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Mary Morrissey apologizes after being filmed dumping liquid into backpack of Democratic legislator Jim Carroll
As for whether he forgives Morrissey, Carroll said: “I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.”
Rock on buddy.
Oh snap!
Somebody grab the Neosporin, we got a sick burn over here!
That’s some backhanded forgiveness
She “claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him.” 🙄
She intended to pour water in someone else’s bag several times over a period of months in a targeted harrasment campaign, it’s fine!
Worse than that, if she didn’t know it was his that also means she didn’t know who’s it is.
It’s not targeted malicious behavior just sciociopathic behavior.
Just the absolute dumbest pettiness. This is the maturity level, and make no mistake she’s only sorry that she got caught.
Republicans are all bullies. The people that worship them think they are bullies too but they constantly get beaten up for their money (donations) and still get fucked by them in the end.
They aren’t getting beaten up for their money. They are gleefully handing it over to the bully for protection from the real bullies…trans women playing highschool basketball.
She. The Republican bully was the woman.
Quickly edited but not quick enough.
I’ve noticed after you post it’s 50/50 whether any changes get federated.
Good to know
Idk but didn’t it used to be 100% of the time the actor was on the left of a two-pic collage and the acted-upon was on the right?
I mean… like 90% of humanity speaks languages where the subject comes before the object. And 100% of me reads left to right.
she’s only sorry that she got caught.
This is the important part. People are often shocked when I say I’m not a patriot, and mostly don’t respect what our country stands for.
I WOULD be patriotic if our country could live up to the ideals it CLAIMS to stand for.
A melting pot for all kinds, all cultures, all backgrounds, to come and mix, and feel safe in a country that doesn’t persecute them for their beliefs.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
This is the poem, engraved on a plaque. It sits upon the base of the statue of liberty. This is the land I was taught exists growing up. I was taught tolerance, and acceptance growing up. Well now I’m 40. I’ve had plenty of time to see that this is nothing more than a bullshit fantasy we use as international propaganda.
How many times have we seen someone say to another in this country “GO BACK TO (insert country most assosiated with the other persons race)”? How many times have you seen our government propose, and in some cases approve laws that disproportionally hinder people of specific backgrounds? Reagans effects are STILL being affected.
While you can’t force people to believe something, and doing so would be counterproductive to this concept, you can start at the government level. You can promote a culture of what our flag stands for. Celebrating the flag SHOULD BE a celebration of all peoples.
Instead it never has been this. Right from the start of the countries formation. All men are created equal??? This is what the forefathers wrote. Then explain why you get done with your daily work writing the constitution, and go home to rule over your legally owned slaves that everyone knows about. George Washington wasn’t a tactical military expert. He got his ass handed to him until the literal entire country of citizens armed themselves, AND THE FRENCH SAVED OUR ASSES. George Washington wasn’t some great civil leader either. He’s one among many founding fathers who owned slaves. He was nothing more then a popular frat boy of his time. Going out, getting drunk, and everybody loving him. But they all justified it as black people being 3/5ths of a man.
Then a few decades later they start having issues with native Americans. We can’t get their side of the history, because they’re all dead.
My long rambling point is this. At no point have we been the actual good guys of history that people want to assume we are. I’m supposed to salute a flag that send tens of thousands of American citizens to their death in Vietnam, and then ignored the lifelong health issues brought back by survivors as a result of fighting a war as teenagers they didn’t want to be in, all so Johnson wouldn’t “appear weak” in the upcoming election.
I’m supposed to take off my hat as the national anthem is played to salute a flag that wouldn’t give 9/11 firefighters and volunteers the healthcare needed until a comedian from comedy central did the governments job for them and demamded healthcare for them in a very public way.
And now this. Certainly not the biggest offense. It won’t be remembered by history. It’s not that important in the grand scheme of things.
But maybe it SHOULD be remembered. Not for the individual series of petty acts that it is, but rather as a symbol of where we are as a people right now.
The straw that broke the camels back as it were. Just the idea that the issues on our state represenitives think about are harassing and bullying other Americans whom are in competition with them career wise.
How can the government POSSIBLY try to preach inclusiveness, and tolerance for all kinds, when THIS is what’s important to them???
They can’t.
So why would I salute a flag that stands for hypocracy, racism, and hate? Not just “in the begining”. It started in the begining, and continues to this day. That’s what that flag stands for. That’s why I’m not a patriot.
I always thought it was funny the inspiring poem engraved on one of our most treasured national monuments was made by and sent by the French. We can’t even fake it on our own 🙄
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The Republican representative, Mary Morrissey, 67, confessed to dumping water in the bag
Just to make it crystal clear that this woman is, in fact, an adult.
Just to make it crystal clear that this woman is, in fact, an adult.
At least on paper.
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Isn’t there a requirement for mental sanity among elected officials? (in the medical sense) Because can’t this easily be constructed as a sure sign that she suffers from dementia? Or well, her colleagues do?
You can be petty as fuck without having dementia.
Huge leap there buddy
Also I don’t think there is such a requirement, since most of them have an imaginary friend.
In the same sense that an 18 year old highschooler is.
Except most highschoolers aren’t bigoted fascist cockroaches.
it’s nearly gone back around at this point into “grandma’s been on one recently, do you still have any of that xanax?”
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She and Carroll both represent the city of Bennington, about 25 miles outside of Manchester. Morrissey has served 13 terms in the Vermont legislature while Carroll has served two.
Carroll told the Guardian that Morrissey had poured cups of water into his bag since January.
Carroll says he first suspected Morrissey as she had been “nasty” to him for several months despite the two knowing each other since childhood and even attending the same church.
Christ in a bucket, what a crazy bitch.
Jesus, is every single Republican lawmaker a complete piece of shit these days? I’ve often felt like the party that is all about tax cuts for the rich and making sure no one gets a handout attracts a disproportionate number of terrible human beings, but once upon a time I felt like a lot of them were decent, wrong-headed people. Now I’m not sure I can name a single Republican who seems like a decent human being. Maybe Liz Chaney is mostly there? So many are like cartoon villains.
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It’s not at all a surprise that some of the earliest MAGA alarmists were Holocaust survivors
it takes time for fascist propaganda to build inertia
Very much so and that’s one of the great lessons of the last 8 years. Yet we still have people saying “it hasn’t happened yet”.
It’s pretty hard to be a good person while denying the working class medical benefits.
Or a living wage, or a decent education.
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That is very on par for republican behaviour. They’re bullies that never grew up.
So they’re doing the right thing and banning her from public office ever again right? We don’t need petty insane bullies dictating policies. Though if that were the case, there would be no republicans left.
That’s crazy, that sounds exactly like something a republican politician would do.
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man if this is the only fucking thing republicans did i might actually think they were funny.
One of my good friends was raised Republican and actually worked for the California Republican Party until he finally got so fed up with their shit he finally rejected politics overall and started homesteading. (I.e. when he broke ties with his freakshow parents.)
From his time there he would describe the insane shit he experienced. Like the local party leader had an unwritten rule for all meetings: the water pitcher on his table always had to be the most full out of anyone else in the room.
The GOP is weird man.
Lmfao that sounds so fucking Trump
I would bring a bottle of water to refill my own pitcher.
To quote my parents whenever I was being disciplined for something immature, “Act your age, not your shoe size.”
Big Foot spreading propaganda again
Now there’s a ridiculous conspiracy theory I could get behind; shoe sizes aren’t real, it’s all a conspiracy by Big Foot to sell more shoes
Big Foot actually being a catchall term for major shoe manufacturers is one of my new favorite things.
Maybe they started the ape-man Bigfoot rumors to distract people from the true evil of Big Foot.
So, when I was 15, wouldn’t age and shoe size been the same? I find 15 year olds are somehow dumber than 7 year olds…
You wore size 15 shoes at the age of 15?
…did you not? Physically by that age I was pretty done growing. Well. Except my stomach. I’m 40 now, and it keeps growing. But what am I SUPPOSED to do? STOP eating delicious bacon double cheeseburgers!!!
Well…actually, yeah. Turns out theres a new trend males getting colon cancer at younger ages. Look, I accepted that those foods weren’t healthy. But I was always taught that the risk was you get real fat, and have heart problems later in life. NOBODY EVER SAID IT WAS GOING TO BE CANCER!!!
Well, yeah. Turns out cancer. So now I can’t eat my favorite foods as much. Like…drastically cut them out of my life. So instead of 3-4 cheeseburgers a day, now I have like one a month…and I went a whole year without them.
Guys. I think the FDA is letting things slip when my doctor went through 80-90% of my grocery shopping reciept and said “All of this needs to go. Most things pre-packed at the grocery store needs to go. I’m not even a fan of these cereals you bought.”
God dammit, food. Why are you so delicious, but want to kill me? I just want to eat a hot dog injected with a glazed donut, fill the donut hole with a bite size snickers (sooooo …after shrinkflation, basically a regular size bar), deep fry the whole thing as a corndog, and feel all warm inside as I somehow don’t develop diabetes…which is weird, because I’m fatter than my dad, who has diabetes, yet somehow my blood sugar is healthier. Even my doctor is like “You ate HOW much sugar, and have healthy blood sugar??? Dafuq???”
I don’t understand it either.
this is by design
they allow small amounts of poison in food, then explicitly tell people it’s poison through the media
there are articles about how people use energy drinks mysteriously die sooner while the ingredients iinclude B-12 in a form bonded to cyanide
there are too many people on the planet, it’s causing global warming, and we need to find any way possible to reduce the population so we are less likely to all die
this is a very fair way of doing it. cigarettes will kill you, don’t smoke them, available in stores everywhere. YOLO, keep drinking until you get liver failure. why not have some delicious highly processed fake food with gut bacteria killing preservatives that will fuck your stomach microbiome? all of the poisons take years to kill you because frogs boiled slowly don’t jump out of the pot
it’s awful but at least fair. we all get to “choose” and I put that in quotes because free will doesn’t exist. I say this as someone who consumes poison and can’t entirely stop despite knowing the consequences.
a good rule of thumb: if it’s processed, it’s poison, if it won’t rot within a week unrefrigerated, it’s poison, if you feel very high and happy immediately following consuming it, it’s poison
it’s hard because the right thing to do is drink water and eat vegetables and legumes and fresh things… but it’s hard because they have made food in a way in which addictive drugs are integrated into the food, and it’s not called that
i know that coffee is for stupid people, but i drink it anyway because im addicted. i end up in pain and miserable and just say “fuck it” and it makes my health worse.
That frog thing is false btw
This is some highschool mean girls shit.
Nah. Junior high at best, seems closer to elementary school though to me.
Yeah, if this was highschool she’d be going down on his crush when she knew he’d walk in on them.
Man I should have gone to your high school
Everything about modern Republicans screams middle school.
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This is when they all peaked, so it makes sense.