I hope it all burns down.
I hope they get a slew of new moderators who make every subreddit unbearable by deleting every good post and leaving only bullshit ones.
That has already happened in the last years.
But this time on purpose.
Let’s rename it to Y first
Huffman does love emulating Musk…
Imagine pissing off your free labour. Spez is a fucking idiot.
People will line up by the thousands to become a new moderator. Reddit will keep their free labour.
Of course they will, and at least 90% of those will stop moderating within a week bcause they have no idea what it entails and just like the sound of having power.
Another 9.99% will push personal agendas, post ads, malware, etc. or a dozen other things that will kill the sub.
In the end they’ll probably get decent moderatos for less than a tenth of those they seek.
That is just wishful thinking. A large number of people on reddit still use it a lot. Enough to not mind sitting there and moderating. If someone stops moderating they know they can be replaced really quickly now.
The amount of people who just want to shit on reddit with their unrealistic expectations is unbelievable lmao
Counterpoint, the quality of moderation was already pretty patchy, and the quality will continue to decrease. The mods who left are the ones with the most integrity. In my opinion, stepping down in protest is a sign of integrity, which is a key trait of a good mod.
The conclusion that the replacements will be worse is just a statistical average taken at face value, so who knows for sure. It isn’t an ironclad conclusion, but I think it’s a bit better than mere wishful thinking.
I think terms like “better” or “worse” are a bit misleading in this case.
Suppose 10% of all newly appointed mods are enough of a good fit for reddit & the community to fulfil the role indefinitely. The other 90% are shit, but will either get sick of it or be exposed as shit within a few months. If you keep rolling the dice, while keeping the less-shit ones then over time the quality of the pool will improve.
I think we also need to acknowledge that reddit is changing. Perhaps you and me prefer the way it was, but there’s plenty of people will be just as happy or happier with whatever it becomes. In some ways maybe newly appointed mods can be a better fit, or able to grow into whatever it is that reddit is becoming.
So while undoubtedly the quality of moderation in some subs will take a nose dive, and may even cause some subs to die, I’m not convince that it will be a significant detriment to reddit’s advertising revenue in the long term. Note that I’m not saying the user experience will ever improve - I think that’s dead.
With all that in mind, I just can’t imagine being a reddit mod, and it’s hard to believe reddit mods saying that they do it for the community. Volunteering for things you care about is great, but you need to keep some dignity.
over time the quality of the pool will improve.
Do you think that’s likely to play out in their favor by IPO time?
Let’s say they have lost 50% of the regular contributors (very optimistic), that still leaves thousands of potential mods.
Another mass exodus will only happen if Reddit continues to rock the boat musk fashion, else it will take years for people to move on.
Another mass exodus will only happen if Reddit continues to rock the boat musk fashion
They haven’t taken down old.reddit yet.
I’ve been kind of wondering if that’s that next paywall they have planned.
I mean, come on. They even locked an app icon behind a paywall. That’s way less useful then the old reddit interface.
I don’t think they’re going to paywall old.reddit, I think they’re just going to do away with it entirely.
People are downvoting you because they’d like to see otherwise, but you’re right. Hell, I’d like to see otherwise, but it’s not gonna happen.
Removed by mod
there’s a lot of people clammering at the opportunity to shape conservations that fit their agenda. at least the cookers in the past were generally laughed out of the room but I’ve seen quite a few make concerted efforts to control certain subs
I mean, they all have positive up votes (could be fake) and plenty of comments…
They’re usually the last people you’d want moderating. The best mods are ones who are putting the effort in to build up the kind of communities they want to subscribe to. It can be a significant time investment and a matter of responsibility rather than power. Folks who leap at these opportunities are looking for the latter.
I would love to see what happens, its psycologically convieniemt to say its good evidence, its honestly a question of percentages. What percent will moderate the hellsite and what percent will be earnist.
Like power craving losers won’t jump at the opportunity to power trip
Honestly at this point if that happens often enough and drives even more “regular” redditors away from reddit (and hopefully to Lemmy), I’m all for it.
Not to rain on the ‘fuck reddit’ parade, because well, fuck reddit, but the volunteer mod requests in the image are all two to three months old. Wasn’t all the backlash from the API decision only in mid-June?
Good point, but it looks like it’s still ongoing.
Ha, one of them is The Monkey’s Paw. How apropos.
What are the replies like? Some have a lot so it doesn’t appear they’re struggling at all.
I haven’t even looked honestly, just looked up the account. I don’t really care whether they fill them or not, I only go back to reddit now for /r/sbcgaming and /r/ereader since those communities haven’t really picked up here yet (though maybe they will in time).
Edit - I just looked. It seems to be a lot of people saying “I wouldn’t be a good mod, no thanks” or “let me be a mod, I’ll totally let people post lewd pics,” “pick me, I’ll reinstate the old mods,” “I’ll gladly abuse my power, sure” and stuff of that variety. So no, doesn’t look like it’s a big rush to fill the spots. Mostly a lot of snark for the majority of them. MaleFashionAdvice seemed to be an exception with people looking to take the mod spot and they were all ridiculously downvoted.
Edit 2 - I especially liked this one:
u/spez can take his IPO and shove it up his ass. Join us at Lemmy. We can build it into something corporate dickwads can’t take from us.
It isn’t anywhere near /r/ereader but i have a sublemmy for ereaders!
r/mensfashion is one of the bigger subreddits where this is happening. I read through the post. Everyone who expressed interest was getting down voted like crazy.
I’m guessing a lot of the NSFW subs saw this as the final straw and just went to nsfw lemmy instead. Since they seem to be pravalent in all the “we need mods” posts.
Great point, but if they were struggling to find mods before the meltdown it does not bode well.
I follow a sports team sub. On most days we discuss players, teams, etc. But on game day a mob of rowdy people stop by. The game threads get several posts a minute. I cannot image trying to police that while trying to watch the game.
That’s the thing. We never did. We were all watching the games, then going through the threads afterwards.
Can you see the solid red Snoo avatar next to each post?
Yeah, those are Reddit admins.
He’s pointing out the requests are too old to be in response to the APIcalypse, not that they’re not admin requests.
Who else would post such stuff? Regular users, other mods? If a sub has no mods the admins have to step in. So this distinction you are making serves no purpose.
This bot account is actually making recent posts, why the fuck is there a pic of these months old one?
Yes, but they were all posted way before the API changes were announced, and thus the mod backlash
Yeah, I don’t understand why they posted this image. There’s much more current posts of the same thing, some in the last two days.
It’s a reposting bot.
Jk, probably.
Lol I’m def not a reposting bot (I know, something a bot would say). I just accidentally screenshotted further down the page than I intended and it left out more recent posts by this admin.
Edit that into the post
- Apply as a moderator
- Do absolutely nothing
- Repeat
No, more fun-
- Apply as a moderator.
- Make subreddit private again.
- Repeat if you don’t get banned.
I’d be very surprised if the admins DON’T have a Richard Nixonesque “enemies list” that they check before letting new mods join the team. that level of control-freakishness and pettiness is right up their alley.
Edit: missed a word.
Didn’t Reddit release a change so that mods couldn’t make subreddits private without admin approval?
This is the best way because minimal risk and effort for you, and you can always say you didn’t have access to automated tools to do moderation, which is true.
What risk? They take away the mod position you didn’t really want in the first place?
The risk is that they start suing users that act malicious, and this can’t be seen as malicious just incompetent.
Edit: I don’t see users doing nothing as malicious. I’m talking about the one’s breaking stuff being sued.
Suing unpaid volunteers for not working hard enough? Not a lawyer, but surely you can’t use sue an employee for not working hard enough. Just do a really poor job, don’t moderate well. What are they going to argue?
No they will sue the malicious ones not the ones doing nothing.
A lawsuit requires them to be breaking a law. Doing a shit or even malicious job at something you volunteered for is not against the law. Mods are not employees of reddit. If the argument is that they’re somehow harming the product, that same argument could be extended to the protestors and shitposters. It wouldn’t hold any water in an actual court.
Good for the protesters then, one thing less to worry about.
sue em back if thats the way the wanna play it i think its high time we got the aclu involved if they seem to think their content is theirs— is an image microsofts etc cuz you used one of their programs to draw it? id say it falls more on the previous mods etc is the way to argue this in court now that i think about it why arent people trying to sue reddit more for billions? futhermore i think they are hiding stuff on their end to investors i think its time the sec got wind of this im a counterpuncher and i dont stop until the enemy is doa thats my mentality
Not a bad idea, it requires some organisation and money, it could be done, I’m not sure about this having a legal foot to stand on but someone will know.
If you’re talking about suing Reddit for copyright/intellectual property law infringement, unfortunately, that’s unlikely to happen. Reddit can claim certain rights over user content because it’s not against the law to sign over those rights through a user agreement. It’s a bad idea, but it is likely to be considered legally binding. The “right to be forgotten” under GDPR is a specific form of control of content that can’t be signed away, but it’s not about copyright.
Oh yeah. That will go over great
Yeah talk about dumpster fire if they start on that.
How could they possibly sue moderators? They’re all anonymous
That depends on how much each person has protected themselves, in their Reddit account if they use their primary email and have linked Facebook or stuff like that.
This is true.
I am so tempted to volunteer.
And then immediately go malicious compliance, turning everything NSFW and creating funky rules for whatever subreddit they give me.
- /r/Chrome would be exclusively about chromed-metal-centric DIY projects and car mods, everything else gets deleted and you get banned for repeat offenses.
- /r/therapy would just have a single stickied link to a how-to-delete-your-reddit-data-and-profile guide.
Etc, etc.
Apparently nylonfetish needs a mod. I feel like it’s your time to shine.
“This sub is exclusively for posts related to the fetish of people named Lon that live in New York.”
“This is a fetish sub for people who rob banks with nylons on their head. Such sexy anonymity! Only the sexiest people rob banks with nylons on their head! We’re always looking for new material…”
If you get assigned as a mod for one that they force removed the mods. You could just give control back to the old mods.
“My first action is to reinstate all the old mods. My section action is to resign. Bye!”
Please do it, so many shit moderators like TheYellowRose on reddit suck up mod privileges then destroy subs with their misery
We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn.
Timmy play your trumpet watch the people go berserk!
I’ll bring marshmallows
I’ll bring the scarecrow depiction of spez. Let’s make it a bonfire.
Burn mother fucker burn!
I find it especially concerning that subreddits dedicated to mental health like r/Anxietyhelp or r/therapy are just thrown into the mix to have some randoms be mods. They could easily come with bad intentions and even well intentioned individuals could inadvertently cause a lot of harm.The job of managing any community dedicated to helping those suffering from mental health issues is by no means an easy task just anyone can do. A lot of knowledge about mental health and certain subtle/not easily recognizable problems (i.e. covert incitement of suicide) is required. This is not something any responsible admin would just give away to just about anyone like this.
You have a Reddit doesn’t give a fuck, nobody near the top of Reddit actually gives a fuck about us or you or your mental health, or who’s giving you advice for it
nobody near the top
of Redditactually gives a fuck about us or you or your mental health, or who’s giving you advice for it
And usually the moderators are people who suffer from said mental illnesses, so they know how to manage the community in a way that would be weird for a person who doesn’t suffer from mental illnesses would.
Simply put, a neurodivergent mod is more likely to relate to neurodivergent user than a neurotypical mod would relate to a neurodivergent user.
I agree, a lot of harm could be done if we throw random moderators in these subreddits.
Just like TheYellowRose on reddit. She mods black subs and bans anyone not black lolol
They haven’t gotten to mine yet (/r/sandals and /r/flipflops). I still have them set as private. The admins won’t be happy with whoever takes over because they will 100% turn them into NSFW fetish subs.
They IP banned me on all my accts for standing up to their BS. Banned accts that have only 1 post. Its insanity over there, seem like a desperate attempt to change the narrative\reinsert control and its working exactly the opposite.
Lol yeah have a look at moderator TheYellowRose, she has an agenda to push and immediately bans and mutes anybody she disagrees with.
I’ve seen post of women asking about hair style advice and she bans them because they are not black enough for that hairstyle lmfao misery needs company, or a subreddit to mod lol
Let me guess someone wanted dreadlocks… Which are Nordic in origin. They are so ignorant but think they are the smartest person in the room. Truly baffling.
I don’t mind the ban in all honesty, well I miss the niche ones that weren’t toxic. They are going to nuke the most active and the site will be an echo chamber of bots and NPCs and more people will walk away.
So I found your comment about dreadlocks being Nordic interesting and looked it up. Wikipedia claims that oldest depictions of dreadlocks date to the Minoan Civilization on Crete. They are also found in Asia and the Americas which could indicate they are a much older (or common) hairstyle. All very interesting!
I fully abandoned /r/skin. It took me years to cut down the skincare spam and scams and quack medicine. Might as well invite the spammers back at this rate. I even turned off automod rules.
/r/oldbabies… I have some ideas for where I’m taking that sub.
It’s so weird, there’s no way they’re not intentionally trying to kill the site.
They are taking control of those subreddits where mods do not obey, part of more censorship.
They’re just incompetent, and led by that Hitlerjugend looking motherfucker Spez.
Its plain hubris, they really think they know better than us plebs. Its going to get them in the end…
All they’re doing is locking the site down so they can make money and bounce when it’s sold. When its your last day and you’re about to get a fat check if the building is standing you don’t care who’s in it.
They only care that the IPO goes well and that their VC investors recoup as much as they can.
They have no care for anything past that. And if they have to use bots to inflate activity metrics, they will.
I am a mod of a dedicated niche Discord fanclub server. We run the server well enough that the actual creator of the thing we like & owner/admin of the official server pops in occasionally to say hi, interact, and give updates on events & future releases. Hell, even the mod team from the official server joined our server for a more casual experience.
If I wasn’t passionate about the subject, there’s no way I’d be helping to maintain it out of the “good of my heart”. The work of moderating something with an ultra-large fanbase? If you don’t truly and passionately care about it, forget it! And even if you did, it can still be too much of am endeavor to put up with for free!
To let just any rando moderate a community will lead to its downfall. I’m especially worried when it comes to things like mental health & recovery subs.
Yeah, I am really sad to see mental health subs on this list, though I’m glad the mods of those subs left. That kind of sub should not be modded by random volunteers.
My favorite so far is /r/OpenAI, where the moderators locked and deleted the post call and the replies are mostly promises to enable NSFW pics only. 😂 Good mods!
All those moderators in r/openAI were appointed as mods 4 days ago; They locked and removed it because reddit already picked new mods for the community.
I just checked, it is amusing. Did the original moderators lock the thread?
3 months ago?
Looks like OP scrolled down a little too far in the user profile. There are several more from the last week, and they’re all downvoted:
r/OpenAI needs a mod. Oh, it’s sooo tempting to mess with them.
“This sub is dedicated to getting easy and free access to Reddit comment content for AI training.”
Hahaha. Wasn’t expecting to see my subreddit mixed in with all those. Which one doesn’t belong?
Wait nevermind it belongs.
Thank you for your service soldier. 🫡
Hopefully in a camo themed one the entire time. 😂
I do be having a collection of camo jockstraps…
Did the mods leave on their own or were they thrown out after the blackout?
I think a bit of both
Spez called them “landed gentry” so most of them ( with self respect anyway) left.
Left or have made things difficult for the admins.
Got the “You must reopen within 3 days” crap from the admins. Opened it, but they got the monkey paw as well. Set it such that every comment/post has to have an insanely long line of gibberish in order to get past AutoModerator. No one can comment, post or even edit now. Once the admins go away, I’ll re-privatize it.
How’s that working out for ya?
In other cases, we had great mods step down with others opting to stick around so we can pin a link to the new home in the Fediverse (e.g., /r/android pointing to !android@lemdro.id).
They IP banned me and my subs were pretty niche and small. This included all my alts that I used for very specific subs (like FO76) to prevent doxing. But I was pretty vocal on their BS and that was that…
Oh man, that’s a huge potential for trolling right there!
Just wait until they enact the draft.
u/ModCodeOfConduct: “Congratulations, soldier! You’ve been promoted to moderator of r/suicidewatch!”
Recipient: “…But I’m just a 13 year old with depression and anxiety myself! And my account is only 8 days old!”
u/ModCodeOfConduct: “Report for duty right now, slacker! The mod queue is filled up, and you have a job to do!”