The phone number at my home growing up as a child. The building is gone, the phone is gone. The number remains.
I was talking with my wife about that a couple weeks ago, how I can remember my childhood home phone number, but don’t even know my own actual phone number.
Me too. Back then you had to know your numbers by heart and thats the only one I still know.
It did help that it was only 4 digits after the area code
Your city only has 4 digit phone numbers??? Where do live??? The place phones were invented???
(That joke would play better if everyone knew where phone numbers were first installed, and I could just say the city name…ok, let me try something else)
Where do you live??? In Alexander Gram Bell’s living room???
Germany in the 1980’s. In the first few years we even had to share the line with our upstairs neighbours, their number was one removed from ours.
But four digit numbers were pretty common back then.
Ah yes, good ol phone number of 1
ETA: Why’d you downvote me? Did I accidentally dox you?? Fine, we’ll pretend like your phone number is 2
Same here. Also my grandparents and a few others. Ironically I can’t recall any numbers besides my own these days
This is useful for passwords though a 11 pretty random string of numbers to add to the end of a passphrase
a.k.a. salting
0118 999 881 999 119 725 … 3
Well that’s easy to remember !
What’s so difficult about remembering 911?
My ICQ number
Your what?
ICQ, one of the first messengers. Every user had a unique number, like phone numbers today.
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
The produce codes for bananas, green grapes, red grapes, and cucumbers, from my first job 28 years ago.
I still remember the codes for the two different chicken patties McDonald’s had while transitioning from one to the other. We were desperate to get the old one out of the system but you could only do so after it was unused for 90 days. I went as far as renaming it so that it would be obvious for order takers not to use it.
X equals negative B
Plus or minus the square root
Of B squared minus 4AC
All over 2A
Sang to the tune of pop goes the weasel.
I haven’t done pre-calc in like 10 years, but this song still lives rent free in my head.
I learned similarly but to the tune of the Flintstones theme.
“Neg B / Plus or minus / Square root of b squared minus 4AC / It’s all / Over 2A / That’s the quadratic formul-ee” (to rhyme with 4AC).
You can also do it to the chorus of Rollin’ in the Deep. I teach both to my Algebra students.
"Why, Mr. Anderson, why?
Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting?
Do you believe you’re fighting for something, for more than your survival? Could you tell me what it is, do you even know? Is it freedom or truth? Perhaps peace. Could it be for love?
Illusions Mr. Anderson, vagueries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose.
And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love…
You must be able to see it Mr. Anderson, you must know it by now. You can’t win, it’s pointless to keep fighting!
Why Mr. Anderson, why?! Why do you persist?!"
Typed from memory.
That was a fun read
Jenny, I’ve got your number.
I before E, except after C, and when rhyming with “a,” as in “neighbor” and “weigh.”
Useless because it’s wrong.
It works for most words that aren’t weird
I see what you did there.
deleted by creator
What difference does that make?
deleted by creator
ohh, I thought you were making an “a” vs “ay” distinction.
I learned it exactly like them, with neighbor and weigh excluded. It is vague, and your interpretation isn’t wrong though. I’ve included parentheses, if that helps.
I before e, except [(after c) or (as sounding like a, as in neighbor and weigh)]
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1st Samuel 2nd Samuel 1st King 2nd Kings 1st Chronicles 2nd Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther job psalms proverbs Ecclesiastes song of songs Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habbakuk Zephaniah Haggai Zachariah Malachi
I’m pretty sure I can do the New testament also but I think you get the point.
Something something Bible. I have no idea what any of this means.
It’s just the list of the books of the old testament.
I went to a Christian School and one of the tasks one quarter was to memorize them and recite them.
After you’ve done it a handful of times you realize that there is a rhythm or a cadence to the words and it’s easier to memorize them by memorizing the cadence then it is by memorizing the words themselves.
What a useless thing to teach to children. By reciting the names you still don’t know anything about the content.
I’m sorry they made you do that.
Not actually reading the content was the point. If you don’t read it, you won’t learn how fucked up it really is.
I’ve read the Bible cover to cover multiple times. There’s a lot of interesting stuff in there, things that don’t make sense in modern times, things that are practically infeasible in the modern world, miracles that haven’t been repeated or verified by any measure.
I have many criticisms of modern Christianity, but I still believe in the basic tenets.
Do unto others as you would have God do unto you, or rather (do unto others as they would have done unto them the way that you would have God do unto you, e.g. treat people the way they want to be treated so that you have justification to be treated the way you want to be treated)
Psalms 1: “blessed is the man who doesn’t walk in the council of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sin”. To me, that reads as “you’ll be happier if you keep your nose clean and mind your own fucking business”.
However, I cannot abide the concept of original sin. It’s absolute baloney. If we are little gods and we are made in the image of god, we are pure beings born into a corrupt world, not corrupt beings living in what should be a perfect world.
However, that does not diminish the sacrifice of Jesus christ, he died to “cross the gap” for us between where “the rising ape meets the falling angel”, so to speak, but we are all charged to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
I believe that there will be people of all races and religions (and absences of religion as well) in heaven, because I believe that God cares a whole lot more about what you do than who you love or what you worship.
My argument for that belief is that modern Christians believe that if you do not accept Jesus Christ you definitely go to hell, no ifs ands or buts.
I’m native American. There are at least 1500 years of my ancestors who never heard of Jesus, never had the chance to hear of Jesus.
If Jesus is the only way then God condemned 1500 years minimum of every single one of my ancestors to eternal hellfire for failing to meet his command when they literally could not meet his command under any circumstances whatsoever.
That would be the act of a monster that must be destroyed.
And forget mormons, they’re just making stuff up, Jesus didn’t come to America.
Therefore I go back to Paul who said that those who do not have the word will be judged by the tenets of their own heart. I also go by the words of Jesus who, in Luke 16 told us to go and make ourself friends of other religions so that when we fuck up we’ve got a fall back plan, and if we do that when we meet God in heaven he’ll say “good job on getting in my dude”.
So yeah, I said all of that to say I’m a fairly heretical Christian but I have read the Bible multiple times back to back and working out my own salvation with fear and trembling has led me here.
Its to help you navigate to the right book when the Pastor says “Open to Revelations 1” and you open to Malachi. It also helps the good little Protestants know that Catholics and Mormons are wrong cause they have extra books. In the context of religious indoctrination it makes sense.
We had a song in Sunday School that was just the books of the Bible. I could hear it in my head while reading your post.
I had to do that too. Luckily I dont remember past the first five.
Aaargh, me too. I can still hear Sister Bernadette singing and see her little spectacled face bobbing from side to side as she taught us the songs.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag…
Of the United States of America…
And to the Republic, for which it stands…
- Johann Gambolputty’s full name.
- Konami Code.
- How to read UPC, EAN, and ISBN bar codes.
- Why Will Hunting shouldn’t join the NSA.
- The Doomsday Method for determining the day of the week given any date after the Gregorian Calendar went into effect.
- Pi to 260 decimal places
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the Retro-Encabulator.
I was going to say Pi to 124 decimal places from Pi day at school.
I also have “Ickle me, Pickle me, Tickle me too” by shel Silverstein memorized. Same with “These woods” by Robert Frost.
I have lots of random facts that I usually only remember when the topic comes up, but all are equally useless
I need a new prefamulated amulite baseplate. Do you know where I could find one?
One surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing? I hear Rockwell sells them.
Proverbs 27:14
“He who blesses his neighbor with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be counted as a curse to him.”Or the updated version:
Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.
Someone tell my fucking kids.
5:30 am comes early.
Coffee. And. Contemplation.
Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun
30 years from now, when McDonald’s brings that back, you’ll be a trendsetter.