I tried looking around a little and it sounds really scammy to me. All the contact info and domain registrars is listed “redacted for privacy.” Personally the whole thing seems to smell funny to me but I could be wrong. Anyone used or heard of this site before? I just want to make sure my daughter isn’t going to get screwed over

    • JayOP
      286 months ago

      That’s my thought on it as well. I only knew she was on that site a little while ago and right off the bat the address sounded off to me so I started digging in to it only to find that whoever is running it REALLY doesn’t seem to want anyone to know who they are, which is raising all sorts of alarm bells in my head, but my daughter is insisting “lots of youtubers go there looking for jobs.”

      That means nothing to me, because I know how easy it can be to look like a busy legit site when the reality is anything but. And the fact that whoever is running it is actively trying to hide their info is very concerning to me.

      • KingJalopy
        346 months ago

        My brother works for a really big YouTuber and he got the job by answering to videos he put up asking for applicants. As far as I know this website is a scam to get people to do the work for free. Tell her to look for videos that are asking for editors, writers, etc… also check YouTubers websites like Patreon or wherever they might post.

        • JayOP
          176 months ago

          Thanks for the tips. I know she’s been looking at some other places as well and she has gotten a few jobs here and there but nothing major. She’s gone to school for video editing and she’s pretty good at it (fatherly bias kicking in here) but she’s always looking for something to help fill in her time.

          • KingJalopy
            146 months ago

            No problem. My brother went to film school for 4 years and worked on several movies and shows as a PA but it wasn’t his thing. He’s always made YouTube videos about his interests and finally decided that’s where he wants to be. He got incredibly lucky landing this gig but the main reason he did is because of his education background so she has a better shot than most. I’ll ask him today if he has any other resources I could share with you. If he does I’ll let you know. Good luck!

  • @wjrii@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Redacted registrars and contact info at this point just means small-time origins. Most registrars will offer it for free or very cheap.

    Poking around reddit, it appears it’s not a scam per se, but the low barrier to entry on both sides means there’s a lot of low-info/low-budget creators on one side, offering gigs that may not be worthwhile and including a lot of people asking for “samples” or tryouts that seem suspiciously like requests for free work. Then on the jobseeker side there are a lot of unskilled newbies just putting their availability out there.

    Seems like having a profile is not a bad idea, but each specific opportunity would need to be vetted, and anything that smells fishy probably is.

  • @herrcaptain@lemmy.ca
    366 months ago

    I have no idea about the site itself, but having the domain registration showing as private isn’t necessarily a red flag in itself. I do it myself to avoid spam, and it’s a free service offered by many registrars.

    As someone else commented, however, if it feels fishy you’re probably correct.

    • clif
      26 months ago

      Yeah, I still get spam/scam from back in the day when your phone number, address, and email were all public in the whois and it was regularly scraped for targets.

      I tell everyone to do the privacy guard/redaction.

    • JayOP
      86 months ago

      I think she’s gotten a few jobs off there in the past but she’s always on the hunt for better/ more stable gigs. I’ll have a chat with her and find out for sure. Thanks for the tips

  • @Zarxrax@lemmy.world
    146 months ago

    From googling it for a few minutes, it seems to be legit, but as it’s just a kind of marketplace to connect people, there seem to be complaints of a lot of bullshit like fake jobs being posted and stuff.

    If she is serious about editing, it might be a possible first step to find some crappy jobs to help fill out a portfolio.

  • Otherbarry
    6 months ago

    Video editing / post production is the type of work that you need to have contacts in the industry to really get by. So you’d still apply to job postings but after a while the different production crews working on projects will have your info & can book you on future gigs when things go well.

    I am not in that field but have a few friends/family doing it. Traditionally the majority of those type of jobs tend to be in the NYC area or southern California. I know people use Mandy to look for those type of jobs but I’m not too up to date on other places. That yt site you mentioned seems a bit hacky, maybe designed to attract beginner youtube influencer types.