I should throw Stargate Atlantis on
This is b.s. I’ve seen The Hunt For Red October. Submarines jump out of the water all the time when fighting.
It looks like two submarines having sex with each other to me.
You mean you never have dramatic underwater sex fights? Weird…
A friend of mine used to play underwater rugby. Not quite submarine depths, but as far as spectator sports go, one where the vast majority of the action takes place 4 meters below the surface of a pool isn’t exactly ideal.
Supposed to be a hell of a workout, though 🤷
That sounds really cool! To participate in, not so much to watch lol. I imagine you’d have to be damn good at holding your breath though!
Yeah! Even back when I was in good shape and strong and shit, I could never hold my breath for more than a minute AND I was never a very efficient swimmer, so I’d have been absolutely dreadful at underwater rugby 😂
Um how?
What do you mean how?
I prefer dubmarines
The dommarine is winning.
that’s some deep strategy
My money’s on blue.