white text on yellow background, that’s infuriating
I had to zoom in on my phone just to be able to read that!
When you’re actually using the app instead of having the compression artifacts of being screenshot several times, it’s not as bad.
I don’t care if you’re watching it in 32k on Odin’s personal account, white on yellow is NEVER acceptable for ANYTHING.
It assails the eyes.
It doesn’t make it less of a crime against good design. Low contrast for reading is bad practice.
It’s kind of nice when people reveal themselves to be insufferable douchebags at the outset rather than wasting your time.
If someone does not take the least amount of effort to answer a simple question like that one … then he doesn’t care about you in the slightest.
“But its a generic question!”
Two words: common courtesy.
People (guys usually) also answer like this when they are trying to tell you exactly what you want to hear so that you’ll sleep with them. They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance. It’s a very manipulative mindset. He was like a deer in the headlights, not knowing if any answer he gave would be the right answer since he doesn’t know her at all yet. So he stalls, hoping she’ll drop it.
Or he might just be an idiot.
Either way, drop them and move on to somebody who will be real with you.
In other words, playing games, i.e trying to “tick her funne bone” so he gets someone else to play instead of himself. But what most of those guys fail to acknowledge is that “tickling her funne bone” takes time – it’s not a “free pussy pass” of any sort that you “say it”, and she goes “WHOOAAA fuck me mister! Fuck me right NOW!”. That is not “acting tough” or smart, but acting like a douche.
Yeah, that was my thought as well. This is the type of person who is only going to say something of they think it will impress you. The second possibility is that they will share nothing of themselves, period. In either case, they don’t seem like good relationship material.
What he gave was the wrong answer IMO.
They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance.
To be fair, that’s usually correct. Women have their pick of men, generally. If a guy answers a band she doesn’t like, most likely she’ll move on.
So guys lie and tell her everything she wants to hear. And then once they get their foot in the door, they can start telling the truth.
This guy handled it very badly but I can see why he didn’t want to answer.
Yeah I may not be a relationship expert but if I have to lie for an ice breaker not even a deep question just an ice breaker I don’t think that relation will work
No, people have to like the same music to be in a relationship!!!
Me and my gf have generally have an overlap in music taste (heavy metal/hard rock) but only I like heavy electronic (too “noisy”/overstimulating for bee) and the music I don’t like of hers is more pop music (I like some of it also depends how I feel)
So I’ll go break the news to her that we have to break up due to music taste. It’s a shame cus we have a ton of shared interest but this… aw man can’t believe this is why we gotta split
/s incase it wasn’t painfully obvious
Nah it’s one of those things where some guys just prefer to talk about what they think matters to everyone, their job or financial conditions, music or other personal stuff might just be an extra on their minds
So an idiot.
If someone asks you about your taste in music, then clearly music matters to them.
Id say she got to know just about eveything she needed to know about this person.
Someone’s insecure about his Shakira collection.
Seriously though, I’m guessing this guy either doesn’t like music at all (I’ve known a few and they act like this) or got made fun of a lot for his music tastes in high school. It’s a shame this guy is probably a walking insecurity.
Which is a great reason to unmatch him and move on.
I didn’t even know it was humanly possible to not like music at all. What were they like? Like their personalities? Did they seem sociopathic or were they generally “normal”?
I used to not like music at all and 15 year old me would have probably responded just like this guy. But for me it was more that I didn’t know what I liked until I heard it. Everyone around me exclusively listened to top 40 and RnB, or techno/house. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me cos I hated everything I heard. And then I heard metal for the first time, and everything changed.
that’s a beautiful story that happened to me as well
horns up, mate
Nobody’s normal, we are all weird in our own way.
We’re going to talk a lot about “normal” in this class, but “normal” just means average. If any one person was exactly “normal” in every aspect, they’d be the most unique human to ever live.
- my favorite bio-psych professor in college.
Apparently my great grandmother didn’t like any music. And people in general. But of course this was in the gramophone era, so maybe she was just an audiophile and couldn’t stand the quality…
If it were the latter she could have still enjoyed live performances (assuming those people were good musicians playing in a good venue) but yeah sounds like she just didn’t like music. Which, to me, is crazy. When people say they don’t really listen to or don’t like music, I literally can’t even imagine what that’s like. There is so much diversity in music, especially now. Playing instruments has been a part of human history for at least 40,000 years and we’ve been singing as long as we’ve had vocal cords.
I used to jokingly say “I don’t really listen to music” when people would open with that at college parties. The reactions were worthwhile.
I played guitar in a band.
“I don’t listen to music”
“…but you play guitar?”
“Yes. With very good earplugs.”
”I just play it, I don’t listen to it.”
As a fellow guitar player in an active band; I also say this to people a lot lol. I love the looks some people give when they don’t know I’m joking.
My father in law doesn’t like music. He doesn’t dislike it either, he’s just indifferent. Apart from that he’s just your garden variety somewhat-curmudgeonly 80-year-old dude.
When I’m listening to pirate shanties interspersed with songs from the Moana soundtrack, I’m not answering this question either.
There’s a lot of good examples in the comments, but the few Ive ran into were more indifferent thsn anything - like, they never heard anything that appealed to them. One guy I knew actively avoided music because it’d get stuck in his head and drive him nuts.
They seemed normal otherwise, for the most part. But they knew that disliking music was weird and were a little insecute about it.
I don’t dislike music, but I do view it as something very situational. I only listen to music when I’m going somewhere by bike or foot or when I’m working out. I blame my 4 years of being a mail carrier for creating this 1 to 1 connection between moving and listening to music. I never put on music when I’m home. But I dislike ‘background’ anything in general. I’ve never in my life put on a movie, TV show or podcast as ‘something to listen to in the background’. That’s baffling to me. Music is the same I guess. If I’m home it’s automatically background because I’m not gonna sit om my couch and stare at a wall while I listen to music. While if I’m working out or going somewhere I can intentionally listen.
early shakira songs in spanish are the bomb though, look up her mtv unplugged album
Oh absolutely, no shade on Shakira at all. Just using her as an example of something a guy might be insecure about - which is of course, stupid. Don’t be insecure about liking music, folks.
ayooo whenever, wherever is 🔥🔥🔥 fr fr on god no cap fam
Yeah this is like the people who would answer “radio” back in the day, when asked what their favourite music was ._.
I used to share my music taste quite openly but these days not so much. Sharing stuff just gives some people more ammo to shoot you with when they want to try hold shit over your head
You don’t have a music taste problem, you have a social circle problem. Those people aren’t your friends. Who, other than a kid in school, would willingly spend time with someone who “holds shit over your head”?
Who, other than a kid in school, would willingly spend time with someone who “holds shit over your head”?
When that person is your parent. We don’t all get to choose nice and supporting families.
My mother would do that. I don’t tell her anything beyond how the weather is anymore.
As a dude…
The last four songs I’ve listened to on YouTube are three pirate shanties and “We Know The Way” from the Moana soundtrack. I’m not answering this question either. :)
Smart move. Wouldn’t want to intimidate anyone with your superior taste in music
Honestly though that’s the exact kind of thing I would want to know- the real you, not the you that tell me you are.
Fuck that, “We know the way” slaps
This is so weird. The first response was somewhat acceptable if in a joking manner but then he quintuple downed.
Bro doing “being mysterious” the wrong way
Bro is being long term single if this is his game.
That yellow background is so unreadable 🍌
What confuses me is why they chose to use white text there… surely the orange background is bright enough for black text to be far easier to read?
Yes, this is 100% black text material. Like it’s not even a question lol.
How do you read light yellow text on darker yellow background?
“It’s something you’ve never heard of”
“How do you know?”
“…because I’m never going to tell you about it”
This is literally out of these incel playbooks. Straight up tater tot bullshit lmao.
You know… It’s seeing this type of stuff I’m so happy I found my wife the old fashioned way before dating apps existed.
seriously. I’d be doomed to die alone if i hadn’t met my wife in college. thank god my friends decided to set us up on a blind date because we had the same birthday and they thought it was funny
Yep now I just get to die alone.
You should have met his wife in college.
You should’ve chosen a better birthday.
Is what I keep telling my parents about causing my vaginal exodus to be on the penultimate day of the year! Ain’t nobody wanna party on new years eve eve 🤦😂
Boy, I gotta tell you, that was an uncomfortable way to phrase that!
You’re welcome 😁
Same. Dating apps are hell and I’m way too introverted to go out and meet people. Been trying to put myself out there, got a job (everyone is either too young, couple are too old, and they’re already in a relationship anyway), I go to work events (last time a massive party where most people were from outside the company), but nah, still too scared to approach anyone and I guess I look unapproachable myself. Also the country I live in isn’t exactly the type where people would just chat to randos. So yeah… more cats it is, I guess…
I am also happy that my marriage was arranged.
I found my spouse through a dating app, but we matched up really well since neither of us like this kind of shitty small talk.
If I were that lady I’d boot the hell outta that dude, such a prick.
It can work. I used a dating website (pre smartphone) and I just put in a photo of myself sitting at my computer and a list of bands and movies I liked. My wife approved and asked me out on a date.
“Why do girls keep ghosting me? I’m such a nice guy! Bohooohoooo”
You don’t want to date that guy, let the process work.