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He is not a Republican
Real Republicans are ramping up their opposition to get rid of the MAGA faction lately, and not in a small way.
They still spent 6+ decades spearheading the destruction of workers rights and the middle class. Conservatism is not a political ideology. It is the mental illness of narcissism, religion, and authoritarian plutocracy wrapped in an ideological bow.
May his final resting place be more overgrown with weeds and forgotten than Ivana’s.
If he loses this election, he’ll be buried so fast it will be stunning. Last chance, last gasp, Americans hate a loser.
Most of you are too young to remember Nixon’s fall from grace. And he actually accomplished great things! But yeah, he failed, “Uh, barely knew the guy, wasn’t really ever a supporter, ya know…” It will be like that.
I won’t let go. I’ll hound these MAGA supporters until I die. Anti-vax COVID deniers killed my mother, I’m on a mission. Currently enemies with my neighbor because I turned his brothers into the FBI over their participation in 01/06. We were close friends and he wants to shake my hand over this, call it “only politics”?! Nah. That day shook me more than anything has in my 5-decades, I’m out for blood. I’ll take a tire iron to those boys if they ever visit my block, be it 20-years from now.
Oh that would be poetic. Bury him right next to it.
He’s polling within the margin of error in all the battle ground states. Far too many Americans agree with all of this, because it promises to comfort the comfortable and only afflict the weakest and most vulnerable.
Pro-Life policies are about controlling young women in the same way our labor policy is about controlling the working class and our criminal code is about protecting corporate property at the expense of human life.
VOTE, and check your voter registration monthly now at
Weekly. They’re going to start pulling out all the stops to suppress votes, you need to catch it as early as possible if they cut you from the rolls.
“We’re pro-whatever the last people who gave me money say we’re pro.”
Nah. It’s whoever is standing in front of him. He makes it up as he goes along
And he doesn’t even remember all of his lies anymore. Which is why he constantly trips up
Oh man I saw that thing the other day where he was spouting on how once hes in people are going to see their grocery bill go way down and they will buy a little house. How did so many folks become so stupid so quickly. My mind kept filling it in for them and you will go to your flying car to work your 3 day a week job for 5 hours. Seriously this guy ran once on make america great again, had his full term, and did not make it happen. Now hes running on the same and just spouting how fairy tale he will make everything.
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Does that mean illegal immigrants are job creators?
I mean if he did say just try with the energy bills it would be one of the more honest things he has said.
This dude is literally campaigning for the rest of his life and fumbling… badly. Just go to jail and take your fascist ideologies with you.
Don’t let him get out like Hitler and regroup. He needs to stay in jail!
Translation: My fat orange traitorous ass is going to jail if I don’t get elected, I will tell you dipshits whatever you want to hear so you’ll get me elected so I can stay out of jail and grift this country some more.
When they’re done making abortion banned at the Federal level, they’ll go after all other forms of contraception.
Their goal is poverty stricken cheap labor wage slaves.
Hence minimum wage remains stagnant and inflation runs rampant
Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!
Yeah basically. His Russian & Chinese handlers need him elected to cut aid to Ukraine and hopefully cause a civil war, the billionaires funding him expect some returns on their investments, and Trump himself desperately needs to win to stay out of jail.
At this point he’s going to pander as hard as he can, and will most assuredly play as dirty as possible.
Doublethink is the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time, a result of political indoctrination by the Party. - source, as if needed
On one hand, I think 1984 would be pretty fun to teach now. On the other, I remember dealing with dipshit parents before I retired, so probably not.
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Say whatever “you” want to hear. Classic
Hell hes not even pro letarian
What trump is/does typically has nothing to do with what trump says. Good rule of thumb, they are actually often the exact opposite of one another. More and more, he’ll say both things - he only intends to do the bad one. And when I say him, I mean the adults at the Heritage Foundation. Because trump is an evil, vindictive, incompetent child who couldn’t not shit the bed, even if his life depended on it.
Can you take a person seriously who would genuinely say or think, “oh, but trump said he would…”