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Martyrs are dead
For the literal definition of a martyr, yes. For the political concept of a martyr, definitely not.
Just ask Steve Scalise.
The fucking House Majority Leader.
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He’s not suffered nearly enough.
Stormy Daniels is the fucking martyr.
Hey did they finally find the “good guy with a gun”?
I believe they shot him for trying to stop a criminal. Very sad.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
God damn it… Get some better fuckin’ aim!
Joe sent the orders
Please. If he had, he would have used a professional who wouldn’t have missed.
“HOW COULD YOU MISS” is trending on Xitter.
Don’t worry, Musk will doubtlessly jump in to protect his fellow fascist and ban the tag.
Okay. Anyone know a professional?
This isn’t helping though. We’ve actually been very fortunate so far that the pro-fascism candidate has been such an incoherent idiot.
Trump is a symptom, not the cause. Attacking him physically like this only makes our problems worse.
Then again, would they find a successor as easily? After all, trump has a personality cult around him. Sure, the rational people don’t like him, but do they have to?
I don’t think they would have any trouble. De Santis already tried, and probably would’ve succeeded if Trump hadn’t ran again.
It’s not so easy to destroy a dead man.
The Peronists in Argentina are still successful 50 years after Juan Peron’s death in 1974.
It was a joke.
Yeah I know, you’re not the type to advocate for violence. It was just a good comment for me to post under.
They missed the head
Would it have made a difference if they didn’t?
Nothing inside anyway.
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Or would that have been the lucky outcome after what might happen with a sympathy vote?
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Ours? No. But I’ve never voted for a Republican in my life.
Ears are part of heads…
Oh, barely. An ear is basically a pull tab for the human face. One good yank’ll do.
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It would either need Trump to have impeccable timing, despite being barely able to walk down a ramp unassisted, or rely on the shooter being able to just barely clip Trump.
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He would have to have impeccable timing still. Lifting his hand just as the gunshots ring out? I doubt Trump has the response time to consciously do that.
Some reports say he was hit by glass from the teleprompter.
This doesn’t look like him acting to me, I doubt the old man would be able to pull it off.
Also, there’s two confirmed dead so far:
Butler County District attorney told the Associated Press (AP) that a shooter was dead and that a rally attendee had also been killed.
Thank you for answering; I hadn’t seen the confirmation yet.
Just because the head is filled with beans doesn’t mean it’s not a real head.
Well, this event will definitely be exploited by Trump’s team and he will be strengthened. Just like happened with Bolsonaro and the stab.
Unfortunately I think Trump will be reelected.
TMZ has reported that he was struck by glass from the teleprompter and not directly shot/grazed:
Wait he bothers with teleprompters for these rambling sessions?
Gotta make sure he hits all of
Putinshis talking points.
He was bleeding.
If it bleeds…
It isn’t pregnant?
She’s a woman?
Or maybe it was ketchup from a hamburder
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That’s not the way
A guillotine would be more fitting but it’s the thought that counts 💜
how bad does it have to get before violence is acceptable? Before or after one is in the concentration camp?
Vote, don’t murder
And if you lose the vote to not go to the concentration camp?
And if the fascist gets voted in? Then can we murder?
Popular vote doesn’t count in the presidential election in case you forgot.
The ballot box is one of the four boxes, yes.
This assumes that the upcoming election will be in any way fair.
There is an organized effort to undermine the elections using the lessons learned from 2020, all based on getting this orange jackass back in office so he can use the immunity granted by him and his party’s SCOTUS hacks.
I look forward to you opinion when states start to refuse to accept the results of their votes when they don’t go Republicans.
Ask WW2 vets about how they treated white supremacist fascists. We’ve softened on them as a society.
Seems like this is the kind of lesson that needs to be re-learned every few generations, and the last time was a few generations ago.
You mean aside from the WWII vets that were white supremacists?
Well, the other way hasn’t been working, has it?
You’d feel the same way if it was your preferred candidate?
It’s not the way.
My prefered candidate isn’t a fascist.
Find a way that works to eliminate fascism, then we’ll talk. Until then, stop enabling them.
Wait, are you saying I’m enabling fascism by not advocating political assassination?
Advocating and disparaging are not the only two options.
Uh, okay, are you saying I’m supporting fascism because I’m disparaging political assassination?
Advocating against assassination of an open fascist?
Yes, you are enabling fascism.
Fascists work to undermine the social contracts of tolerance and nonviolence and are therefore not protected by them.
Republicans have stacked the courts and SCOTUS recently ruled that presidents can freely commit whatever atrocities they want in office.
Since that ruling Trump is organizing a plan for retaliation similar to all of the worst authoritarian regimes.
This way is fine.
There’s no high road to take with this guy. He should get over it
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with this, i think we can say now that donald trump winned
Sadly yes. I think Trump will win.
Post-Election Edit: I was right :(
All the mods are going to have a fun time justifying removing all the calls for killing Trump after allowing all the “let’s do guillotines” comments since forever.
To those wishing the shooter had better aim - imagine what that might unleash from the right? They already did Jan 6. Just think about what they’d feel justified in doing if someone killed Trump.
To others on the fence - stop to think for a moment that those wishing for his death might be well aware of the above and in calling for the death of Trump, they know exactly what the response from the right would be and that may be their point in making such comments.