I just realized while cooking that a measuring-cup cup (as measured out as 250mL in a glass measuring cup) is the same amount(s) as one of the actual plastic baking measuring cups that go inside each other like Russian dolls lol
I thought they were different somehow (something something imperial metric yadda yadda yaddda)
Your turn to come clean Lemmings!
**EDIT: to clarify, I mean volumetrically for measuring liquids
Until he was 50 years old my father did not know how his mother could see through walls.
When he was little his mother sat in the living room while he was playing with his sister in their playroom. With a wall and a hallway between them. But every time he tried to pull his sister’s hair or something their mother would shout from the living room for him to stop it. He was really angry and confused because he couldn’t fathom how she could see them.
On his 50th birthday his mother revealed that she could see them perfectly fine through the reflection in a wardrobe that stood in the hallway.
Yep, that’ll do it, altho its weird he didn’t see her. Mirrors reflections are usually bidirectional, no? Like if I see you <-> you see me usually…
You get used to seeing something your whole life and it becomes background noise, but it wouldn’t have been like that for the mom’s whole life, she’d be more likely to notice that she can see him that way.
This trick also works on pets. My cat finally caught on though. And she’s only 2.
Mom’s are the bane of children’s pesky antics!
This is a relevant metaphor for childhood trauma and relationship dynamics, wow. Thanks for that
Kid brains are something special.
I think it had a glass door so was only half reflective.
It depends on the angle. There are definitely times you can see someone/something but they can’t see you.
What? Could you give an example?
The reflection is only bidirectional if you can see the other person’s eyes.
It’s like if someone is in a bathroom stall. You could see the stall is occupied by seeing their feet stick below the wall of the stall, but they cannot necessarily see any part of you since their eyes are not where their feet are.
Same principle applies to reflections, where maybe the body part that you can see is just the top of the head, and since the person isn’t tall enough they can’t see that you can see them.
If you can see their eyes, they can see your eyes. But it’s possible you can see some of them without them being able to see you, or the other way around. Unless your eyes are the only part of you (because you’re a camera), you need more information in order to know they can’t see you.
Even when you can see their eyes that isn’t always the case. It depends on how sharp the angle is and where you and they are relatively speaking. You can definitely see their eyes without them seeing you.
Definitely not.
Definitely yes. I’m amazed (but not surprised) by the lack of understanding of this concept.
I suggest that everyone here play around with mirrors and learn something themselves.
I’ll leave you with this. Why do mirrors work to see around corners when you are trying to not be seen?
This might help explain things.
Play around with mirrors and learn something.
Mum: we’re definitely going the wrong way
Me: how do you know?
Mum: because we need to go south and we are currently going north
Me: how do you know we are going north?
Mum: because the sun sets in the west
Me: oh…
Technically, you could say we’re the ones who set since it’s the Earth’s rotation causing the change.
Idk, it’s all relative.
I know right! Whenever I do the mnemonic of NESW, North is always directly in front of me. Dont know why people bother with compasses, it’s pretty simple.
Don’t worry, daughter, I know we’re going south because I set in the same location I was already in.
🎶Certain as the sun/Rises in the East/Tale as old as tyme/Song as old as Rhyme/Beauty and the Beast/🎶
I used to use the sun.
Then I had a car compass for a while.
But, honestly, everyone’s got a GPS-enabled cell phone these days, and unless you’re worried about running out of charge, that pretty much beats the pants off anything else.
EDIT: And if you’re in an operable car, then you, in all likelihood, have a source of electricity in the form of the cigarette lighter.
You at least know how to use the sun. There are many who have never bothered to learn.
I always use Never Ear Shredded Wheat to remember the directions.
As for which way the sun sets, I remember a quite from either Shanghai Noon/Knights in which Owen Wilson’s character talks about how the sun rises in Japan however it sets in the West.
Chipotles are jalapeños. They are just roasted.
There are more peppers like that, too:
poblano - ancho
chilaca - pasilla
anaheim - colorado
mirasol - guahillo
serrano - chile seco
bola - cascabelAlso related: green, yellow, orange, and red bell peppers are all the same pepper, just various stages of ripeness.Guess I had my own dumb moment in this thread. Not sure where I read my take, but the reply to mine is correct.Bell pepper thing is false. Green ones are usually underripe red bells but the other colors are all equally ripe. This is easy to fact check: look for less ripe peppers at the store, they will be red with green splotches rather than yellow or orange. Or you can shop for bell pepper seeds online.
Yeah, seems you’re correct. Not sure where I got my take from, probably something I read a while ago. Thanks for correcting me.
Damn i had the same assumption as you, had i been asked about bell peppers five minutes ago i would been like 99% certain they were all the same but at different ripenesses.
There’s purple Belle peppers too!
So its like tea, tea-hee
Absolutely wild
Well they’re smoked, but yeah. Just jalapeños.
Almost all chiles have a different name when smoked and/or dried.
I thought they were smoked?
Basically just jalapeño jerky I suppose
Wat was the story behind ur aha moment re:this?
Chipoltay. Like the the first officer on Voyager!
Rhode Island isn’t really an island. Like, yeah it’s named after one of its islands, but people who live in the state are on the continental part. I thought the whole state was an island lmao
California also isn’t an island, but it’s named after a fictional island in a Spanish novel, and was once thought to be an island.
I used to think it was named after Calphurnia from Julius Caesar when we read that in class. I literally pronounced her name as “Ka-la-fern-ee-uhh”, fuck
The name comes from cal- meaning hot, and forni- meaning sex, from which we get the English word fornication.
Therefore California means “land of hot sex”
I’m about to start parroting this around, and I don’t even care if it’s true or not
Shoulda named it Caliphygia ;)
i thought it was a road
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Why are their schollars so sought after?
I thought Edinburgh was two different places because of pronunciation.
I always read it as pronounced like -berg, but there was this other, similar town pronounced -bruh or -boro that people talked about.
Just one of those place names that didn’t come up often at all, so I never compared them in my head and wondered if “hey, these might be the same place…” It came up and bit me in conversation far too recently where my misunderstanding was worth a laugh among friends.
That, and I thought we’d elect basically decent (as far as politicians go) people to the presidency that would at least honor tradition and the institution. Boy, was I wrong about that.
I think everyone should get a pass on pronouncing the names of British places. All pronunciations are equally correct. Don’t like it? Don’t name a place “Michaeleaulourhoroughsbleachhhiffynboroughshire”
Yeah, when “Leicester” is pronounced “Lester”, you have no hope of figuring pronunciation out without help.
The “ice” is silent. Why is the ice silent?
Because the English decided they were going to save those letters for later.
Obligatory Map Men: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYNzqgU7na4
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there was this other, similar town pronounced -bruh or -boro that people talked about.
You were so close: Edinburgh only got its name after Edward I invaded Scotland in 1296. Before that it (which was then a larger area than the present Edinburgh) had just been called “the Burgh”, which depending on regional variation would have been pronounced either “burg” or “boro”. “Edinburgh” referred to a smaller area within the Burgh that the king’s guards would patrol more severely due to the perceived increased risk of rebellion due to higher population density.
Growing up deep in the dusty heart of the American West, I lived far from the conveniences and attractions of city life. But once in a blue moon, my parents would take my siblings and I to enjoy the rides at the park in The City.
Despite being the region’s commercial hub, The City was small - barely 50,000 souls - yet it contained a park with mechanical rides. It was less a theme park and more a clamorous set of decrepit carnival rides that had been once erected and never removed. Naturally, the rides at the park were a favorite birthday treat.
The years passed and I traded the wide open spaces for a major metropolis, but I never forgot that little park and its rides.
…And so it was not until my thirty-third year that I realized the many signs upon our nation’s freeways were advertising commuter parking lots - and not a local “Park and Ride”.
This is my favorite thing I’ve read all week.
Ha ha - thank you!
Brilliant, love this!
My parents told me to always leave the “big mosquito bugs” alone as they eat the little mosquitoes. Then I told everyone to do the same for years. Turns out those “big mosquito bugs” were actually “Crane Fly” and they do not eat mosquitoes…
Yeah, I grew up calling them Mosquito Hawks and was told the same thing. Urban legend with good cultural penetration, I guess.
Dragon flies and bats however are doing good work
In Oklahoma we call them “skeeter eaters”
I work in pest control. I never correct anyone.
Heh whoops
Having a tooth pulled wouldn’t be that expensive.
Now I see why Noone in America goes to the dentist
The most annoying part is even if you have coverage, if it has a deductable it hard to get yourself to get in there
This old lady I know went and got a prescription filled last week. The co-pay was $24. Not bad, I don’t know what medicine it is. Then she got home and couldn’t find it. After looking everywhere and not finding it (probably threw it out by accident) she went back to get a refill and said,“I’ll just pay cash for this, I fucked up” and it rung up at $10. The cash price was less than half the insurance price. What the fuck is that?
I work in a pharmacy and never understand these stories. That’s just not how insurance billing works.
Good chance the people at the pharmacy used some sort of discount card that brought the price lower than her insurance. I see that all the time. But a copay can’t be higher than the cash price. That would result in the pharmacy paying the insurance company minus cost to fill the prescription which just wouldn’t happen.
That’s good to hear, because I thought it was insane myself.
U need to investigate that shit for her and our Providence or whatever. Please update me on how the hecks that possible…
I’m in the US. This is some shitty Medicare Advantage rip-off insurance.
So wats the lesson for next refill?
Sad! Hehe
You think getting a tooth pulled is expensive? Try getting a new one put in.
Yeah I get to have that experience and payment plan in a few weeks
A few years ago I had to get like 3 crowns in the span of a few months. Oh man my wallet was aching.
I’m scheduled for my wisdom teeth to be pulled. 55 euros a pop.
I’ve got a consult for that later this month, I’m really hoping it’s not too bad with my insurance, but worst case I’ll hit my OoP max for the year early?
Wow I had one of mine removed and it costed 580 Euros, been putting off going because they checked the other teeth and had to get two fillings total bill was 1,140 Euros. Sucks because I was told when this happened two years ago that I’d need the other one pulled out soon and after that costing just over half my months pay, I have been putting it off.
I can understand putting it off with those prices… Mine will cost me out pocket. If it’s over four hundred my insurance would reimburse me, too. (Of course I’ve been paying into my insurance fund for a lot of years now)
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How young are you guys, Jesus Christ 😂
Lemmy users are extremely young. Buncha kids around here
I started using Reddit when I was 13, I’m currently 24 so still a kid depending on who I ask.
For years in early Reddit, it always felt like everyone on the site was just people browsing it in work, to the point where ‘summer reddit’ was a thing because the quality would drop when the kids weren’t in school. You could feel the difference in the website between work days and weekends.
That’s exactly how Lemmy feels now. I bunch of people in their 20s and 30s who all have jobs Infront of a computer, sometimes I’m sad that this site isn’t filled with Gen Z because they are the critical generation. It’s much less progressive for the internet if this site is filled with old fogies nostalgic for the golden age of the internet, than it is if it’s equally filled with enthusiastic kids who never saw the unfiltered internet but want to ride the fediverse train regardless, because they believe in it.
I hope everyone on Lemmy didn’t grow up with the old internet, because it means they believe in something they haven’t seen.
The quality of discussion is terrible because there’s so many kids, and because Gen Z is just dumber than previous generations. So many stupid edgy hot takes with no actual analysis behind them. Gen Z is almost as bad about “feelings before facts” as boomers.
Stop making stupid generalisations about generations like you’re some kind of enlightened genius. Kids are always stupid, old people are always stupid, everyone’s stupid, especially you!
There’s a lot of good stuff happening with all , particularly young folks today in that its getting more in vogue to turn down the Old Deal that pushes all the hard work and suffering without all the ladders to the good stuff, which have been thoroughly pulled up.
Okay Dad. Should I call the nurse? Smells like you’ve shit yourself again.
Oh him? He’s about 2000 years young.
And that man’s name?
Jesus Christo
I will not confirm nor deny
Young. Very young.
They are different though! The glass measuring cup is for liquid and the ones that nestle into each other are for dry ingredients. You need to fill the little ‘1 cup’ dry measuring cup to the brim with ingredients to get an accurate measurement, which is pretty much impossible with the glass wet measuring cups.
When you are measuring dry ingredients, you can fill the same cup with more flour or whatever depending on how you fill it as well, but with liquid it’s, well, fluid.
So, you can measure wet ingredients in the dry ingredients cup, but not the other way around.
You shouldn’t use measuring cups of any sort for dry ingredients. Use a scale. And if the recipe gives volumetric measurements instead of weight, you should convert them to weight first. You’ll find your baking/cooking will become more consistent as a result.
It blows my mind that the OP was wrong and real answer to OP was not a reply, but a reply to a reply, ugh.
It wasn’t dry stuff, is was water and milk for cooking. It was fine :) Its a good guideline tho re:consistency and definitely for baking/dry ingredients.
I also only eat to live, I don’t have a super sensitive palate so its 99% the time just as well
If you have to eat to live, you may as learn to make it taste as good as you can. You may as well derive as much enjoyment as you can from the things you have to do anyway.
Meh, I’d rather it be little more than passable, so its not addictive and I don’t get fat and also corralled into cooking for anybody else unless I want to ;)
Yup, you’re right. I wouldn’t want to end up fat like Gordon Ramsay either.
In case anyone wants to see the unedited retorts from this chucklefuck:
Ahh, internet. Never change
I’m too tired to destroy you haha, lets be more transient on this line of inquiry;)
Measuring by mass is definitely more accurate, yeah (for dry and wet ingredients). But have you ever noticed that the recipe always uses round numbers? You never see 4/9 cup, or 2.3735 teaspoons. What’s the point of being able to measure out an exact number of grams when the recipe is already extremely approximated at a not-necessarily-exactly-optimal amount?
I mean yes, ok, I admit that you will get more consistent results. But not necessarily consistently good results.
You’re right, most recipes aren’t great. But, the beauty of using the scale is that you can iterate to make the recipe better. And every change will be reflected, because you’re using a scale to get precise, repeatable measurements.
You should use a scale, but most kitchens don’t have a scale in them. I wasn’t trying to make things more difficult with my reply.
Every single kitchen I’ve ever been in had scales in it wtf
Well apart from that junkie bastard I met but he probably sold them for crack
Then you live in a fantasy lane and need to realize that the majority of the world doesn’t live in the same world as you. Have you also never seen a check engine light in a car?
97% of the world doesn’t use cups. Tell me more about this majority :)
….you do realize that they are still called ‘measuring cups’ in other countries right? They aren’t called ‘measuring 250 grams’.
Solids weigh different amounts. You are talking about ml here. This is a good example of why it isn’t ideal.
It doesn’t matter for a lot of things. Flour is compressible, but sugar isn’t for example.
Sugar, like salt, is crystalline, and may not be compressible, but the crystal sizes do vary.
10 grams of rock salt will be the same as 10 grams of fine sea salt.
1 cup of rock salt =/= 1 cup of fine sea salt.
Use a scale. Always.
No, sorry but it’s just not important. First, granulated sugar and table salt are both uniform at the macro scale and the individual structure of each crystal is immaterial to measurement at these scales. Secondly, your kitchen scale is neither accurate nor precise enough for it to matter for anything but the most compressible solids.
Secondly, your kitchen scale is neither accurate nor precise enough for it to matter for anything but the most compressible solids.
Since you don’t accept the abstract argument, how about a concrete one.
This is a pizza dough recipe I make often,
Despite volumetric measurements being offered, there is no way to consistently get a 1/3 of a 1/4 of a teaspoon. But, I am able to get 0.3 grams consistently with a scale.
That’s a twelfth of a teaspoon, also known as a “pinch”. I bet you thought that wasn’t a real measurement. https://www.amazon.com/Norpro-Stainless-Measuring-Spoons-smidgen/dp/B0009X1P9S?th=1 Here’s the measuring spoons to accomplish that.
Why is it so important that your homemade pizza dough be so perfectly consistent? Good grief lmao
I mean, you’re right, it’s marginally better, but like … Does it really matter that much? Can you even tell difference without a side by side comparison? I’m sure your pizza dough is just as delicious using a plain old inconsistent pinch instead of a scale.
Long fermentations require precise measurements if you want consistency.
Consistency isn’t necessary, but I like tweaking baking recipes one ingredient at a time. And since I have several scales, including one that will measure up to 10 grams with a precision of +/-0.01 grams, I figure why not be precise and consistent.
But, I am able to get 0.3 grams consistently with a scale.
You are consistently able to get your scale to read 0.3 grams. That is not the same as being able to consistently get 0.3 grams or have the same mass of a substance read out at 0.3 grams.
People should be required to do more lab work before just posting bullshit online.
Do you enjoy shifting goalposts?
Why are you declaring the inaccuracy of their scale as if it’s fact? You don’t even know what kind of scale they’re using and you end your comment with some grade-A “everyone is dumb except for me” crap like you somehow shut down their entire argument.
Not to mention how easy it is to test what you’re arguing about. I literally just did this a few days ago with my roommate who was trying to bake some brownies. 3 scoops of flour placed on a scale resulted in 3 different readings that had a range of ~15g. I don’t care how inaccurate you’re going to claim my scale is, that’s a very large discrepancy.
I would happily pay for a browser add-on that blocked American recipes.
Who the fuck uses cups to measure, outside of a nursery? 😂
Being good at cooking means knowing when that kind of precision is needed and when it isn’t. For most things, it isn’t.
Being good at baking means knowing it’s always needed.
It wasn’t dry stuff, is was water and milk for cooking. It was fine :)
The real hack comes when you realize you can weigh everything, so you never have to clean measuring devices ever again.
When I make cookies, I use a scale, and bake them on parchment paper. As a result, I only have to clean a bowl, and a spoon (and barely the baking sheet).
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Measuring dry ingredients by volume is about as accurate as most kitchen scales, lol.
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I appreciate you jumping to conclusions about my intelligence. Really points to the good faith of your comment. But despite your bad faith:
Those conversions are readily available on Google. The point is not to have an exactly accurate conversion from volume to mass, but to have a consistent starting point to use from that point on. If you know how much of each ingredient was added by weight the last time you made something, it is easy to update ingredient amounts to make the recipe perfect.
I know that’s a pretty simple concept, but I spelled it out for you since you don’t inspire much confidence in your critical thinking skills, ass.
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It’s always funny when people just go “haha wooow your so wrong lol… geez wow ur wrong lol” instead of actually responding to a comment.
This guy said nothing rude, nothing controversial, just gave some cooking/ baking advice.
You see they mistakenly said weight rather than mass (something that a ton of people do, all the time, while being entirely aware of the difference between the two) and tried to show off how smart you were by being a total dick for no reason.
Then when the person actually responds to your comment, you try to puff your chest online one last time before shutting the fuck up and abandoning thread before you can make yourself look more of a semantics-jerking twit. Love it, keep up the energy king.
someone that confuses weight and mass
What, do you expect him to make his next batch of cookies on the moon?
I bet when filling out medical forms they cross out “weight” and write a paragraph explaining to their medical professionals the difference between mass and weight.
It’s still the same volume. Saying they are different is misleading. They just have different use cases.
I didn’t say the volume was different? I said the containers are different making it more difficult to get the proper volume of dry goods. You can’t flatten off 1 cup of flour that’s measured in a 2 cup measuring cup.
OP thought they were different as in different volumes, and then came to understand their mistake. you then came in to proclaim that they are different, then described how certain containers are harder to measure certain materials. Regardless of ease of use, a cup is a cup is a cup, so long is the “cup” in question is 8 oz of volume. Yes, some measurement tools have a different physical shape and may be more difficult to use for certain tasks, but that was not the “difference” being misidentified.
Also, you absolutely could use a glass measuring cup for flour, just tamp it down and go slowly, but that’d be stupid. Regardless, this is why using weight measurements for baking is vastly superior to using volume.
Aha, thanks for clarifying this :) And yes, I was measuring out liquids so that tracks
No worries! For cooking it wouldn’t be a big issue either way, but when it comes to baking you want to be precise.
And measuring by volume isn’t very precise. Measure by weight.
It gets the job done, and is a lot easier for most people(plus most kitchens don’t have a scale). Don’t gatekeep cooking
It’s not gate keeping. It’s just as easy to get a scale as it is to get measuring cups. People should use the right tool for the job so they don’t fuck up and lose their confidence to try again.
Scales are non essential tools that cost $20 or more, sure they do make things accurate but i honestly doubt you can tell if something your eating was cooked using measurements from a scale or with Betty Crocker measuring cups that are $3.
That social skill and practical skills are far more valuable than theory.
Unless you’re really, really good at theory. See Von Neumann, Murray Gell-Mann, John Nash, and many others. It really goes for anyone who’s talented significantly above their peers in tech, the arts, sports…
The problem is that it scales with talent, so someone who’s modestly brilliant will get less leeway than a Nobel (or EGOT) level talent, and talent seems to scale non-linearly.
Exactly so, and I am below average Joe.
Wait, you are saying that’s something you believed but learned was wrong. You now believe that theory is more valuable than social & practical skills? Or the other way round?
I used to believe that knowledge was the most valuable. I now know it isn’t and that other stuff such as social skills are much more important.
Ah, that makes more sense. I think the way op’s question is worded makes reading a lot of the answers here confusing.
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I’ll try to cheer you up a little:
Owning a house: to an extent traps you in a physical location. Your job pool is smaller, and everyone you like who doesn’t own a home eventually moves away. As a bonus, the longer that pattern goes on, the older you get, and the more difficult to replace the departed becomes.
No kids: You seem pretty upset about global warming and the economy. Not having children has to be one of the single most impactful environmental choices you can make. I don’t have figures but your carbon footprint has to be a fraction of anyone with kids. Also, if systematic collapse is as inevitable and imminent as you suspect, it’s a good thing you don’t have any kid(s) for to be exploited by Tina Turner into fighting to the death in a big iron cage.
Humans are basically good.
Individuals, yes. Apes together dumb.
Monks together strong.
I highly disagree. There are bad people, and there are good organizations. Groups of people can act dumber, and it’s easier for the bad ones to gain control, but it’s not like once you gather a few dozen people around they suddenly go from angels to evil.
He was horny, so he dropped him. Man is evil!
Well those wires that hold telephone poles and other such tall objects in position? those aren’t called “guide-wires.”
They’re called “Guy wires.”
I think that’s pretty dumb of everyone else tho
Haha, that sounds like more of a BoneAppleTea or Rickyism but funny nontheless ;) Its not even objectively unreasonable, so props smartypants
A cup is 8 ounces, 237ml.
“Measuring cups” come in a variety of labeled sizes.
I’m sorry, you thought a cup wasn’t… a cup?
A cup can refer to a variety of different measurements (see Cup (unit) - Wikipedia). The cup OP referenced is a metric cup, a US customary cup is 8 US fluid ounces. Measuring cups can come labelled using cups as a unit, usually including a whole cup, and that is presumably what OP was referring to.
A cup is 8 ounces, 237ml.
It depends. It’s usually standardised by country; 200ml, 240ml and 250ml are common values.
OP is likely from a Commonwealth country while you’re probably from USA. If that’s correct: note that your country has two measurements for cups, 237ml and 240ml.
I wish I had some of the CommonWealth my country’s a part of :(
I think they are referring to the measuring spoons used for dry ingredients. In middle school home ec class, we were told to never use dry measuring tools for liquids and vice versa, the teacher implied that the measurement would be different
A measuring cup is not the same as a ‘cup’ used in a recipe like “one cup of flour”. Although in the US it is often is the same size.
I don’t know what measuring cups you have, but my biggest ones hold 1 cup.
I’ve got one that goes up to 8 cups. It really looks more like a large bowl than a cup.
I’ve read the word “cup” too many times now that it is starting to sound like a nonsense word.
No. Don’t Stop.
Just switch it up to cuppa
I was cooking with my 8 year old daughter the other day. Recipe said 1 cup of water so she brought me a random cup from her cabinet with water in it. Too cute.
Was she wrong haha
US cups are weird. I was having trouble with cups I bought where I live overseas which are 250ml and slightly bigger. No difference in some recipes, definite one Lin others. If you are ONLY using those cups, it should be fine as all things are still proportional. But, if using other measures, things can get off.
Additional fun: a Canadian cup used to differ from both US and UK but eventually came to match the UK size
There is no such measurement as “a cup” in Britain, we’ve got a few weird old ones but they don’t have quite such misleading names!
I’m basing this on my recollection of a “glen and friends” cooking video. It may be that they were talking about an older time, so my fault if that’s the case.
No worries, old cookbooks are a bit of a wild ride so there could well be cups and all sorts of madness being used!
If you’re into that, the above channel is great; he has an old recipies series and goes into the history and compares and contrasts many sources and is really into the history. Cheers!
But those two cups are not the same