I almost never watch “shorts” but my suggestions for it seem to have an…uhhh…adult theme. I don’t watch any such thing with YouTube. Does everyone see garbage like this?
Bro you should have investigated the actual answer to this question before asking it publicly 😃
It’s not to say you’re watching lots of soft core porn but the algorithm has definitely decided that you’ll like it
There’s alot I could argue with but maybe the best answer I have is: why just the shorts? The rest of my YouTube feed kinda sucks but it isn’t porn or titillating at all.
Theyre separate algorithms so its prolly the only type of shorts youve clicked or hovered over for a some time
That’s the thing, I think I’ve watched maybe 2 shorts ever, pretty sure they were not like these or at least only mildly sexy
But it’s Google, so they know your browsing history and have you in a “bucket” for what their metrics think will drive engagement from you. (Or they don’t know enough about you and just think boobs will get you intersted, because sex sells.)
Meh. We’re all human. If Google thinks you like thirst traps, whatevs. Pretty ladies are pretty ladies.
But if you don’t want to see it, you can probably use feedback tools to change what they show you.
deleted by creator
Well that’s just not how recommendation algorithms work. A part of it will be content based, directly related to what the user can be associated with.
However, the largest part is collaboration based filtering of content. That means, our user is put in a group based on his other preferences, let’s assume nerdy tech stuff, and then is shown content that he has not liked yet but his group of peers has, meaning he could probably like it too.
In other words - he’s not the one in fault here, YOU are (you pretty much have to be nerdy tech folks to be here).
Please, could everyone here stop clicking on this stuff so that OP don’t have to be associated with your filthy behavior, thank you.
that’s just not how recommendation algorithms work
I didn’t say anything about how they work – only that it shows you stuff it thinks you will like. Which is basically what you said.
However, the largest part is collaboration based filtering of content. That means, our user is put in a group based on his other preferences, let’s assume nerdy tech stuff, and then is shown content that he has not liked yet but his group of peers has, meaning he could probably like it too.
Yes, based on other user patterns and how it categorizes him, it thinks he could probably like soft core porn too. That is, in fact, how it works. Glad we agree.
In other words - he’s not the one in fault here, YOU are
Please, could everyone here stop clicking on this stuff so that OP don’t have to be associated with your filthy behavior, thank you.
So it’s perfectly realistic that everyone could be clicking on soft core porn to feed the algorithm these ideas, in contrast to OP, who couldn’t possibly be clicking on it? You’ve decided they’re the one and only person who definitely isn’t doing that when clearly someone is?
How could you write this hostile and condescending message when I actually made a specific point to highlight the exact point you’re making (“It’s not to say you’re watching lots of soft core porn”) in my message? If a little more succinctly. I wasn’t blaming OP in any way, just explaining (just as you did) that the algorithm based on his viewing patterns is what decides what to show him.
I had hoped that my last sentence showed my post was clearly in jest. The factual information was just needed to set up the joke. Neither hostility nor condescension was applied.
In fact, the avid reader might catch that I have implied myself in the group of people causing OP’s annoying trouble with light-clothed females since I too am here - presumably a tech nerd like OP and meddling with the algorithms affecting him by clicking on unsavory content.
Yeah I totally missed it. My apologies.
I’ve gotten sexualized ads in my work Gmail which I only use for work emails and nothing else. Pretty sure step one of Google’s algorithms is “is man? Show titty”
I got a lesbian lumberjack. She’s jacked. I’m not even mad.
Edit: For the curious https://youtube.com/shorts/U87Y4HnGQWY
Look how energetic she is
Ah, to be young and a lesbian.
holy shit lmao the first wood just gave up
She knows her way around a maul.
She’s great. I saw a video of her a while ago using a sword that’s designed to cut trees down.
She really is. She has the radiance of youth and fantastic muscle tone. Long may she lumberjack. 🫡
I remember when she got a sword! She’s fantastic.
Oh WOW. I’d not seen that! Thank you.
But if I click, will I start getting recommendations like OP’s feed?
That’s a good question. Usually I will delete from my viewing history when I don’t want recommendations but it may work differently with shorts. The YT app has an incognito mode, but I think you will get ads (even if you pay for no ads) while it is on.
I wish I had committed massive fraud so I was sentenced to death and be be able to choose to be chopped down alive by her 🥺
Dark but oddly relatable. Have an upvote.
She is peak wholesome+handsome content. The fun she’s having decimating those logs is infectious.
Quality recommendation 👍
Before anyone rails on OP too much let me tell you this. My shorts feed was full of tech stuff. Then one day I clicked on a hot girl and watched a few of the shorts. Big mistake. Now even though I’m not clicking on them again my feed looks like OPs.
I guess the lesson here is. Never click on these shorts ever if you don’t want to get spammed by them.
agree, I do have some other things in my feed, but I’d definitely say the algorithm has certain preferences.
Probably has to do with most of my interests being pretty nice compared to ‘ooh pretty girl’. So when it compares what I click on it’s easier to find high frequency recommendations based on other peoples likes. I know fuck all about the algo that makes feeds, but my guess is that’s how it works.
Good point.
There is probably also a lot more of these “pretty girl” videos than “5 Fun Facts About JavaScript” or “Here is a Mistake Everyone Makes in C” so it’s easier for the algorithm to serve them.
exactly! its not so much that the algo is skewed against us (although…), but mostly the content it has available to it and our lizard brains in general that arn’t helping. (or rather out desire to win the popularity contest and thus manipulate it in a way the algo is sensitive to). Because 90% of the ‘pretty girl’ videos wouldn’t have these stereotypical clickbait dames in them if it didn’t work in the first place
That’s what it looks like when I’m logged out. It’s just a bunch of nerd shit when I’m logged in. Don’t click the tits, not even once.
Soon, titty recommendation-free Google accounts could be a hot commodity.
Don’t click the tits, not even once.
This comment requires and deserves an epic reply of some kind, but I got nothing right now.
This comment visualized
Thank god my feed is filled with dogs, kittens and birbs instead of this shit
I think the real lesson is: do not login and purge your cookies and browser storage regularly.
Also Freetube, Newpipe
I think it’s been done for a minute, but YouTube definitely thought I was a furry for a hot minute.
Mine started out like this but eventually was replaced with gaming content and cars. Does anyone know how to get the porn back?
Watch more porn.
Doesn’t work. You ever tried to buy sex toys on amazon? They will not let you run a proper search.
I don’t know what’s wrong with your Amazon, but it works just fine here.
When? Haven’t tried recently.
Tried just now, plenty of toys for every taste.
Huh. I can find them but never with precise searches.
Well, something is wrong on your side.
Mine isn’t like that but there can be a few reasons I’d guess at:
- YouTube recommends you things other people in your household watch (which can extend to random people if your isp uses cnat and doesn’t give you an individual ip).
- This one is more of a guess, but I’d assume a lot of people would click on that content, so if you never watch shorts maybe their algorithm just gives you the default recommendations.
- If you watch adult content without protecting your privacy it’s most likely associated with your account in their recommendations.
I actively avoid clicking any videos with horny looking thumbnails, even if I really like the creator. Even still, I get shit like this. What exactly the fuck does this have to do with KSP? Why does google think I wanna see this?
Yeah the YouTube algorithm is one of the worst recommendations engines I have seen tbh. It actively removes types of videos I repeatedly search for from my recommendations, and fills it with garbage I never watch.
But in the case of op it looks like a 100% horny content ratio which seems excessive, even for yt.
The Horny algorithm kicks in hard and fast.
If I want porn I watch porn, I dont give myself softcore blueballs. But sometimes when I’m dumbscrolling I’ll click on one and YT thinks I submitted a bulk order.
I’ve never had issues with the YouTube algorithm, my feed is full of games, tech, science stuff and long form videos explaining shit. That’s about it, because that’s about all I watch.
Am I just lucky that it’s reliable for me?
For me, there are 2 specific things that annoy me to no end with it. 1 is my guilty pleasure, I love watching hour long videos from Asian channels where they just film restaurants or bakeries making food in large batches. Honestly, youtube seems to actively remove them from my feed. I have to search for them every 2 weeks despite watching this content at least weekly. The second is the opposite. At Christmas I searched for a video of a fireplace with music to put on as ambient background for dinner. My feed is chock full of 8+ hour music playlists now despite never having looked at another one. It’s been 4 months.
I don’t know what it is but i swear they have content they like showing you and content they dont like. If you want the former your experience will be OK. If you want the latter then they just decide you’re wrong and still get the former.
I disabled shorts because it’s brain-melting garbage, just like TikTok, which its based on.
How do you disable them?
u can hide shorts with uBLOCK. https://github.com/gijsdev/ublock-hide-yt-shorts
This is what I wanted to comment. I added this list and it works like a charm.
I was getting side tracked by these YouTube shorts all the time and it started becoming an issue. They are too addictive and mostly just void.
Perfect I’ll try this thank you!
Browser extension (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hide-youtube-shorts/) and ReVanced on Android.
Thanks! For Android i use newpipe.
Depends where you’re YouTubing. I believe the main solutions are browser extensions and app mods.
App mods work fine. It’s just sad that “making the best product to the user” has very obviously not been the priority for many many years.
You’d think these settings should be available to the user, right? Nope. This is from a modded version.
To be fair, the normal length videos are brain-melting garbage too.
A statement that generic about a content-base as vast as Youtube’s is just stupid.
I don’t know why there’s so much soft porn on every platform, skirting the rules and hiding just enough to be allowed.
The real porn is still there. You can just go look at it.
Yes u horny and they know, mine is all nerd shit like the other guy said
Lol that algorithm has you in that demo for a reason I’m sure. Not sure I would’ve asked this publicly.
Also, who’s is a contraction of “who is” or “who has”. You want the possessive “whose”
Ty for the grammar lesson, I corrected it
Not sure I would’ve asked this publicly.
The horror of liking good looking women
Not sure I would’ve asked this publicly.
At this point I think everyone knows that everyone else does the same thing.
FYI: when you disable YouTube history it’ll disable recommendations too
My issue with that is that then you see default youtube, which is also terrible.
It looks like this:
oh, I’ve never used this official mobile app for youtube. I was talking about the desktop version.
edit: They must have changed something. Previously, no login desktop youtube just had the most bottom of the barrel clickbait shit that appealed the ipad kids.
Sort of. It pretends to disable recommendations, but things like shorts that show up in feeds a related videos are still skewed toward you. They just disable the ability to really scroll through them to try to encourage you to turn it back on. You can trust their profile on you is still kept up-to-date ;)
Stop threatening me with a good time.
Way to out yourself. Their algo depends on what you spend time watching. Lol
Eh. Pretty much all of my viewing is related to physics I don’t understand, astronomy I don’t understand, and weird history stuff. I still get the soft porn algorithm on shorts.
Closest I come to viewing is when I’m scrolling and my phone interprets that as a click. Then I get pissed off because that fraction of a second for the algorithm is like letting a single pregnant cockroach into your kitchen.
Try to remember to select the ‘Don’t recommend this channel’ any time you see those sorts of videos. I’ve been doing that a ton lately and my shorts feed is mainly shit that’s actually interesting, and the more I ban those shit vids, the better my feed has been getting.
Yeah, the simplicity and also effectiveness of advertising algorithms are sometimes overstated.
There is a huge amount of data that is stored about users, and that does definitely make its way into the ads that we see. Grouping all the user information into ad categories is not a simple task, so there’s a lot of mismatch that happens. But a lot of the time it’s also location-based, time-based (when who views what) or even just what the biggest spenders want us to see based on our demographics. Tits and ass are fairly demographic agnostic, so they appear in a lot of feeds regardless of preference or orientation.
Right-wingers are fairly desperate to push their viewpoints and pay a lot to so, so we end up with a lot of vague associations or fully non existent ones resulting in that kind of content appearing in feeds. I’m a left leaning, queer and trans woman living outside the US and I see these bullshit ads from time to time (which for obvious reasons is pretty infuriating). I honestly think that having a small online footprint and using adblockers, privacy-friendly browsers and operating systems, etc. is going to become more and more common just as a mode of self-care.
This is just untrue. Shorts defaults to the same for me as a gay man who has never clicked on a single one of them.
I had a phase, where it suggested loads of shorts from turkish cigarrette factories. I never watched anything cigarrette related and my subs contain mostly science communication, makers and some commentary channels
Idk when I made a new account on Facebook all it did was show me fake pages with porn. After a while the algorithm caught up to my style and now I have to go find it randomly lol
While that is true, it’s also true that if the algo has no data on you it just shows you what most other people want to see, which is usually boobs
I constantly get pro right wing, pro Christian garbage in my feed. I keep spamming do not recommend channel and not interested and yt keeps shoveling that garbage in my shorts feed. Ads are also “suggested” based on geophraphic area.
Yeah, it seems to show me mostly comedy stuff, tool and hardware stuff, and some computer and retro gaming stuff. But almost none of this kind of stuff.
I’ll say that at least a few months ago, on a brand new system I went to YouTube and it looked pretty much like this, with a fresh history and no login. I thought it was unusual and then I logged in and they mostly went away.
Obviously not.
I’ve never had anything softcore-adjacent even, mine are filled with magicians and obscure shorts that are not sexual in any way, at any point in history. They seem highly targeted toward my viewing history at any given moment in time.
My viewing history is disabled, so maybe pseudo-porn is just the default
Mine shows 90% videos from channels I’ve either subscribed to or at least watched before, and 10% random pop culture stuff.
Then again, I don’t actually use YouTube very much, and if I come across a video on Lemmy or wherever I never open it with a logged-in browser. Maybe I’ve inadvertently gamed the system.
Works fairly well for me when I’m on the shorts doomscrolling. Your mileage could vary of course.
Youtube Shorts hasn’t done this for me (I actually follow some creators that make shorts so it’s usually them) but Facebook’s version is infuriatingly just like this and also I can’t get rid of them. Every time I see one I go to the dots and select “don’t see any more of these” but they just keep showing up and it’s always some girl doing a yoga pose in a bikini, camera decidedly pointed directly at her vagina.
“This one’s called downward kitty”
It only seems to show me the same 15-20 shorts since they first started featuring shorts on the main page. They’re relevant to what I watch, but they’re all hella old and I’ve seen the ones that interest me already. IDK why it never updates.
Do you run an adblocker like PiHole or ADGuard on your network?
I do have a PiHole. Why would that change the recommendations?
I have no idea but I experience the same problem with small set of repeating shorts when on my home wifi network.
If I disconnect my phone from the wifi and use mobile internet instead, it often starts working better with YouTube Shorts.
Edit: my comment was about the set of shorts repeating and not why the algorithm choose sexy shorts for you.
Perhaps if their ad services (googleadservices.com, doubleclick) have something to do with it, but I frankly doubt it.
I watched them mindlessly for a while, starting recently. But then the algorithm just started showing me like the same 15 videos and nothing else. One or two new ones here and there, but it’s definitely fully lost any interest I had.