Why the hell is every app and program out there just being prude bitches and making porn harder to access?
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The UK law got overturned .
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Ha, I sent a very long and furious email to my (Labour) MP when that law got introduced, basically saying excuse me I’m a woman that squirts, what are you as a fellow woman going to do about a law that says that’s a deviant and obscene act? And got completely ignored - usually I got a generic response from her on other issues, on that I just got tumbleweed.
(And before I get any thirsty messages, I’m menopausal and that bitch has dried up. Nothing to see, move on.)
Good on you for weirding out your MP! Let them know how perverted they should really be in the parliament (they’re your representative after all).
If you make money through ads, you either use one of the few companies that accept porn
I don’t get this one. Why won’t people advertise on porn sites? A people who watch porn less likely to be customers? Or are they just as good, and there’s a huge market untapped outside of gambling and porn and everyone should advertise their services on porn sites? Or is it that the only companies that are good at figuring out what specific ads to show just refuse, and in an alternate reality where they didn’t you could just as easily advertise on NSFW websites?
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Bro if you’re having a hard time finding porn on the Internet, the problem is you!
Advertisers don’t like it, and won’t advertise where there’s porn. Advertisers pay for most of these websites’ existence. They capitulate to the demands.
Every porn site I’ve ever been too is loaded with ads so they can’t be too bad. I will admit almost every ad is for other porn sites/scams
Christ, man! LibreWolf/Fennec with uBlpck, please!
Don’t forget about payment processors like visa that can enforce restrictions on NSFW content
What kind of gourmet shit are you hunting for?
Gourmet shit, obviously.
Scat Apps hate this one simple trick!
You are doing internet wrongly.
-> pornhub.com
-> xvideos.com
An adjacent question that you brought to mind, why are people so intent on using “apps” for everything. It feels as if browsers have been all but forgotten despite filling the same role, but often better.
On the one hand you’re right, but on the other I feel like a lot of stuff has become browser based (like text editors, code editors, even music editors and perhaps video editors someday), all thanks to Web Assembly and how complex a lot of web apps have become.
It feels like people use everyday stuff through apps, and more complex stuff through browsers nowadays. Roles may slowly invert at some point if it keeps going this way.
Everything that should be an app has become a web page and everything that should be a web page has become an app
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Oh my god this is perfect. That’s exactly the state of things.
Browsers are very capable and can do a lot of things really well, but you can also use ad blockers, and they have some privacy protection. Apps dont
Because a lot of websites still look and function really bad on mobile devices, and a lot of people nowadays only have mobile devices.
Pornhub works fine on a mobile browser, or so they say
I can nether confirm nor deny that. I just know a lot of places do not work.
Because it’s usually a better experience.
Hard disagree. Having everything in one browser app and switching between tabs is much faster than switching apps. If it’s something that does more heavy lifting like a game or file browser or something sure it makes sense to have an app but just consuming content can be done in a browser just as easily.
I can’t even figure out how to open an app on my computer. I can do it on my phone, but the keyboard and screen on there is tiny.
I think a lot of folks are forgetting that Visa and MC are prudes and gatekeep money.
Competition is so cutthroat. If you started a new porn service today there would CSAM on your servers tomorrow.
Would it be actionable? Diubtful. Not to say it isn’t happening out there but these incidents are largely competition playing dirty.
I base this on nothing. Welcome to the internet.
I claim you are completely wrong. You clearly have no idea what you are talking. Based on my feelings, so I’m right.
I am actually the world leading exper in being wrong and nuh uh
And I am the world leading expert in yuh uh, so there.
i firmly believe your statement is wrong, so THERE
Edit: i meant your statement about being: world leading expert in being wrong
I have a PhD in being correct
Edit: PhD is the highest degree I know about it’s like x infinity but for education
Edit2: not Xfinity
I guess you assume it would allow user submissions to reduce costs? If it was curated or first party content only I can’t see how that would happen. But I’m sure the profits are worth spreading and enabling csam.
Obviously this is not competitive, because the mainstream has decided the cheapest route is worth the consequences. Unless there’s regulation I don’t see it changing.
Advertising is the big one. Many companies simply don’t want to advertise anywhere where porn is present even if it’s segregated.
Payment processors is the next big one. Most processors won’t service porn sites which makes it hard to collect money for sites with porn. You get stuck with worse service and higher rates.
Legal compliance is another big problem. Lots of countries have lots of different laws and operating a porn website can get you in trouble in places you weren’t aware of if you aren’t careful. You need to verify ages, and consent of both users and models. In some countries simply looking younger than 18/whatever age can be a problem.
Overall if a site has mixed content, it can be much less hassle and much more income to drop the porn if there’s sufficient non-porn content.
It isn’t advertising friendly, that’s why. Also online children protection act or some such law.
Ads for penis enlargement though
A month or two ago I was helping my sister-in-law’s late 60’s father fix his GMC Canyon, and he pulled up a repair video on youtube on his phone. We left it playing as we worked, and then it went to a several minute long ad for penis pills which was awkward as fuck since I wasn’t sure if it was based off his search history or just that he’s an old man and targeted advertising. He also recently got a new girlfriend which muddied the water as I was pondering those two possibilities.
“Would you like a bigger penis? Where would you like it? I can suggest some places…”
Why isn’t it advertising friendly? Is there some reason getting someone to go to your website from a porn site or app is less helpful than getting them to go there from somewhere else?
Please put the NSFW tag on the post.
Then we can talk about the good stuff.
no, then it would be too easy for op to access
Porn is easier to access than it’s ever been, unless you live in a country with heavy internet censorship
I’ve got a few theories:
My guess is that certain companies are concerned about repercussions related to porn related content due to an impending buyout or IPO. Personally I don’t blame them.
Advertisers hate it, payment providers hate it.
Fediverse has recently been attacked by CP spammers, and instances like the one I’m on has actually shut off image sharing all together.
Moderation is a problem globally, even if this content slips through automated filtering there will always be exposure, and always people affected. And unfortunately the tolerance for CP or even copyrighted content is precisely zero due to public backlash and the news articles.
Exactly. There are a lot of sketchy porn related businesses, and porn is ripe with abuse. Also, porn sites have a moderation problem. It is difficult to verify that the videos people upload don’t contain CP (it’s hard to tell someone’s age just by looking at them), rape, if the people actually consented to the video being uploaded etc. PH decided to just delete all non-verified uploaders, and it is understandable why.
A lot of businesses just don’t want to be associated with that, or have to moderate that, or have any involvement. And this also affects their relationship with other businesses.
Are there even sites with user-uploaded content anymore? I feel like it’s only studio content (which is safer, but we miss out on real amateur videos)
A hundred percent.
And enabling NSFW isn’t enough, many people would rather choose what type of NSFW to see.
An yeah, the difference between simulated rpe and rpe doesn’t come across in videos I suspect.
Even without CP, they flood everything, with no respect for topics or categories. Certainly there are times when I don’t want to see porn, but more importantly there are lots of times when I want to be able to find other things
Actually a skill issue.
Seriously, don’t even leave this site, just go to the search bar and look up whatever you’re into, there’s probably a comm specifically for it. Even you sounding freaks.
Completely depends on the instance, many don’t allow NSFW.
M8 search results will show comms from other instances
I don’t know man, maybe it’s my app? Depending on which account I’m signed into when I search it’s different results. 🤷
Your app or account settings might be hiding NSFW results.
It’s likely this, spent a few days wondering where all my pron went, when my phone unlocked in my pocket it had enabled SFW mode :/
My lemmy feed has so much porn that I had to turn on the filter
How do you do that? I thought I had one on, but I still see sooooo much porn that it makes scrolling uncomfortable in public. I have young kids, so I have to make sure they aren’t in the room if I am scrolling cause too often it’s a random obscene naked chick or dick that is really not all that tasteful of an image… lol and no, I am not prude, but the porn on lemmy I have seen is really…subpar lol 😅
If content is still getting through even if you set the filter in your account settings correctly, you can also hide or blur nsfw content on the app you’re using. Most (if not all) 3rd apps out now have a nsfw filter.
Thank you! I’m using connect, but I have noticed it lags on a lot of features. What is a good 3rd party that is the most popular right now.
I’m on IOS so I unfortunately don’t know what to recommend for Android, however my favorite app right now is Thunder, which I believe is cross platform.