make it difficult/painful. It’ll be a few weeks before I have the strength back
LPT: The lids on prescription pill bottles can usually be turned over and used as a cap, removing the child safety aspect. So now I can pop them open with one hand, no need to twist them
Could you not ask the pharmacist to put it in a child-unsafe container instead, in that case?
The containers they give me already have that option, you just flip the lid. I guess I could ask them to flip them for me, but I can still get them open either way… one way is just way easier (aka not child-proof lol)
caps unfortunately do make spillage easier
This is true, and why I normally just use the child-safe side of the lid. But honestly, it fits more securely than I expected and I haven’t had an issue.
I wouldn’t put them in my bag like that, but I throw them in my bedside drawer willy-nilly and the lids don’t budge loose at all. I was pleasantly surprised, because it’s a small thing that’s made my last couple of weeks a little easier
I honestly didn’t even know the lids were designed to be used both ways until just a few years ago. Blew my mind a little cause I thought it to be ingenious, yet so simple. Go figure