• @ameancow@lemmy.world
    1377 months ago

    This should show everyone clearly, unambiguously, without a doubt that conservatives in America have zero idea what progressivism or leftism is about at all.

    It’s just words to them. They do NOT care. It’s WWE wrestlemania. They want to paint their faces and get swept away in a stageplay and die as heartbroken as the hero if they don’t succeed and make all their enemies pay.

    We need to like, mass-spam the entire Midwest america with historical romance novels with bodice-ripping sex scenes. I think if more guys just got lost in that shit, we would have a lot less tension and pain in the world.

    • @rottingleaf@lemmy.world
      107 months ago

      We need to like, mass-spam the entire Midwest america with historical romance novels with bodice-ripping sex scenes. I think if more guys just got lost in that shit, we would have a lot less tension and pain in the world.

      Doing that to somewhat compensate for harm from romantic chatbots and porn would be absolutely beneficial.

  • BarqsHasBite
    797 months ago

    Unfortunately in this case, it’s projection. The right falls in line and they accomplish stuff because of that. The left could really learn from that.

    • @djsoren19@yiffit.net
      507 months ago

      The right falls in line because they’re fascists who are afraid of thinking for themselves. Diversity of thought causes discourse, that’s a natural fact, but it should be celebrated as a strength. Looking for leftists to shut up and fall in line is like peak “enlightened centrist” thinking.

      • BarqsHasBite
        117 months ago

        There’s fascists, american monarchists, libertarians, religious nuts, the rare fiscally conservative, the 2A’ers, etc.

        Who said “leftists to shut up”? Not me. You can bemoan the 2 party system all you want, but it’s what’s here. The way for the left to be actually effective in achieving at least some of its goals is to give Dems consistent and overwhelming victories.

    • @Aermis@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      They definitely can. It’s been off putting lately that the left has a check list that I have to hit every mark on to not be seen as a right winger.

      There are leftist who are Christian. There are leftists who are against abortion, but understand that education and reproductive health (including allowing abortions) is an important and productive way to reduce abortions, instead of bans. There are leftists who are still traditional, holding morals and ethics that aren’t fluid but also not rigid.

      No one is truly happy about their political choices. Except for the insane 1/3 of Americans on the Maga train maybe.

      • @actually@lemmy.world
        47 months ago

        The 1% of American politics who are ignored, Look for the pouty guy in the corner of a democratic campaign stop and you found him

      • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
        17 months ago

        It’s relative. Left of center is what most people mean when they say “the American Left” (ie, EVERYONE who doesn’t consider themselves wing or neutral, from centrist dems to communists and anarchists). What YOU folks call “the Left”, most Americans would call “the extreme Left”. Not extreme as in your ideas are extremist, but as in you’re just a tiny minority waaaay out there beyond what most people left of center believe.

    • @Halliphax@lemmy.world
      47 months ago

      A lack of free and critical thinking is probably the reason the Right have such an easy time falling in line with whatever their figurehead happens to be peddling at the time.

  • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
    457 months ago

    If the left were even a fraction as organized as claimed, Bernie would have blown the primary out in 2016 and ridden into the whitehouse with solid majorities in both houses.

    It honestly roils me how impotent the left is, because an active organized left could grab this country by the balls and drag it into a whole new era, but all we have is a million headed hydra with each neck pulling in a different direction because nobody can get over themselves for long enough to fall in line behind a common objective.

    • @phx@lemmy.ca
      167 months ago

      Yeah, a lot of the stuff that the “Left” fails on seems to be because it hits “well it’s not exactly perfect and good for absolutely anybody do we’re not gonna do it”

      Whereas the “Right” is basically ‘well it came from my guy so… seems good’

      • @bestagon@lemmy.world
        17 months ago

        I think we’re also over-estimating the strength of the left in the US. I think a century of propaganda and witch hunts is still weighing on the prospects of anything overly pro-labor making it to the mainstream.

    • Doom
      67 months ago

      They’re poor that’s why.

      Uneducated, low resources, no time, no money or means.

        • Doom
          47 months ago

          That’s still working class. It isn’t wealth it is life. Wealthy people have time, working folk don’t. Can’t educate or organize the same and certainly don’t have financial capacity to act.

          Many middle class folk do not have friends, a place to entertain or amass others or time.

          Not saying impossible just that is why I think we have issues there, the progressive folks are busy holding society together. Too busy to organize.

    • @Marleyinoc@lemmy.world
      07 months ago

      The Democratic party is still controlled by the rich just like the GOP. Different rich people, possibly with better morals, but they’re still protecting their financial interests even when it isn’t beneficial to the progressive policies they claim to support. So it wasn’t “the Left” that ended up letting Trump win and fucked us for generations with a corrupt SCOTUS but the rich donors controlling the Democratic party.

      • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
        27 months ago

        Yeah because all those people that had zero turnout energy during the primary were actually paid off by the rich. That’s why they didn’t vote in the primary!

        Fuck right off with this DNC conspiracy bullshit. Progressives owe their cause turning out, you don’t get to blame everyone else for not doing the revolution for you while you’re sitting on the couch instead of doing the literal barest minimum to actually materially support what you claim you believe in.

        Fuck your words. Give the cause your actions, or can your empty platitudes about how it’s everyone else’s fault your side refused to vote.

  • ???
    457 months ago

    The Left as a single monolith is the work of fiction.

            • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
              07 months ago

              Ok, this guy sounds like a right wing moron, but he’s got a point. Among a lot of Leftists, ideology is fairly religious, especially the ones waiting for some revolution to broadly remake society. Or the accelerationists pushing for a purifying apocalypse.

                • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                  17 months ago

                  Yeah. It’s got purity tests to separate the faithful from the nonfaithful. It has vicious infighting about heretics/apostates. It’s got a series of myths about a revolution and then a promised land.

            • @Noel_Skum@sh.itjust.works
              -47 months ago

              Evangelism doesn’t only apply to those who push the story of that West Bank-ian born guy with the Mexican name… but I did wonder whether to wordswap before posting.

                • @Noel_Skum@sh.itjust.works
                  -17 months ago

                  Thanks. Now I’m having an existential crisis about whether an Encyclopaedia of Deities would be filed under Reference or Fiction. Animism is something I don’t know about; but each to their own I suppose. I remember one girl saying it was tantamount to paganism but the reception she got suggested the room didn’t agree with her. I can’t really comment.

    • @rottingleaf@lemmy.world
      57 months ago

      Yeah, I once got interested like a bored person with a special interest in 70s sci-fi, Asimov, Star Wars, Wiener’s “Cybernetics”, all those aesthetics. Because leftist ideologies are kinda associated with them.

      You come to trots, they seem fine and tolerant (they even consider tolerance and humanism as their main difference from stalinists), until you mention anarcho-syndicalism as something normal or ask questions (in the spirit of normal brainstorm) about the ideal society they describe in their articles. Here they either become hostile or ghost you.

      Cause it’s their (trots) fucking religion that every cook can guide a state, that a military of a trot state looks like every adult having a gun at home, and in case of war them all assembling, making a shot each and going home (quoting that Swiss joke).

      And that their direct democracy and planning system too should not be really designed. Some “modern technologies” will do that.

      They are just not interested in discussing how to actually build that shit. Only in the daily activity of a couple of obscure trade unions and in hating “the rich” or/and “the bourgeoisie”.

      You come to ansyns, they react like “you’re already one of us if you want, now get off us, we’re not interested in that shit”.

      You come to ancoms, admittedly some conversations are interesting, but talking specifics with them is like Napoleon going into Russia - the conversation seems to be going on, but you’re increasingly feeling that you’re getting lost without gaining anything.

      You come to stalinists, they tell you your opinions will be considered when they kill everyone they don’t like.

      You come to usual left anarchists and may get a good conversation occasionally, but in the end realize that they are mostly interested in their hydroponic farms.

      YMMV, but I don’t see much consolidation.

  • @doggle@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    377 months ago

    Every time a right wing pundit talks about the left wing hive mind it’s a clear tell that they have no understanding of their political rivals at all…

    • @xhrit@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      “The united front tactic is simply an initiative whereby the communists propose to join with all workers belonging to other parties and groups and all unaligned workers in a common struggle to defend the immediate, basic interests of the working class against the bourgeoisie.” - 4th World Congress of the Communist International

      Basically the thing Trump does where he hears some antiquated information and then his brain re-interprets it into a pre-school level understanding.

      • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        37 months ago

        Ah yes “please for the love of shit stop fighting each other and fight the people we all agree are the problem instead” “see the left has always been unified”

  • @paddirn@lemmy.world
    367 months ago

    That sounds like something somebody would say if they knew absolutely nothing about the Left (or were just trying to scare/motivate their own base). The Left are ok-ish at organizing when they’re motivated enough, but they can barely agree on anything and will find any excuse to get into a fight with each other. You’ve got people on the Left willing to virtue-signal about Israel, vote third party and lose the presidency to Trump, a candidate who would make things demonstrably worse for Palestinians and would likely increase aid to Israel and remove any lukewarm constraints that the current administration is limp-wristidly raising. Meanwhile, Republicans will overlook any of the hundreds of things wrong with their candidate and compromise any values they’ve had, just to elect the biggest shit stain in history because they know he’ll make the other side feel bad.

      • Angry_Autist (he/him)
        7 months ago

        Look, look… both of you make excellent points but I think the real important common goal is a better life for everyone and I will fistfight both of you until we all agree or some fascist assnugget comes by and makes us forget our pedantry.

        • @Red_October@lemmy.world
          127 months ago

          Since nobody here has said anything about IMPROVING life for everyone, only making life better and other “Better centric” topics, I’m going to throw my vote in a shredder and actively tell everyone how awful you are.

          • Angry_Autist (he/him)
            27 months ago

            I might be infuriated by your empty symbolic act, but I’m going to make DAMN sure you have every right to do it.

            • @Red_October@lemmy.world
              97 months ago

              You still haven’t said anything about Improving life, so now I’m going to vote for the person who wants to throw me into a wood chipper, as a protest.

              • Angry_Autist (he/him)
                27 months ago

                To be more realistic, in that case you would vote for the wildly irrelevant 3rd party ruskpuppet of the week in smug superiority

    • Somewhere…a gaggle of dickless, peaked-in-highschool, douchenozzles wearing underarmor fReEdOm tshirts popped a blood vessel in their eye from getting so enraged that someone suggested minorities get closer to the number of rights and freedoms they have.

  • db0
    197 months ago

    Funnily enough, many online leftists think something similar is true for the right.

    • @PugJesus@lemmy.world
      847 months ago

      The right may not have great organization, but they have an astounding ability to put their blinders on for the Ten Minutes’ Hate when it’s called for. The right’s problem is that when they smell blood in the water, THEN the unity falls apart. It’s power games for them.

      Parts of the left, or what passes for it in this country, would prefer martyrdom to cooperating with heretics.

      • db0
        7 months ago

        This is because “the left” tries to unite groups that ultimately are at odds with each other. Anarchists of all types work very well with each other usually, but not with Auth left because they have bad praxis and care about being in control of the movement. Likewise it’s difficult to align with social democrats who think electoralism and reformism is a solution and stifle direct action.

        Likewise Auth left and social democrats tend to infight, even within themselves, because their hierarchical praxis causes power play friction.

        • @WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
          197 months ago

          It’s simpler than that - the left has principles, while the right has unity and message discipline driven by deference to authority, a victim complex fear, hate, and thirst for power.

          • db0
            27 months ago

            You’re mistaken that the right is unified. The fight among each other quite a lot. They can only manage to unite under a charismatic strongman, but quickly fall into infighting when that falters.

            • @WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
              17 months ago

              They’re not unified, they’re unified …now?

              The fact that they have conflicting ideologies (e.g. Nazis and Zionists as I said below) and continue to push in the same direction is pretty straightforward evidence of this.

              The unification pre-dates Trump - the rise of the tea party saw ideological rifts, but they all fell in line when the time came. Bush wasn’t a charismatic strongman… nor was McConnell for that matter.

              • db0
                07 months ago

                You only think they’re pushing in the same direction because you’re on the outside looking in. As the op points out, they think the same about leftists.

                • @WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                  17 months ago

                  What issues is the left actually coordinated on? The non-specific “weird” narrative. Access to reproductive healthcare maybe.

                  Where is there meaningful dissent on the right?

                  • It’s not the obvious “stolen” election bullshit

                  • Even the Nazis are backing Israel

                  • They’re fighting regulation of firearms

                  • They’re all pushing for austerity broadly

                  • They want to restrict immigration

                  • They want to deregulate companies

                  • They want to outlaw trans people

                  • They broadly support Russia with a bit of surface-level sabre-rattling

          • @frezik@midwest.social
            27 months ago

            Right. It doesn’t take long to find reasons that conservatives should be divided. Libertarians hyper-capitalists only care about taxes and eliminating government regulations, but are happy to ally with Christian Dominionists. Christian Dominionists, in turn, would only benefit from bringing traditionally black and latinx churches under their philosophy, but they’re also allied with racists who only care about religion and libertarian hyper-capitalism if it provides a way for white people to dominate all others. You can categorize any given conservative by which policy they choose when a contradiction comes up.

            None of these groups fit together at all, and there are obvious contradictions between them. Racists will happily add regulations that black people can’t sit in the same diners as white people, which the libertarians ought to hate. Libertarians end social programs that help people, which Christians ought to hate. They’re masters of ignoring all that to get their party into power.

              • @frezik@midwest.social
                17 months ago

                That one may be less contradictory than you think. Depends on the brand.

                Historically, there were many Christian Zionists who thought “we should give the Jews their homeland so we can kick them out of Europe”. Likewise, certain white nationalists argue that every race should have their own homeland (granted, this may be a ploy more than a real conviction), and Bibi often finds himself in friendly company there.

                • @WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                  17 months ago

                  Reasonable, but understanding that doesn’t solve for the core “sinister Jewish cabal” narrative, I think it comes down to simple ideological alignment - far-right fascist autocracy with genocidal tendencies. There’s not much they disagree on.

        • @j_overgrens@feddit.nl
          97 months ago

          I take great offense in you saying that tankies and socdems infight, lol. (I mean, I get it, they are both statists, but I feel on a emotional level most socdems feel more for anarchism than for leninism.)

          • @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
            117 months ago

            I would be an anarchist if I weren’t socdem. The problem with anarchism is that it only works on a very small scale, where people know each other well enough to work on mutual understanding. That wouldn’t work on a very large scale due to people having their own ideas. I was told before that anarchism is basically the norm for most of human history and thus it could be implemented. Well, look around, aren’t we already living in anarchism under the nation-state model? Even though there is the United Nations, most of their power is non-binding and could easily be ignored by a more powerful member. And thus we are already living in anarchism; and it’s not working as idealised.

            • @Crismus@lemmy.world
              57 months ago

              I’m more anarchistic in personal beliefs but am willing to embrace social democrats to get some benefit.

              The idea of the greatest social good for the largest group is more important than trusting everyone to follow the correct policies when given power. I also personally think that state power is incompatible with anarchist beliefs.

            • db0
              27 months ago

              anarchism isn’t the lack of rules. Nor is it many little kingdoms.

          • db0
            77 months ago

            Well if meant to in the context of the occasional big tent movements. I don’t think most socdems think much about anarchists at all except when it comes time to scold us for not voting.

            • @j_overgrens@feddit.nl
              67 months ago

              Yes, and I think that when together in a big tent, socdems would associate more easily with anarchists than with leninists. Especially with syndicalists, for example.

            • @snekmuffin@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              37 months ago

              Was under the impression that most anarchists are aware that voting is still important. like it or not, we are still citizens of some state for the time being, but we can use that to promote useful change or to exercise damage control, as part of the overall praxis arsenal. especially with some organization within your local groups, it can be a good tool.

                • @howrar@lemmy.ca
                  27 months ago

                  How does one then answer the question “If you think elections don’t work, then why do you participate?” by a non-anarchist?

                  You’ve made plenty of good points throughout the article about the problems with the system. I don’t see why that can’t be your answer. There’s no contradiction in acknowledging major problems and still exerting what little influence you do have.

                  But if they “work a little” for an anarchist, certainly they would work a lot for a non-anarchist.

                  How does that logic follow? Assuming you both have the same values and are trying to achieve the same thing, then a solution that works for one person will work just as well for another. The difference in opinions is on which solution will work, not on what you’re trying to achieve.

    • @Blackmist@feddit.uk
      37 months ago

      I’m not particularly far left compared to the Lemmy Lunatics, but I suspect that is far more true for the right than it is for the left.

      I’ve seen people go from “are all these COVID precautions necessary?”, and tumble down a rabbit-hole to “we need to kick the foreigners out, Trump is the best choice for the US, and Russia is entitled to Ukraine” in a matter of months.

      They’re very good at keeping people on message. They grab people on one issue and make them go all-in.

      • db0
        7 months ago

        The liberal to fascist pipeline is a thing ofc, but it doesn’t represent unity of action.